Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Show # 873: Before I grow too Oldl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As Lee celebrates his birthday we salute all those great Old "OLD" songs.

 Dragnet 520131 ep138, Big Almost No-Show. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Homicide Detail. A man is missing, and its up to Joe Friday to fine him. Partner, Ed Jacobs joins Joe on the overcast day in Los Angeles. They interview Ralph's sister, who is mystified over the disappearance. How was his business doing? Was there any money owed? Did any friends have motive to harm him? Moving on to other business acquaintances and friends, one name kept coming to the front, Andy Howard. Damage in Ralph’s apartment could offer a clue. Will the landlady know something about the body hiding in the Murphey wall bed? In voiceover Joe describes the mundane progress in searching for Andy. Returning to the sister, Joe learns about a fight between Ralph and Andy. Pawn shops are investigated in hopes of locating a missing TV. Identifying tattoos are learned about, and the trail to Andy gets closer. Now going under the stolen identification of Ralph, Andy has made dates with girls. Will one of them work with Joe in turning in the killer? Working with San Diego cops, a stakeout turns up nothing. Andy is finally picked up, but will his airtight alibi hold up? Joe uncovers the truth of what happened between friends.

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Dead Of Winter. ep40, 511231. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

It's New Year's Eve, and there's a big dance planned in the community hall. Bill and Jingles get all cleaned up for the party. The festivity is disturbed when a gunshot rings out. Commercial time. Hey, isn't that Tony the Tiger singing? Cram your head full and run about! That song cracks me up. alt="Thousands of old time radio shows in reach -- click here for today's broadcasts! " Rivalries between ranchers begin to emerge over the lovely Violet. Bill and Jingles ride the cold, wintery trail where more gun battles break out. Bill faces down wild men, and wild bulls before he can ride this mystery to it's end. Clues have been uncovered and by now Bill has a theory in mind, and all he needs to do is have Jingles help him with a trap to prove it out. With the killer caught, the party can get back underway.

 The Whistler – Hasty Conclusion. ep260, 470519 (retro648) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:00

A matter of blackmail forces Emerson, a college dean, to step down from his office. Will he find revenge in poisoning his accuser, Wagner, which one has tried to kill whom? Jumping the gun in his belief that he was poisoned, Wagner learns it was only a harmless case of food poisoning. Confronting Emerson, Wagner finds he stands to be blamed for a murder if he can't hide the body. Maybe staging a convenient accident on a stretch of snowy road will answer? Plans are complicated when Mrs Emerson insists on accompanying the desperate professor. Traffic cops have road blocks out to keep motorists safe in the coming blizzard conditions. Somehow, Wagner gets through, and his accident goes off without a hitch. When he stumbles to the ski lodge, he tells his story. Pity is taken on the nearly frozen man, but the Whistler has the final word on the twist that is sure to bring justice. Lets just say a hasty conclusion was made, but was it in the extortion, the poisoning, the auto accident, or something else? PS: Be sure to check out the crossover episode where the Retrobots got to have a featured part. Team Jadeth Live, on iTunes. Or for a slightly different version, check out episode 200 on Life Truth. Bonus Tracks: * Keith introduces the show, with a mention of the 1954-55 TV series. * Dennis Day short - Dennis' Inheritance. 1947

 Lum and Abner – Discouraged With the Hunger Strike. 441205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:00

Abner isn't holding up well under the stress of his hunger strike. Lum has to keep temptation away in the form of dipping into the Cracker Barrel. The need for will power is becoming too much. How can Abner hope to appeal to Lizabeth's emotions if he doesn't look gaunt and starved? Maybe taking grocery orders, and making deliveries will take Abner's mind off his hunger. alt="Fred Allen Old Time Radio Shows " A special committee is formed for the lodge, and Lum figures it could work to keep Abner's mind distracted. Cedric enters with his lunch box, which adds to Abner's distress, and preoccupation with thoughts of food. Cedric tells how the kids at school swap for each other's tasty treats. Opening his box, the tasty treats torture Abner. Chicken, sweet potatoes, boiled eggs, and lots more. A phone call from Ezra reveals what the lodger committee is about. Refreshments.

