Burns and Allen – George Writes a Newspaper Column. 400923.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The opening joking around covers bases about performing ability, hotels, and publicity. George has decided to write a newspaper collumn and after getting nowhere with Gracie and Senor Lee, he tries to get input from his Harvard educated sound man for story ideas. The Smoothies sing, Thats For Me. <br> The cast members are still giving George a hard time, and offering nothing but jokes for story ideas. Suddenly a break comes, and a gangster is on the loose. Senor Lee sings, Yo Queiro. After George wrote a column on the gangster, the tough guy is coming to look for George. Can he get protection from the cops? Don't count on it. Maybe the cast will help George out. <br> Artie Shaw plays a transitioning tune, then the gangster shows up and George wisely goes into hiding. Desperate, George disguises himself in a dress, but will the racketeer believe that George is Gracie's aunt Clara? I feel a continuation coming on. Stay tuned for the further misadventures of the cross dressing George, especially when the gangster develops a crush on aunt Clara. <br>