Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Boston Blackie – Kidnapped Murderer. 490316. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

As Faraday is in the middle of interrogating a suspect, Boston Blackie enters, and takes the man away. What is he, nuts? No, just certain that Farraday has the wrong man. Elsewhere, a couple of thugs trail Blackie in a car as Mary drives. The goose chase leads to a bowling alley, and now it's time for Blackie to interview the man, by roughing him up. Before anything important can be learned though, the two thugs rush in and steal the man away from Blackie, and he seems to be on the kind of ride that he won't be coming back from. With no criminal in his possession, and no info, Farraday is handy to pick up Blackie and haul him in. Now what? Blackie cools his jets in jail, is he going to just sit there and let Farraday catch the killers on his own? Blackie can clearly break out if he wanted to. Mary visits Blackie with the latest news on the streets from Farraday, and together they make a plan to haul in the two thugs, and disrupt the plans of the gang. There's a situation where two gangs may be merging, and one where a mobster's gal is doing all she can to spend all his money, forcing him to increase gang activity. Blackie is able to play on her jealousy, and just might be the thing to drive the gang apart. Mary plays the part of the other woman, and drives the jealous girlfriend crazy. All Farraday needs to do now is just follow the mobster's gal, right? Simple, right? Farraday is just oblivious enough so the gang situation comes to a boil. When Mary pushes the love triangle scene a little too far, she finds herself in a little danger. Fortunately, Blackie manages to hang just the right kind of carrot in front of Farraday's nose to spur him into action to solve the case, and rescue Mary before it gets too hot.

 Show # 877: The Last of the Originals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Finally we have reached the end of our research project with the last batch of uncovered songs that spawned some of the big hits of the 50's and 60's. This is the last of the originals shows.

 SF68 – The Last Rites. ep3, 680315 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:01

A short run Science Fiction series originating from South Africa in 1968... hence the name SF68. A dieing man forbids that a priest be called. His doctor complies with the wish, but can he do anything to restore the man to health? In flashback, we join the man, George Donovan, and an encounter with a priest. The two have been friends for 20 years. A sense of deja vu bothers George, but he can't quite place what's wrong. Should he take the advice of Father Courtney to see his doctor? Stubborn, controlling, doubts about god, are these all just theoritical problems that may keep George out of heaven? He shares the saga of how science has been able to create an artificial man, who questions whether he's real or not. Is he just an advanced calculator? Is this thuinking man human, but without breath or heart? Is his enjoyment of the smells and sights of nature real? Can this creature hope to enter heaven, or does he even have a soul? I think I can see where this is going. Can you? Under the burden of the weight of his soul, George's story of his theoritical man is more real than his closest friends have been led to know. George finally breathes his last, but has his burning question been answered to his satisfaction? Note: Sponsored by Bio Tech. Isn't that the company who created dinosaurs from frog DNA in Jurassic Park?

 Abbott and Costello – Lou Has To Pay Income Tax. 460314. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Lou shows up in his pajamas after an allnighter with trying to do his income tax. Bud wants to help him out, and claims to be certified in doing taxes. The guys joke about the complex tax forms and schedules. Topics include family members, federal projects that rely on taxes to operate, and how federal money is spentt. Carl Hoff and The band plays a mellow arrangement of, Who's Sorry Now. Or something. Lou needs money to pay his tax bill, but Bud refuses to loan him any. Mel blanc is the drunken hiccupping man who tries to make a phone call. Maybe Mrs Niles will loan Lou some cash? With insults swapped about beauty, film appearances, and family lineage, it looks like Lou is on his own. Bessy May Mucho, the actress with the unusual vowel pronunciations that always gets Lou off track is on hand. Will she loan Lou any money? No luck for Lou. Later he visits his tight wad Scottish friend. Maybe a phone call to uncle Artie Stebbins will work? No loans for Lou yet. Amy Arnelle sings, Onsie Twosie. The guys are still out beating the streets to raise Lou's tax money. Among the oddball characters they run across, Mellonhead takes offense at anything that Lou tells him. As a last resort, Lou goes to a confidential loan company. He just has to answer a few personal questions first.

 Phil Harris – Remly Rehired. 490313. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:14

Frankie has lost his job, and for the past few weeks has been living with Phil and Alice, driving them nuts. They go to the Rexall office to appeal to Mr Scot. He is willing to reconsider, and give Remley a job, but not on the show. Frankie gets to work as a dishwasher in the drugstore lunch counter. Alice tries to drop the bomb as tactfully as possible. Phil tries his hand at being delicate, but Frankie balks when he realizes what the job is. Though he tries to play it off that he is over qualified, Remley finally caves in. Alice is so happy she sings, Lucky Me Can't You See I'm In Love. Reporting for his first day of work, it becomes plain that Remley's customer service skills seem to need a little polish. Phil decides to cover for Remley, and ends up being in charge of a little baby girl. To calm the baby down, Phil turns on the charm, and sings, The Jabberwocky Bird. Frankie returns after making amends for the mess he caused earlier, but he tells Phil that he suspects the baby was abandoned. Where is the mom? The cops have a report out that a baby has been missing in the neighborhood. All Phil has to do is turn the kid over to the cops, right? Will they believe him? Julius enters the drugstore for a round of wisecracks, implying that Phil is the one with the job as a soda jerk. Can Phil pawn the baby off on Julius? It only works to serve to convince Julius that Phil and Remley are nuts, and wonder where babies really come from. They really aren't sold in drugstores you know... Rexall buys them from factories. (Go ask your dad, Julius.) The cops tell Phil that the missing baby has turned up, but now Phil has to find the real mom. The commotion back at the drugstore makes Phil worry, but when a reward is forthcoming, Remley stands up to return the baby. It's just the thing to impress Mr Scot, but is it enough to get his job back?