 Show Live update – Old Time Rock n Roll | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown
 Black Museum – The Bloodstained Brick Bat. ep5, 520129. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

A young man responds to a help wanted ad. He does good work for the family, and all seems well, and quite normal in the household. Cousin Alma, a house guest, thinks it may look improper having the worker around the house, he is spending too much time in the house and not enough out in the garden and garage where he belongs. People will talk. alt="Thousands of old time radio shows in reach -- click here for today's broadcasts! " One day the worst happens, Jim, the head of the house is struck down. Did Dick the gardener do it? He doesn't seem the type, even Alma doesn't think so. Then who? With his undue presence in the house it puts him in place to be a prime suspect. Did the gardner do it? Was he just set up? Stay tuned for the surprise ending.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Card Party. 460129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:02

Featuring the talents of Arthur Q Brian, and Bea Bennaderet. Molly prepares the house for a night of playing cards. What will Fibber think about the night of roaring Bridge games? Mrs Carstairs visits in anticipation of the high society event, and beats Fibber in a simple game of betting. Old Timer pops in with an ice cream delivery from the drugstore. Will the McGee's learn his real name today? Rubert Bjlasinggame, but it's better than the name he went by in the Seabees. Billy Mills plays, Aren't You Glad You're You. Doc Gamble appears, and is surprised to learn the society editor at the Gazette will be at the party. alt="Johnny Mercer " Mayor Latrivia visits, and the McGee's get confused over what a Bachelor's degree is all about. Do people have to stay a bachelor if they have one? The Kingsmen sing, Tampico. Wallace Wimple shows up just ahead of the crowd to talk about his wild partying side, and his latest adventure as the hen pecked husband of Sweetie Face. When the social editor arrives, Fibber gets a breath of fresh air when he discovers she prefers poker over the stuffy game of bridge. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 On Stage – Public Furlough. 530129. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Two of the most recognized names in radio, Elliot and Cathy Lewis have another drama. Cathy plays a famous actress, and Elliot is a soldier who wants a date with her. David Sampson is a Corporal, but will his letter to the famous star get her attention? All he wants to do is meet her on his furlough. His buddies are doubtful, and give him a hard time. Somehow, his letters have reached the publicist of the star, and he suggests that she at least meet him for the publicity of it, and the good press it could bring. The jaded star, Danielle Wood, agrees, but will the Corporal fit into the society of Hollywood with all its photographs, parties, and high class night life? alt="Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye old time radio shows at " The shallow lifestyle, and jaded attitudes show the Corproal that the public image of his favorite star isn't for him. It's a story with lessons to be learned. Enjoying the life you have, the dangers that success can bring, and that there might be at least one person in the Hollywood scene who isn't as jaded as the rest.

 Richard Diamond – Thomas Jason Case. ep36 491231 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

A client, Thomas Jason, needs to hire Richard on a matter involving an inheritance. Should the man change his will? Richard agrees to visit Thomas and the family, but first a visit to his policeman friends to learn background on the Jason family.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Going on a Hunger Strike. 441204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:21

Audio skips a little, but is otherwise in good shape. No matter what he tries, Abner just can't reconcile with his wife, Lizabeth. Today he helps Lum inventory the goods in the Jot Em Down store. Does Lum have an idea to make her come crawling back to Abner, instead of him having to do all the work? What if Abner does something desperate like threaten to jump off the lodge hall building? Another brainstorm idea involves chaining himself to a radiator. Lum's ideas keep coming, but none sound good to Abner. The thing is to act on something, and stop putting it off for later. Lum lands on the idea for a hunger strike. It doesn't appeal to Abner much. How about if he gets started, right after phoning Luke Spears to place a food order.

 Jack Benny – Contest Winners. 460127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

Don rolls back the clock to the night before, and we visit Jack as he is to give away the money for the winners of the contest. Rochester sends jack off to bed to worry about the monehy. Begin dream sequence, and voices trouble Jack's dreams. Mostly Mel Blanc portraying the voice of Jack's concerns. Back in the studio Larry Stevens sings, Symphony. alt="Thousands of old time radio shows in reach -- click here for today's broadcasts! " Phil and Mary tease Jack about the give away. A flubbed line doesn't get much of a laugh, but Jack's adlib comeback does. The telephone operators get in on the fun when Jack tries to contact his publicity agent. Phil's daughter phones in to tell about her entry in the contest. The girl and Phil sing a song, Onsie Twosie. Steve Bradley arrives, he's Jack's publicity agent, but will he tell who the winner is yet? Get ready though, by remote, Fred Allen himself steps in to announce the winners.

