Rogues Gallery – Murder In Drawing Room A, Mystery Playhouse 137. 451011

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Trains provide a comfortable way to travel, and a chance to meet people on those long distance excursions. Rogue meets a woman with an interesting request, she wants him to keep a briefcase safe for her. This won't lead to a corpse, will it? <br> Identical cases offer a prime situation for a mix up, and danger looms when a thug takes Rogues case at gun point. Rogue gets a thump on the head, and set up for trouble by the railroad authorities. Not only the briefcase, but Betty is missing. As the train races through the night, Rogue has his hands full. Betty is a reporter, and the body on board gives her a scoop to phone in to her editor. <br> Meanwhile, Rogue's investigation gets him more thumps on the head. Wow, this guy ought to have a helmet permenantly attached to his skull. Rogue manages to pull all the loose ends together to hand the killer over to the cops along with the case of cash. Minus his reward, of course. <br>