On Stage – Public Furlough. 530129.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Two of the most recognized names in radio, Elliot and Cathy Lewis have another drama. Cathy plays a famous actress, and Elliot is a soldier who wants a date with her. <br> David Sampson is a Corporal, but will his letter to the famous star get her attention? All he wants to do is meet her on his furlough. His buddies are doubtful, and give him a hard time. Somehow, his letters have reached the publicist of the star, and he suggests that she at least meet him for the publicity of it, and the good press it could bring. The jaded star, Danielle Wood, agrees, but will the Corporal fit into the society of Hollywood with all its photographs, parties, and high class night life? <br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-15-1-17.html" target="_blank"> alt="Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye old time radio shows at OTRCAT.com<br><br> "</a><br> The shallow lifestyle, and jaded attitudes show the Corproal that the public image of his favorite star isn't for him. It's a story with lessons to be learned. Enjoying the life you have, the dangers that success can bring, and that there might be at least one person in the Hollywood scene who isn't as jaded as the rest. <br>