Dragnet – The Big Blonde. 550823.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. <br> Bunko Detail. A con man has taken a married business man for a large sum, and he wants to keep publicity down. <br> A blonde woman has lured him into the trap. The story of how the scam went down is shared, and the cops get busy when a mugshot photo is identified. <br> Auction houses are checked out, and a trap is planned. Listen in and see Joe Friday in action as he pulls off the sting, and turns the tables as the lovely spider finds that her fly isn't what he seems. <br> PS: For someone like the confirmed bachelor that Joe Friday is, it's interesting to see him putting the moves on, and warming up to the opposite sex. Even if it is just to catch a crook. <br>