Let George Do It – Your Money or Your Life. 490228.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A desperate man has borrowed money from a racketeer, and wants George to help him give the racketeer what's coming to him. The man only wanted the best for his wife and the baby she is having. Now he wants out from under the thumb of the loan shark. It's not just the money, but the oppression that goes along with it. <br> George confronts the racketeer to see what he can learn. Then it's off to his ppolice department friend in homacide, who can't do anything to help since there hasn't been any murders yet. Just some strongarm banking. Brooksie sets her self up as bait to find a weakness with the gangsters. Meanwhile George gets in as a bodyguard for a gangster. Together they put pressure on the racketeer to learn who is at the top of the loan sharking heap. <br> The trail leads from the underworld to a high society mansion. The guy who is mastermind of the organization isn't a guy, but a gal. Would that make her a mistressmind? A Queenpin? <br> Is she untouchable? How can George collapse this house of cards? There's a matter of incriminating letter that George has to get for the proof he needs. To get the proof that he needs, he pits the gang members against each other. <br>