Great Gildersleeves – Gildy Meets Nurse Milford. 490928.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As Gildersleeves is tucking in Leroy for the night, and sending Marjorie off to her room, he decides to call on a lady friend on the spur of the moment. Who can he go out with? Exhausting his list of favorite girlfriends without results, even his fallback of desperation, Judge Hooker, can't do anything with him. Finally he hits on a wrong number, and can't get the sultry female voice on the other end of the line out of his head. <br> At the office the next day, he tries to remember the number he misdialed. Luck is on his side, and he arranges to meet the young woman in his capacity as Water Commissioner. Will something develop between Gildersleeves and nurse Milford? Mom seems to be on his side, and Gildy seems to have had a nice date with his new friend. Things are going very well, almost too good to last. <br> We'll have to stay tuned to see if the busy nurse will be a new person in Gildy's life as the season progresses. <br> Note: Sometimes titled, Wrong Number. <br>