Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 You Are There – The Rise Of Alexander The Great – Peace Offer, 331BC. ep66, 490306. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

Alexander the Great decides whether to accept terms of peace with Persia. if he does, the war will be over between the Greeks and the Persians, if not, The Greeks will still have some fierce battles on their ands. CBS reporter, John Daily, is on hand at the site where the Greek and Persian armies have met. He offers commentary as he interviews the key players. The meeting between Alexander and the Persian Ambassador is about to take place to go over terms. In interviewing Alexander, he seems to believe the Persians should offer him the power of the throne. Words get heated as the head of state debates with Alexander, and some of the history of the long standing hostilities are drawn out. Alexander is offered peace for the return of the captives tht the Greeks stole away, the queen mother, and the daughter of the Persian king. The offer also includes marriage to the daughter of the Persian king, and power over half the realm. Impressive, but will it be acceptable? Further interviews with Greek officers reveal that Alexander already holds half the kingdom after all his conquests, and the money and marriage is a non-issueIf Alexander wanted the daughter, he could have taken her as wife at any time. . a CBS Reporter interviews the captive Queen and daughter. The queen mother has some insights to what Alexander really wantsand how his plans have changed over time. Back in Athens, what does the man on the street want? Let's find out as we recieve commentary from a reporter who talks with a local official or two. As you might expect, the attitudes and opinions vary. Back at the peace conference, it appears a decision is about to be announced. It looks like... well, just listen in for the dramatic decision. Here's a hint though. The radio announcer mentioned early on that this is the first part of a trilogy in this saga, so no matter the decision, stay tuned.

 Eddie Cantor – Guest, Humphrey Bogart, Hattie Mcdaniel. 410305. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:54

Ladies foot wear take the stage, and are the target of Eddie's jokes. Hattie McDaniel joins Eddie to joke about her love life with Rochester. Olive Major sings an operetic aria. Humphrey Bogart shares a hard boiled version of the Night Before Christmas in hopes of cheering up the baby that Eddie has had on the show lately. Bogey tells a little about his rough childhood, all fiction of course. Hattie takes care of the baby, and Bogey offers protection. Will that ominous voice dare to make another appearance to threaten Eddie tonight? The Mad Russian enters to take some abuse from Bogey, and give back as he jokes with both Eddie and Bogey. . Dinah Shore sings, Mocking Bird. (I think). Commercial time. Though another phone call comes in to warn Eddie, Bogey helps him handle it. Eddie closes in song, My Kid. Note: Hattie McDaniel may be listed as a guest for the show, but she would be a regular in shows to come.

 Whistler – Decision. 460304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Paul is a doctor who wants the best for his patients, even if it's just to give a placebo to a wealthy woman with nothing really wrong with her. When a sultry, dark haired woman enters, his life is about to change. Mrs Carol Cameron has a husband with a serious heart condition. Will Paul make house calls to tend to the man? With his growing intimate feelings with Carol, Paul continues the in home treatments, until one day it happened. Firmly wrapped around her little finger, she convinces Paul that she only wants to end it all, and put her ailing husband out of his misery. Will Paul go along, and offer a medication that is sure to bring on a heart attack? Will Carol do the deed, even if Paul decides not to? Mr Cameron drops dead, and taking the medicine bottle back to his office, Paul tests the contents. It contained poison, but now what shouldPaul do? He covers up on the death certificate, but will his findings hold up? Will there be an investigation? Suspicious family members and house servants put the prewssure on, and secrets about Pauls love affair with Mrs Cameron emerge. Will his part in the poisoning or cover up be found out as well? The Whistler knows, and tells the twist ending that finds justice being carried out. Note: Features Cathy Lewis and Joe Kearn.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – The McGees Throw A Dinner Party 410304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

Last week everyone in town thought Fibber and Molly were broke. To prove their prosperity, they put on a banquet. Harlowe Wilcox, and Billy Mills drop in, joined by Nick Depopollus. Next Abigail Uppington brings her punch bowl full of... guppies? Don't ask, just listen and figure it out. Old Timer talks about his ailments. Billy Mills plays a tune. Fibber calls to see why Gildersleeve hasn't shown up and chats with Myrt. After Harlow delivers the commercial, Gale Gordon, as the town doctor chats with Fibber. Boomer tosses in a word or two. Gildersleeve finally shows up with extra chairs. Fibber and Molly check on Old Timer's progress in making the ice cream. "Rumba Seat McGee" brags on his dancing prowess. The Kingsmen sing, Ezekiel Saw the Wheel. Back at the party, the guests are getting their fill. Boomer does his trick to make a $20 bill disappear. Hmm... I feel a scam coming on. Teeny slips in to look for her missing dolly. She tells a poem. When the doc declares that she has the measles, the gang all end up quarentined.

