Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibbers Bottle Collection. 410225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

After spending the past few years collecting bottles, Fibber loads them all up to cash them in. As they prepare to pull away in the car, old Timer makes his observations of Fibbers strange hobby, and gives a plug for the appearance of Fibber on last nights Lux Radio program. Next, Teeny talks to Fibber about his bottles. Billy Mills plays. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8"; Pulling up to the grocery store to get his refunds, Fibber has some trouble as he talks to Nick Depopollus. Broken bottles are no good, but only make a dangerous mess. After Harlow Wilcox delivers the commercial, Grocery man, Gale Gordon gives Fibber a hard time over his refund attempt. It seems there's also a dispute over the McGee's grocery bill. Making the rounds to the stores, Fibber gets turned down every where he goes. Dejected, he finally finds a buyer in Mrs. Uppington. Not only does she pay top dollar for Fibbers bottles, but springs to take the McGee's out for dinner. The Kingsmen sing, The Covered Wagon Rolls Right Alon . As Fibber complains about things in general, Gildersleeve drops by to mope. Gildy tells the secret of why Uppington bought those bottles. What could the reason be? Why would it be so upsetting to both Gildersleeve, and Fibber?Just remember that times, and social status were different back then.

 Burns and Allen – Georges Handwriting Analyzed. 490224. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:04

If there's a new fad to come along, you can b sure that Gracie will fall for it. The latest interest is handwriting analysis. Gracie tells her friend Blanche about the results of having George's handwriting looked at. She is excited to know that George's true calling is to be a surgeon. Gracie tries to drop hints to George when he gets home, but he doesn't understand what she's doing. Gracie is optimistic that George can get started right away with his doctoring, but George is more practical, and tries to tell her that it takes too much schooling, and other excuses. George goes to the cigar shop while Gracie is back to sharing her plans with Blanche. Gracie responds to a newspaper ad to offer George's services as an assistant to a medical experiment. A doctor has invented a syrum that may extend life to 100 years, or maybe it will just kill you. After the commercial, Gracie tells Blanche about her success at getting George into the medical research. George is excited to help out the doctors, but he thinks they want him for his entertainment abilities, and doesn't understand what the syrum is about. When Gracie tells Bill Goodwin that she's going to visit George in the hospital, he is at first confused, but they set out to see George in action. Bill turns the hospital visit into an excuse for a commercial. The scene switches back and forth between George's confusing moments with the doctors, and with Gracie who is trying to get in to see him. The experiment is over, and the doctors think George is crazy, and with good reason. Gracie finally takes George home and they make up and apologize over the nearly tragic ordeal. Note: Actually, I think that George must have taken that syrum, since he really did live to be 100 years old.

 Behind The Mike – Comedy Broadcasts. ep23, 410223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

How do those radio comedians do it? Learn how the writing starts 2 weeks before the program. Shows often have a staff of 2 writers or more. Join a fictional pair of joke writers as they brainstorm gags with the show's comedian. A few days go by, and a sketch is built that works the jokes into it. The comedian has a final chance to tweak the jokes, and sometimes perform before a test audience and tweak it all over again. Sound Effect of the Week. What makes the sound of a tobogan sled going downhill? Look behind the scenes of how a show is promoted by a radio network executive. Start with 3 gorgeous models, who can also sing. The newly formed trio is given numbers written just for them, and coached in voice lessons. Booking in out of town theaters is set up, and double as models in local fashion shows for department stores. Publicity grows as they travel, and today we hear the hopeful group sing, As the Music Plays. Oddities in Radio. BA Rolfe of the Lucky Strike program in the 1920's, tells a story about a rehearsal, and how loudly his band played. Salute to Whitall's Anglo Persians. It was a mystical, dramatic program with a flavor of the Arabian Nights. Complete with plenty of middle eastern flavored orchestral music. Tom Power was a radio host who told true stories about real people. Today he shares one about an admitted jewel thief, and his cellmate's dramatized day on trial. His conviction isn't the end of Bill's story. Time passes, and the illiterate Bill believes it was his prison sentense that led to his mother's death. He turns his attention to learning to read, and his new found skills have reformed his attitude. Will there be hope of a parole for Bill? Who knows.

 Show # 874: Doom and Gloom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Misery Loves Company...Right? Well join these hit makers (and sometimes not) with some of the most depressing but famous classic hits of the 50's and 60's

 CBS Radio Mystery Theater – The Great Brain. ep956, 790221. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:43

Title:The Great Brain ('Jaques Futrell story') Plot:A high stakes gamble takes place when a certified genius wagers with a friend and a prison warden that he can free himself from an escape-proof cell using only his wits and logic. Episode:0956 Air Dates: First Run - February 21, 1979 Repeat - August 16, 1979 Read more at: CBS Radio Mystery Theater | Episode 956 | The Great Brain.