 Great Gildersleeve – Gildy and Leila Feel Their Age. ep195, 460127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

As Gildy and Leila discuss their future, and investments, Judge Hooker is shunned when he applies some practical advice. The couple enjoy dinner, and are as giddy as can be. But when Marjorie, Leroy, and Ben talk about the latest in movie heart throbs, Leila and Gildy feel out of touch. Gildy manages to lift Leila's spirits, and they go on a date of their own. In the movie theater, the romantic drama plays out, and is described by the narrator. The corny, predictable plot finds Gildy and Leila leaving out of boredom. They head to Peavey's for a tasty treat. If he isn't out of their favorites. What does an oldster like Peavey and his wife do for fun? He manages to shine some hope into Leila's life. At home, Gildy turns Leroy onto the classic tale by Dickens, the Pickwick Papers. OK well, Leroy isn't so interested. Leaving the adults alone, Leila revisits her concern over growing older. Is it about time they start making serious plans to spend their lives together? They face up to growing old by singing old time tunes together at the piano.

 Burns and Allen – George Plans To Recover A Mink Coat. 410127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:06

The topic from last week continues, where George gave a mink coat to socialite, Cobina Wright. He didn't intend that she would accept the gift, and now George has the embarrassing job of trying to get it bacck. Gracie isn't helping George as he tries to forget his mistake. Then, he gets the chance to chrash the big society party. Will his taste in style and fashion let him blend in? Artie Shaw shows up to tell that he pplans to dance at the top notch affair, but Senor Lee is outraged that he didn't receive an invitation. Might he or Gracie have some creative ways of sneaki ng in? Arty plays, and the Smoothies sing, Sweet and Low. On the way to the party Gracie reads a letter from her brother Willie. He tells about being in the army, and other family news. The stress for George is kicked up a notch when the furrier, Mr Randall demands his loaned coat back. Artie plays, Old Rocking Chair. alt="Fred Allen Old Time Radio Shows " At the party, George sets out to get the mink coat. Cobina Wright returns to host her affair. Her mother is on hand to meet the gang. Will George be able to save face discretely? Has Senor Lee managed to win over Mrs Wright? Note: The Russian furrier, Mr Randall (Reynolds) is played by Elliot Lewis.

 Behind The Mike – You’re My Dream. ep19, 410126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Frank Luther, popular tenor, tells about a letter he received from a nursse. How did his voice and program work to help a patient in her care? Listen and learn about the dreamy cure. Frank sings, You Are My Dream, and relives those moments. Sound Effect of the Week. How was the sound of ice breaking about a ship made on a recent Mr District Attorney made? When you enter a contest, have you ever wondered how well the entries are tracked? Include a letter, a box top, write a slogan in 50 words or less, a radio expert assures the contests are on the level, and tells how judges rate the contestants. Listen to how finalists are arrived at, and why small town contestants seem to dominate in the winners circles. Last week an acting audition was conducted. Tonight, we learn the results from the program board. Will there be further auditions, or is it the end of the road for our young hopefuls? Salute to radio pioneers. The 3X Sisters were an early group who performed on the radio, and did vocal sound affects. Graham McNamee facilitates as the group show off their singingm, and imitations of instruments from the orchestral, to hillbillie, to bagpipes. Other sounds are mixed in as well. Letters from Listenners. Gilbert Mmartin, announcer for Behind the Mike fields the questions from listeners this week. Are real children used for baby cries, and toddlers? What was the first heavy weight boxing broadcast over the radio? How do mix ups in broadcasting the wrong show happen? When the planned line up of people couldn't make it, a repeat of Captain Tim returns. He tells about how secret service men in London stumbled over a spy, while keeping tabs on a General who stopped at a barber shop. Letters are intercepted, decoded, and a spy ring was broken before the war kicked off in earnest. But wait, there's a further twist to the story.


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