Big Town – Double Murder. 481012

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The story of the big city newspaper, and news man Steve Wilson. Each week the behind the scenes drama of a new headline is presented. In this strange case of double murder, it begins a few months ago on the waterfront where a couple of thugs are dumping a body. <br> Back in the newsroom, star reporter, Lauralai talks to editor Steve Wilson about a missing person case. Guess who's missing? That's right, the body that was just dumped. The woman's twin sister is the one who is bringing up the story to the paper. <br> Steve puts the pressure on the mobsters to shake things up and see what shakes out. His hunch pays off, but as the bodies pile up, he digs himself deeper into danger. Not to mention that at the same time, Lauralai goes out on her own investigation among the seedy characters in the city. Everybody meets back in the newsroom to share notes. <br> With the mobsters on the move, can they be stopped before more people are murdered? Steve has a plan for a trap, but will it work, or will the twin sister just end up dead as well? these are ruthless characters they are dealing with in Big Town. Watch for a last minute plot twist for a happy ending to this crime thriller. <br>