Danger Doctor Danfield – Harriet Miller. 460929.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The human mind is like a cave, and psychologist Dr Danfield has the inside scoop to understand it's inside workings. <br> A phone call from a woman has the jealous side of his secretary, Miss Fairfax pumped into high gear. The temptation to dive into the murder investigation is too much. Besides, it involves some friends of Dan's who find themselves in trouble. The police are yet to be contacted, and Dan has a look at the aledged suicide scene with the objective eye of a scientist determined to make a study of it. <br> Human drama escalates to drive his friend harriot to tears. More players emerge on the scene, but Dr Danfield keeps his cool head, and the information only serves to round out his profiles on the players. Does the good doc have the right man to charge for murder? <br> what was the missing element that convinced Dr Danfield of the motive for murder? How did he piece it all together? what are yu doing reading this for? Download the show and enjoy the tangled trip through mobsters, cops, and a web of lies. The doc battles brute force with wits, and dodges personal danger along the way. <br> But wait, there's still a surprise twist as the killer is revealed. <br> PS: with all his insightfulness at understanding the human mind, will Dr Danfield ever make sense of why Miss fairfax has been so catty today? Maybe he has, and will direct some study of her human nature her way. If you know what I mean.<br>