 Philip Marlowe – The Grim Hunters. 490312. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

It's a case of cat and mouse, and the hunter is about to be the hunted. Philip is lured into a scavenger hunt party as one of the items on the list. Helen Palmer, the woman who lured him there has been killed, and the cops put Marlowe on the spot. Philip seeks down the straight answers, but comes face to face with a dame with a gun. All Philip ends up with is more unanswered questions, and danger. Rhonda Langley is the dame with the gun, and Philip's new client. Sharing all he knows with his policeman buddy, Lt Ybarra, Philip reports the latest body. The scavenger hunt party becomes center stage for the players in the mystery of business rivals, set ups, and revenge. Who is gunning for who? Can Philip stop a killer before he gets to his next victim? Using a clue from the party, Philip knows what he has to do. It won't be over until the hard core detective fights, shoots, and blows the cover off the hidden secrets.

 Whistler – Boomerang. 460311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:27

Audio had lots of low frequency hum, and some wierd bass affect happening that was giving me a headache. I applied a little filtering at the risk of injecting a little digital artifact into the mix, I think I cleared it up. It may sound a little soft and mushy, but it was actually that way when I got the file. Maybe using a good set of earphones might be the best way to listen to this one. We join a man, a familiar figure in the neighborhood, who is trying to cover up a murder. Can he play it off with his neighbors, and maintain his normal composure throughout the day? Cops gather clues to piece together the events at the crime scene, and build a profile of the killer's personality. Are they on the right track? The pressure is on as the long arm of the law creeps closer to the truth. Mr Clark begins to show cracks in his demeanor as his neighbors grow more watchful and paranoid. Do they still think the killer is some mystery man, or do they realize he's right there in their midst? Bodies pile up, and there's plenty of motives and plot twists to make a listener wonder who actually is the guilty person. Has the killer finished his crime spree? Cops think they have a trap set, and their bait securely tucked away. The cops think this is still a clear cut case. One that's a classic open and shut deal. Clark is set to take the money and make a run for it. All the loose ends are neatly tied up, and Clark may have just committed the perfect crime. Well, all the loose ends that he knows about. The Whistler still has the final word, a final loose end, and justice finds it's way to punish a criminal.

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent) Guest: Dizzy Dean. ep103, 410311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

Bob "Way Out West" Hope gets the show started with income tax jokes. Sunny California weather, the aftermath of rain, and fruit packers are also topics of being teased. Stumbling over words gets more laughs than the actual jokes. Bill Goodwin even has trouble with lines. Skinny Ennis is joined by the Six Hits and a Miss to back him up and sing, With a Twist of the Wrist. Bill and Bob tell about their visit to Catalina Island., and of course the girls there. Bathing suit fashions, antics on the beach, and an introduction for guest, Dizzy Dean. Bob jokes about Dizzy's career with the Chicago Cubs, sponsors, and more trouble with reading lines get laughs. Bob tells about his boyhood prowess on the ball field. Does Dizzy have any experience at being a Hollywood wolf? The Six Hits and a Miss are joined by Bob and the gang to sing, Alexander is a Goose. A drama on the ball field finds Bob hitting the locker room. Will he get Dizzy to sign a contract to play on his team? Jerry Colonna phones in to tell how his own recruiting is going. Brenda and Cobina are the players Jerry signed up, and they're on hand to talk about dating ball players.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Guests Quarantined From Measles 410311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:07

Last week Fibbers house guests were quarrantined. A week later temperaments are less than delicate. Gildersleeve tries to leave, but faces off with Fibbers Closet. Fibber and Molly try to remember what the doctor told them on an earlier phone call. Molly gets upset when she learns a poker game has been going on in the basement. Fibber checks on the sick Teeny to tell her a story. Everything he tells reminds her that she's hungry. It's amazing how many stories there are about food. Billy Mills plays. Fibber tries to remind Nick Depopollos why he has to stay locked up under quarrantine. Gildersleeve returns to have words with Fibber, in a hateful, yet chummy sort of way. They check on Molly's progress in breaking up the poker game. She does... by winning everybody's money. All their friends are eager to know what the doctor had said, even Boomer is ready to leave, since he missed an important meeting. The Kingsmen sing, A Tavern in the Town. When even the well mannered Abigail Uppington complains, the gang demands to be let go. Fibber phones the health department, but gets Mirt instead. Gildersleeve uncovers the truth about the quarrantine, and the gang are all ree at last. Whew! it all sounds like a big mess, but so much more funny to listen to.