 Eddie Cantor – Guest, Joe Dimaggio. 410212 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

The show opens with Eddie cracking a few jokes, and Dinah Shore still pining over Phil Harris. Dinah sings a tune. An unusual thing happens on the show, a baby is left for Eddie. At first he doesn't want to have anything to do with the kid, he already has five girls. Then Eddie learns the baby is a boy and he changes his mind. The baby will become a running gag in the show, just like Eddie's apartment building. Speaking of the apartment building, Joe Dimaggio shows up and Eddie gets him to rent a room. Olive Major sings an aria from Carmen. The jokes at the apartment building center around baseball, families, and of course the Mad Russian gets his chance to add his craziness.

 Our Miss Brooks – The Frog. 490220. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:41

Being the traditional, romantic type, Connie Brooks sent Mr Boynton an unsigned Valentines Day card. She is feeling low when he hasn't sent any card at all, and spends more time with his frogs than her. Harriot Conklin shares her own man trouble with Connie. It seems that Walter Denton has been ignoring her as well. The two gals share war stories of miserable dates at the movies, or at the zoo. When Walter comes around Connie tries to drop hints about Harriot, but Walter seems more interested in his position as Manager of the Basketball team, and their need for new jerseys. Walter and Miss Brooks talk about her dating competition, Miss Enright. The French teacher, Mr LeBlanche talks with Connie Brooks about her love and work life. He tries to cheer her up, and encourage her in matters of romance. He suggests trying to play hard to get with Mr Boynton, to make him jealous. Maybe if the target of Boyntons affections, MacDugal the frog gets a female companion, he might take the hint, and see the need for a female companion for himself. Sneakky. Will it work? Connie recruits Walter to get her a female frog, while she puts the moves on Boynton. She suggests the reason for MacDugal's depression is due to being lonely. The need for a companion. Hasn't Boynton ever talked to Macdugal about the birds and bees? With all the hints, you would think the bashful biologist would figure it all out. Wow, for a biologist, Boynton could use some lessons in animal magnitism. Walter sneaks in Connies frog, but Boynton identifies it as a male frog, and Macdugal is clearly unhappy. Moving along, Connie encounters Mrs Davis and asks her to exchange the frog for her. Later, after class, Miss Brooks confronts Walter about his frog mixup, then Mrs Davis reports in with her frog. It's waiting in the principle's office. Oh boy. Can Connie get it back without elevating Mr Conklins already high blood pressure? But of course not, where would the comedy be without Conklins classic slow burn. The moment of truth comes when Boynton comes to Connie's place so the frogs can hit it off. They seem to be smitten from the start. Boynton has his own surprise, a date for Minirva the cat. With all the animal noises, Connie figures she might be just as well off spending their date back at the zoo in the monkey house. Poor Miss Brooks. Too bad that Magic Christmas Tree episode only comes round once per year.

 Double Feature – Bing, Lum, And Abner. 350319 (retro680) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:09

To get the feature started, Keith shares some history of Bing Crosby's early years, from his birth in 1903, up to the events that led to his launch with the Paul Whiteman Orchestra. Bonus tracks heard in the background include a small collection of Bing's early hits: * MakeBelieve (1928, with Paul Whiteman) * When The Blue Of The Night Meets The Gold Of The Day. (1931) * Let Me Call You Sweetheart. (1934) There's a small connection to our first feature to Bing Crosby. besides the fact that both of today's episodes aired on the same date. In real life, Bing was golfing buddies with Chet Lauck, and Tuffy Goff, as well as several other Hollywood stars of the time. First up, let's make a visit to Pine Ridge, then go right into the second feature with Bing, on the Woodbury program. Lum and Abner - Circus Will Open Saturday. 350319 Horlicks: There's nothing like Horlicks for weight control. Hey, I wonder. If they could have an arm wrestling match, who would win: Horlicks, or SlimFast? In Pine Ridge, Squire has been busy arranging the circus side show. Lum is afraid he's going to be in trouble with the way Squire stretches the truth. At the end of last episode, it was revealed that Cedric had been playing the part of the Wild Man from Borneo. Lum and Abner talk about some of the aftermath of it. Lum mentions some residual complaints over the recent flashlight giveaway, and some folks who still haven't recieved them yet. He sends his apologies through the party line. Side note to young listeners: the party line was the 1930's version of the Internet, and email. Squire pops in to put some final touches on the circus preparations. He wants Lum to be a trapese artist. Abner gets talked into being the lion tamer. Horlick Letter: A mom writes in who had a baby who was becoming puny. After going on a diet of Horlicks, she's now just a big baby. Hey, that didn't sound right. She's big and strong as all the other babies. Woodbury Show - First Song - Old Faithful. ep59, 350319 Ken Carpenter, Bing Crosby, Marian Nancy, Georgie Stoehl Orchestra. Playlist: * Old Faithful (opening line only). * Blame It On My Youth (Bing Crosby). * Japanese Sandman (Georgie Stoehl and his Orchestra). * Things Might Have Been So Different (Marian Nancy). * Easy to Remember (Bing Crosby). * Alexander's Ragtime Band (Georgie Stoehl Orchestra). * Bing and Tally Irwin try to remember wheere they last saw each other, horse racesand memory troubles. * Old Faithful (reprise). * Lullabye of Broadway (Bing Crosby). Note: We learn that Paul Whiteman has been a nationally known orchestra leader now for 20 years, and Bing sang with him for part of that time. Also the Japanese Sandman was one of Whiteman's hits. The song, Old Faithful, the top cowboy song in the nation, was written in England.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Molly Is Sick Fibber And Doc Eat Out. 460219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:06

