Gunsmoke – Snakebite. ep227, 560812

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When hardcases ride to town, Matt Dillon has to take their guns away after shooting down a dog. Who owns the animal, and do they want to press charges? <br> There could be trouble with folks taking the law into their own hands. First, Matt heads to the Long Branch to relax with Miss Kitty, and get other angles on the town happenings. Later, one of the hardcases turns up with his throat slit. Did the old man really do the deed? <br> Hicks goes on the man huntwith Matt and Chester, when the old dog owner has escaped from jail. Will Matt finally give the man his gun back? What will they find when they track down the old man, hiding in a cave? Doesn't Hicks know a little too much about the recent corpses that have shown upp in Dodge lately&gt;? <br>