SF68 – The Last Rites. ep3, 680315

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A short run Science Fiction series originating from South Africa in 1968... hence the name SF68. <br> A dieing man forbids that a priest be called. His doctor complies with the wish, but can he do anything to restore the man to health? In flashback, we join the man, George Donovan, and an encounter with a priest. The two have been friends for 20 years. A sense of deja vu bothers George, but he can't quite place what's wrong. Should he take the advice of Father Courtney to see his doctor? <br> Stubborn, controlling, doubts about god, are these all just theoritical problems that may keep George out of heaven? He shares the saga of how science has been able to create an artificial man, who questions whether he's real or not. Is he just an advanced calculator? Is this thuinking man human, but without breath or heart? Is his enjoyment of the smells and sights of nature real? Can this creature hope to enter heaven, or does he even have a soul? <br> I think I can see where this is going. Can you? Under the burden of the weight of his soul, George's story of his theoritical man is more real than his closest friends have been led to know. George finally breathes his last, but has his burning question been answered to his satisfaction? <br> Note: Sponsored by Bio Tech. Isn't that the company who created dinosaurs from frog DNA in Jurassic Park? <br>