Baby it's cold outside, and though Fibber runs around in the weather, it's Molly who comes down with the flu. Doc Gamble delivers the medical attention and prescribes that Fibber leave Molly alone so she can get rest. Mrs Carstairs comes over to tend to Molly, and swap humorous punches with Fibber. To aid in Molly's recovery, and in response to some of Fibbers ailments, Doc decides to take Fibber out to eat. First, Old Timer visits to joke about restaurants. alt="Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye old time radio shows at " Billy Mills plays, I Can't Begin to Tell. On the way down town Mayor Latrivia ducks into a doorway with Fibber and Doc to step out of the rain. Has the mayor ever heard about the Gravy Boat? Is it a good place to eat? The mayor gets tripped up by Fibber over a tuba. At the restaurant Bea Benaderet doubles as the waitress while Bill Thomson is the head waiter. Is there any thing fit to eat on the menu? The Kingsmen sing, Personality. With the meal in full swing, how are our heros handling the food service? Fibber complains at the bill, and his poor service. He not only gets a free meal out of it, but a little more than he bargained for. PS: The dinner ends up costing the horrendous amount of $4.40. Keep in mind though that prices were about a tenth of what they are today.

 Eddie Cantor – Guest Dr M Sayle Taylor. 410219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

The baby from the previous week is back, and will be for running gags that last for a few weeks to come. Eddie jokes about babies, shopping, and is joined by Dinah Shore who lends a hand with the crying child. She sings a tune to settle the infant. The ominous caller again phones in to warn Eddie to not let the baby cry, and that Eddie will get what's coming to him. Needing advice, Eddie is visited by Dr Sail Tailor, a big name advice columnist of the day before Dear Abby. Besides baby advice, the cast all suddenly need the doctor's advice for their own dating and relationship woes. Dinah still has a crush on Phil Harris, and even the sound man has some worries with his girlfriend. Olive Major, the 13 year old opera sensation sings, Loch Lomond. The fun moves to Eddie's apartment building where the Mad Russian gets in on the baby care. what does a goofy guy like him know about putting clothes on a baby? Haven't you ever heard of Russian Dressing? with a last threatening phone call, eddie and the cast close with a song about getting to bed and rising early to be a success.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – The McGees Try To Go To Bed Early. 410218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Sponsored by Johnson's Wax. It's only 8:30PM and Fibber wants to get some rest so he can feel relaxed for his upcoming appearance on the Lux Radio Theater. Teeny is the first to disturb his plans by talking about her new roller skates. Fibber tries to feed her a tall tale about Pixies. She's just a little too smart for him though. Mrs. Uppington stops in to tell about her car problem. Fibber brags about being Biggs Tinker McGee. Billy Mills plays. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8"; Take a glimpse at the nighttime routine as the McGee's prepare for bed. A burglar turns out to be Boomer. It's now 2:00AM when the phone rings. It's just Harlow with the commercial. Seems that Harlow needs to look up a word, and the dictionary is in Fibber's hall closet. The Kingsmen sing, In the Gloaming. It's now 4AM and still no sleep for Fibber. Will Fibber ever get any rest? Not when Gildersleeve stops by to ask for the keys to Fibber's car. Will the interuptions never cease? When the Old Timer stops in,it's now the start of a new day, and he has a message from the sponsor.

