Eddie Cantor – Guest Dr M Sayle Taylor. 410219

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The baby from the previous week is back, and will be for running gags that last for a few weeks to come. Eddie jokes about babies, shopping, and is joined by Dinah Shore who lends a hand with the crying child. She sings a tune to settle the infant. <br> The ominous caller again phones in to warn Eddie to not let the baby cry, and that Eddie will get what's coming to him. Needing advice, Eddie is visited by Dr Sail Tailor, a big name advice columnist of the day before Dear Abby. <br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-6-1-7.html" target="_blank"></a><br> Besides baby advice, the cast all suddenly need the doctor's advice for their own dating and relationship woes. Dinah still has a crush on Phil Harris, and even the sound man has some worries with his girlfriend. Olive Major, the 13 year old opera sensation sings, Loch Lomond. <br> The fun moves to Eddie's apartment building where the Mad Russian gets in on the baby care. what does a goofy guy like him know about putting clothes on a baby? Haven't you ever heard of Russian Dressing? with a last threatening phone call, eddie and the cast close with a song about getting to bed and rising early to be a success.<br>