 Jack Benny – Murder At Lone Palm. 460303 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:41

Jack reads the gossip column, and gets a kick out of the celebrity gossip. Except for the stuff written about him. Rochester joins in Jack's pondering buying real estate in Palm Springs. Will Jack actually be up for purchasing such expensive property? Frank Nelson is the real estate agent who is ready to give it a try. What kind of features might Jack be able to get for his money? The band plays, The Sweetest Music this Side of the Yukon. But it gets partly garbled and snipped. In the studio, Jack tells the cast about his plan to buy property. Mary teases him about his golf game. After more teasing about Palm Springs real estate, Jack introduces the play and assigns parts to the cast. It's to be a murder mystery, and Jack's swearing in ceremony for his deputies becomes the commercial. Larry Stevens has his song snipped. The play kicks off, Murder at the Lone Palms. The hard boiled spoof goes into high gear with puns galore. Inspector O'Benny is hot on the trail of a murderer, interrupted by his real estate agent at inconvenient times. The clues all seem to point to Mary LaRue, but is there a secret hiding in the closet? Frank the real estate agent falls prey to Jacks frustrating resistance and goes mad. Will O'Benny get his killer? Will Jack Benny get that house for the price he wants? Stay tuned and learn the truth.

 Lone Ranger – The Apache Kid 380302 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:23

Few outlaws were as dangerous as the Apache Kid, an indian who was raised and educated as a white man. This villan has all the warrior skills of an Apache, and the knowledge of the white man's society, putting them together for the most dangerous affect. Tonto and the masked man try to nurse a wounded lawman back to life, but it looks hopeless. A victim of the Apache Kid, he comes around long enough for a message for the Sheriff. The Lone Ranger works with the Sheriff to develop a plan. A trap is set. A mystery needs to be solved. The Lone Ranger is just the man to set things right.

 Show # 875: Guess Who ? The Easy Ones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This weeks show will both challenge and surprise you as Lee goes back into his vault to play early songs of rocks first wave of stars, But this time he has thrown in some really easy ones, so you won't get frustrated. So join in on the fun and take the guess Who ? challenge.

 Command Performance – Eddie Cantor. ep1, 420301. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

Eddie Cantor is the first host on this first episode that will bring top celebrities to the air. All requests come from letters sent in from the troops themselves. The line up includes: * Bea Wayne sings her version of, Chatanooga Choo Choo. * A rebroadcast snip of the recent Joe Lewis fight where he knocked out Max Baer is presented. * Eddie jokes aboutthe the fight, and about Joe going into the military. * Danny Kaye shares a comic and musical glimpse at his life and early beginnings. * Dinah Shore sings, Blues in the Night. * A birthday greeting goes out to a Sergeant then Merle Oberon is requested to be Eddie's leading lady. * An original drama kicks off where Eddie has to break the news to Merle Oberon, that he is to be her next leading man. How will he do it? How will she take it? Jokes on age and beauty are the topic. As part of the fun, the Mad Russian joins in. PS: The show structure set by today would set the stage for all future shows. Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines would pour letters into the show to request stars, or themes for a show, or anything they missed from home, or just wanted to be put in the show. One thing the producers would drop is the birthday mentions. When shows were distributed, they were put on the "Mosquito Network" which meant the recorded disks were randomly distributed by small aircraft that took supplies to front line areas, and there could be no garantee of the date the shows were actually aired to the troops. Another thing that wasn't seen much was the snips of news or sports coverage that was presented in today's show. Maybe the producers figured that news reels were a better vehicle for those things. I'm not sure, but if you know, then drop me a comment.

 Let George Do It – Your Money or Your Life. 490228. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:30

A desperate man has borrowed money from a racketeer, and wants George to help him give the racketeer what's coming to him. The man only wanted the best for his wife and the baby she is having. Now he wants out from under the thumb of the loan shark. It's not just the money, but the oppression that goes along with it. George confronts the racketeer to see what he can learn. Then it's off to his ppolice department friend in homacide, who can't do anything to help since there hasn't been any murders yet. Just some strongarm banking. Brooksie sets her self up as bait to find a weakness with the gangsters. Meanwhile George gets in as a bodyguard for a gangster. Together they put pressure on the racketeer to learn who is at the top of the loan sharking heap. The trail leads from the underworld to a high society mansion. The guy who is mastermind of the organization isn't a guy, but a gal. Would that make her a mistressmind? A Queenpin? Is she untouchable? How can George collapse this house of cards? There's a matter of incriminating letter that George has to get for the proof he needs. To get the proof that he needs, he pits the gang members against each other.

 Phil Harris – Remley Moves In. 490227. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

Lately Frankie has lost his job, and moved in with Phil until he finds other work. Today, Alice is suffering from a headache as she tells how Frankie has taken over the household. Even the girls are missing school so they can do his bidding. The disrupptions are almost enough to make Phil put his foot down. Alice especially complains about Frankie's table manners. Frankie is even making long distance calls to bet on horses. To cover up for his friend, Phil sings that old classic, Row Row Row. Though Alice enjoys Phil's voice, it has aroused the complaints of Frankie. He has ben helping himself to Phils clothes, but has somehow found Alice's instead. When Phil urges Frankie to get a job, patience runs thin. Before Phil can rat on his friend, about his horse racing habits, Frankie butters up Alice and she sings, I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm. Phil is so desperate, he would rather have anybody else live there, almost. Willie enters with a job opportunity, but after Frankie tells of his last work experience it goes nowhere except into a joke. . It's time for the sponsor plug which Frankie resents, but not enough to leave. Alice answers the phone, and finally learns about the horse racing. It's illegal to place bets over the phone, and when a cop shows up, Frankie thinks its just a joke that Phil is playing. Frankie's wisecracks serve only to get Phil arrested.