 Jack Benny – Rochester Lost Briefly At Sea. ep574, 460217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:44

Jack tells Don about his birthday bash he had earlier in the week. Of course, Mary enters to fill in the more embarrassing details. Phil is late so Mary reads his lines and corny jokes. Frank Nelson poses as a radio announcer to set up a running gag for the rest of the show. Larry Stevens sings, Let it Snow. alt="Please pass the biscuits Paaahppee! Pat O'Daniel and his Hillbilly boys old time radio shows at " Phil finally makes it and delivers his lines, but with an ad lib or two of his own. Phil claims his writer he hired is an Indian who also writes commercials, as Don demonstrates. At the invocation of Fred Allen by Phil, Jack goes on a spree to tease his comic rival. Phil plays, Sweetheart. The cast mention Rochester being lost at sea, and go into flashback. Professor LaBlanc gives Jack a violin lesson when the news comes in about the missing Rochester. Note: Jack Benny's humor is mostly crazy, made up stuff. Sometimes though it's topical, and relies on current events, news, and pop culture of the day. In the description of Rochester being lost at sea, it was no joke. Eddie Anderson really did go out fishing, and for 2 days wasn't heard from. Similar to Jack's portrayal at not learning of the event until after the fact, it actually did happen that way. He didn't know about it until the news flashes began to hit the airwaves. When Jack learned of it, he had his writers toss aside the script they were working on to write in the second half of this episode. Of course, for the show, Eddie Anderson peppered his real ordeal with jokes as he told of his adventure, but the relief the cast felt at having him back was definitely 100% real.

 Lights Out – Cat Wife. ep2, 360617 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:39

Linda has been out revelling with her friends, but John isn’t happy with his wife when she gets home. All John wants is a little loyalty and respect. Has Linda pushed him to the limit, and to the point of divorce? The no good woman only married John for his money, and has already done her work to clean John out of cash. The catty woman, with her cackling laugh, makes John think of Linda as a giant white cat. That’s not possible… is it? A doctor is called, Linda is sedated and resting, but has John’s beautiful wife turned into a four footed, furry critter? Should the authorities be called… scientists called on hand to study the supernatural event? The embarrassment may be too much for the frazzled John. What lengths will John go to to cover up for his wife? Will she change her ways, and stop catting around town with friends? How will Linda bear up as the pampered household pet? Note: also aired as: Lights Out - Cat Wife (Repeat). ep37, 370217

 Dick Tracy – Case Of The Firebug Murders. 460216. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:12

A rash of fires being set around the city, keeps Dick Tracy jumping. Though he tries to catch a nap in the police station, he's back on the streets, and at the scene of another fire. He's certain that a firebug is behind it all. Dick's friend named Gravel Girtie owns a few buildings, and has a hot tip for Dick to get going on. Besides the murders, is the fires have driven insurance prices sky high, forcing property owners to sellout. Who is JP Doom? He's a real estate tycoon who wants to snap up properties after hearing of a highway going through. Will Doom be scared when he knows that Tracy is on his trail? Will he have his firebug pal, Hotfoot, keep up the arsons? Stand by for danger for Dick's pal Girtie, and if Doom can help it, Tracy will fall prey in one of his fires as well. Just when Tracy gets the upperhand, he finds him in danger along with all of his friends. PS: More of those crazy names. Last episode we had a mention of Flinthart, who is Dick's partner. Today, his wife, Snowflake, returns. In the past Dick's partners were Junior and Pat, but he seems to have given them up for whose full name is Vitamin Flinthart. More returning characters include: Gimmick and Hotfoot, henchmen of Doom's. Gravel Girtie, a streetwise citezen, property owner, and friend of Dick Tracey.

 Behind The Mike – Character Actors. ep22, 410216 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

Allen Drake is a top character actor, and he shows off his versatility. How does he do it with just the change of his voice, accent, and inflection? Listen and be amazed as he takes us on a world tour. Sound Effect of the Week. Amazingly enough, the sound of Alka Seltzer is made from the actual product. No tricks with this one. A recount, and dramatization of a well known opera singer is presented. Winning auditions, scholarships, travelling, but breaking into radio seems always out of reach. After an 8 year struggle, Genevive Rowe shows off her singing talent on the show. Hmm... so that's how an overnight success does it. Visit the 2nd floor of the NBC network building, where radio personalities mix and mingle. Enjoy the slice of water cooler gossip among the big names in radio. Salute to a program you used to hear, this week it's the Ever Ready Hour. A popular story is repeated again, of sailing on a ship at sea. Five months at sea, and in the doldrums, rations run low, and the crew is forced to row their way out in the lifeboats. Making land in the Galapagos, the remaining crew make a meager survival on the sealife there, and hope for a passing ship. Survival is more than food, and soon the crew go stir crazy on the bare rock of an island. How will rescue come?


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