Jack Benny – Contest Winners. 460127

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don rolls back the clock to the night before, and we visit Jack as he is to give away the money for the winners of the contest. Rochester sends jack off to bed to worry about the monehy. Begin dream sequence, and voices trouble Jack's dreams. Mostly Mel Blanc portraying the voice of Jack's concerns. Back in the studio Larry Stevens sings, Symphony.<br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-16-1-10.html" target="_blank"> alt="Thousands of old time radio shows in reach -- click here for today's broadcasts!<br><br> "</a><br> Phil and Mary tease Jack about the give away. A flubbed line doesn't get much of a laugh, but Jack's adlib comeback does. The telephone operators get in on the fun when Jack tries to contact his publicity agent. Phil's daughter phones in to tell about her entry in the contest. The girl and Phil sing a song, Onsie Twosie.<br> Steve Bradley arrives, he's Jack's publicity agent, but will he tell who the winner is yet? Get ready though, by remote, Fred Allen himself steps in to announce the winners.<br>