Ozzie and Harriet – The Princes Gift. ep45, 451007

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Though there seems to be more mail for David this morning, Ozzie gets a letter from a friend in the middle east. The prince wants to send a special gift from Arabia. Will it be a precious jewel? A harem of dancing girls? Gloria the maid shares her knowledge on arithmetic and geography. She's expecting a gift of her own from her boyfriend. <br> The package arrives, and oh my goodness, it's a real live camel. How can the Nelson's get rid of the odorous animal? Will the zoo take the critter as a donation? <br> The King Sisters sing, Till the End of Time. <br> The problem of the camel persists, with desperate phone calls made to find a new home for the animal. Should the Nelson's just give their gift back? Would it go against some govern ment protocol, and cause international scandal? A visit frommm snooty neighgor, Mrs Broadstreet offers a moment of comedy before a mistake in the gift is discovered. <br>