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Flame Riders. ep56, 520227. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:43

When a prairie fire breaks out, Bill and Jingles have their hands full when a range war breaks out along with it. The gang of masked pyromaniacs are set on burning out the homesteaders. who are they, and what strange activities are brewing in town? Bill finds the sheriff has troubles of his own. Under the cover of gunfire, the bandit gang steal back the dead body that Bill wanted help in identifying. The sheriff takes a lot of time to tell our heros what they already know, but he does mention a rumor that a railroad line is to be built through the area. It's offers the motive of why the homesteaders are being targeted. The qquestion remains, who is doing it? Bill has an explosive situation on his hands to prevent homesteaders from resorting to their own brand of justice. PS: As you sing that crazy Sugar Pops song, enjoy a life like picture of Andy Devine and Guy Madison, right on every box! How cool is that? I wish I had one of those.

 CBS Radio Mystery Theater – Hickory, Dickory, Doom. ep957, 790226. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:15

Title:Hickory, Dickory, Doom. Plot:A grandfather clock is the central piece in this gruesome and morbid tale. A young couple from Pennsylvania pick up a grandfather clock at an estate sale to give to the local minister. What they do not know is that the malfunctioning time piece does more than tell time, it is actually a gateway to the demon world. Episode:957 Air Dates: First Run - February 26, 1979 Repeat - August 17, 1979 Read more at: CBS Radio Mystery Theater | Episode 957 | Hickory, Dickory, Doom.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibbers Pen Is Missing. 460226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:56

Having a need to write a letter for the Elks Club, Fibber discovers his fountain pen is missing. Old Timer visits and tells about his old Vaudeville act, and jokes about seeing a doctor. Molly suggests that the pen was left in a suit that was taken to the cleaners. Before the McGee's can head out, Teeny visits. After being bribed into a story, Fibber tells a tale about Myrtle the Turtle. Billy Mills plays, Three Little Words. alt="Bubbling over with Mirth and Melody: National Barn Dance Old Time Radio Show " Doc Gamble enters to learn about the missing fountain pen, teases Fibber about being in Vaudeville, and sets up a joke about the Elks club meeting. Still not out the door yet, Millicent Carstairs visits to tell about the dry cleaners. Can Fibber trust the cleaners with his valuable pen? Mrs Carstairs also tells a little about the dog show her pet is in. The Kingsmen sing, Onsie Twosie. Walking down town, Wallace Wimple tells about his poetic side. Fibber finally arrives at the dry cleaners and confronts the clerk there. Will his raging get results, or a poke in the nose from the clerk? Fibber manages to find his pen, but not where he expected. PS: The dry cleaner is played by Arthr Q Brian, and his assistant is Bea Benaderet.

 Eddie Cantor – Guest, John Barrymore. 410226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

The weather is the main feature of Eddie's opening jokes. Harry Vonzel wants to know what became of the mystery man who made those threatening phone calls to Eddie last week. It involves a baby that was left in Eddie's care a few shows back. John Barrymore arrives to joke about the baby, acting, Shakespearean plays, and aging. Dinah Shore enters to tease John, and mention her crush on Phil Harris. Dinah sings, There Is a Tavern in the Town. At least a modified version of it. Eddie, and John, try to entertain the baby to keep him from crying. The Mad Russian joins the fun to get in on the cutting up between Eddie and John. The Russian, and John take turns in love scenes with Dinah. Is the baby entertained? Will there be another threatening phone call? Eddie closes with a song, a medley of swinging nursery rhymes.

 The Whistler – Murder In Haste. 460225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Helen has been married for 3 years, and though she's thoroughly sick of her husband Elbert she's still fond of the $100 bills he brings home. Violence erupts during a domestic dispute, and Helen is struck dead. Leaving the body to be found by the servants, Elbert flees, and takes a train. Rickets is a plain clothes cop who Elbert meets on the train. Has he been found out? Is Rickets following him with intent to arrest him? A mystery writer named Jameson is on the train as well. Suddenly, the unexpected happens the train is derailed. The tragic event seems to be a stroke of luck for our escaping murderer. ?He changes identity with the now killed mystery writer as the train wreck burns. Can Elbert pull off the ruse? Who knew the real author who had been living in Buenas Aires for years? What will Mrs Jameson have to say when she visits the imposter at his hotel? Apparently, her marriage was as unsatisfactory as Elberts,and she convinces him to keep up the act. Is it the answer, or just a matter of jumping out of a frying pan into the fire? The murders pile up, but the trapped Elbert has a plot twist waiting for him. It's confession time, but wait, there's still room for wierd plot twists, and the Whistler will be glad to tell you all about them.


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