Eddie Cantor – Guest, Joe Dimaggio. 410212

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The show opens with Eddie cracking a few jokes, and Dinah Shore still pining over Phil Harris. Dinah sings a tune. <br> An unusual thing happens on the show, a baby is left for Eddie. At first he doesn't want to have anything to do with the kid, he already has five girls. Then Eddie learns the baby is a boy and he changes his mind. The baby will become a running gag in the show, just like Eddie's apartment building. <br> <a href="http://www.otrcat.com/258-6-1-7.html" target="_blank"></a><br> Speaking of the apartment building, Joe Dimaggio shows up and Eddie gets him to rent a room. Olive Major sings an aria from Carmen. The jokes at the apartment building center around baseball, families, and of course the Mad Russian gets his chance to add his craziness.<br>