Our Miss Brooks – The Frog. 490220.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Being the traditional, romantic type, Connie Brooks sent Mr Boynton an unsigned Valentines Day card. She is feeling low when he hasn't sent any card at all, and spends more time with his frogs than her. Harriot Conklin shares her own man trouble with Connie. It seems that Walter Denton has been ignoring her as well. The two gals share war stories of miserable dates at the movies, or at the zoo. <br> When Walter comes around Connie tries to drop hints about Harriot, but Walter seems more interested in his position as Manager of the Basketball team, and their need for new jerseys. Walter and Miss Brooks talk about her dating competition, Miss Enright. <br> The French teacher, Mr LeBlanche talks with Connie Brooks about her love and work life. He tries to cheer her up, and encourage her in matters of romance. He suggests trying to play hard to get with Mr Boynton, to make him jealous. Maybe if the target of Boyntons affections, MacDugal the frog gets a female companion, he might take the hint, and see the need for a female companion for himself. Sneakky. Will it work? <br> Connie recruits Walter to get her a female frog, while she puts the moves on Boynton. She suggests the reason for MacDugal's depression is due to being lonely. The need for a companion. Hasn't Boynton ever talked to Macdugal about the birds and bees? With all the hints, you would think the bashful biologist would figure it all out. Wow, for a biologist, Boynton could use some lessons in animal magnitism. <br> Walter sneaks in Connies frog, but Boynton identifies it as a male frog, and Macdugal is clearly unhappy. Moving along, Connie encounters Mrs Davis and asks her to exchange the frog for her. Later, after class, Miss Brooks confronts Walter about his frog mixup, then Mrs Davis reports in with her frog. It's waiting in the principle's office. Oh boy. Can Connie get it back without elevating Mr Conklins already high blood pressure? But of course not, where would the comedy be without Conklins classic slow burn. <br> The moment of truth comes when Boynton comes to Connie's place so the frogs can hit it off. They seem to be smitten from the start. Boynton has his own surprise, a date for Minirva the cat. With all the animal noises, Connie figures she might be just as well off spending their date back at the zoo in the monkey house. <br> Poor Miss Brooks. Too bad that Magic Christmas Tree episode only comes round once per year. <br>