 Jack Benny – Lost Weekend. 460310 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

When the guest star, Ray Milland, is given top billing in Don's announcement, Jack takes offense and pouts. Though Mary and Phil joke about the heavy drinking Ray Milland, he is given a warm welcome. Since Ray just won the Oscar, Jack wonders what it feels like to win. As the cast meet the star, jokes about dating and drinking are the theme. Putting his Shakespearean acting style to use, Ray plugs the sponsor. Jack announces that the play will be based on Ray's big hit film, Lost Weekend. Of course, Jack takes the lead. Rochester phones in to talk to Ray Milland. He's not looking for another job, is he? Larry Stevens sings, Come Closer to Me. Since Ray wouldn't back down on being the lead, he and Jack play twin brothers who are going on a trip. What kind of a lost weekend would it be if nobody drank alcohol? Will the admonishments of Mary and Phil be enough to keep the twins sober? The twins have their spree, and end up in the alcoholic detox ward where Frank Nelson is the attendant. Will the twins escape the ward? Will they return to their addiction? Drunken hallucenations aren't particularly funnhy... unless you're Jack Benny. In closing, Jack announces that with the war over, Dennis Day will return next week. A nice farewell is given to Larry as he moves on to other projects on the radio.

 Show # 876: Young at Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Songs about youth and its trials and tribulations.

 Challenge Of The Yukon – The Vallera Diamond. 440309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:21

George is a man who inherits a valuable family heirloom. On her death bed, his aunt begged him to always take care of the diamond, but his cousin Henry is jealous. When George sets out for the gold fields of the Yukon, Henry follows him there looking for revenge. Secretly watching their camp, Sgt Preston and his dog, King see a potential danger when Henry shows off his prowess with a knife. Later, while George sleeps, King is the only one to see the theft of the diamond, and springs into action. King is also the only one who knows what happened in the struggle with Henry, and how he came to the justice he deserved.

 Command Performance – Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, Margaret OBrien. 450308. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:33

Frank Sinatra hosts and opens with a song, the Trolley Song. Francis Langford joins Frank, and a discussion of love stuff ensues. Young Elizabeth Taylor enters to add to her autograph book. After the star struck teeny bopper has her fun, Francis Langford sings, Angels Are watching. It's kiddie night, and Frank meets another young fan, 7 year old Margret OBrien who gives him pointers on his singing. Frank sings, Lullabye and Goodnight Another teen star, Roddy McDowel brings his date to the studio to meet Frank. The youngsters watch as Frank tries to ask Francis on a date. The parade of kids keep coming to see Frank. This time it's the Crosby boys. Gary treats the audience to a few bars of his singing tallent before Frank signs off.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Rebel Wildcatters. 500307. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Investigating a life insurance claim, Johnny dollar pokes around an oil rig. The partner of the rig, Jefferson, is missing. Is he dead? who would want to get rid of him? Jefferson's wife, his business partner, or someone else? The plot takes an interesting twist when Johnny spots a private detective watching him. Can the privat eye offer any help? Important papers are in the safe regarding the partnership, but what is their importance? Does it matter when the body of Jefferson turns up? The twists and turns keep coming as Johnny guides the listener through the tangle of clues. Pay attention for a key clue to pop up, and you might guess the killer the same as Johnny Dollar does.

 Abbott and Costello – Drugstore. 460307. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

Lou has yet another business that he's trying out. Bud jokes with him about the things found in a drugstore: candy, toys, medicines, and the like. Customer service mixups abound. Lou gets confused over inventions, and other word play and misunderstandings pertaining to electricity. Verna Felton enters the drugstore to swap insults with Lou over his poor service. Ken Niles pops in with an ailment, as does Bessy May Mucho. Her upscale accent has Lou making fun of her vowels and pronunciation. A drunken Mel Blanc needs a quick cure for his hiccups. The guys have a new problem, Mrs Niles, their landlady demands to have her rent. Amy Darnele sings, Some Sunday Morning. (I guess this means the end of Connie Haines on the show.) With business in a slump, and worrying about the rent, Lou wants to pack up the drugs and chemicals and close up shop. Bud discovers a way to pay the rent. All Lou has to do is invent an atomic bomb. The great scientist Mellonhead arrives to lend his help. They joke about some of the cutting edge breakthroughs of the time in the world of chemestry and science. Mellonhead uses the bag of uranium that Bud found in the drugstore to build his bomb. Wow, how convenient to just happen to sell uranium in the drugstore. I wonder if I can still pick up a small bag at Walgreens... I've been wanting to make my own improvised nuclear device for some time now. (just kidding.) The next day Bud and Lou joins Mellonhead in the desert to test the nuclear device. Will the bomb work, or will it be a dud? There won't be any danger in testing a homemade nuclear bomb, will there? Nah!


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