Black Museum – The Bloodstained Brick Bat. ep5, 520129.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A young man responds to a help wanted ad. He does good work for the family, and all seems well, and quite normal in the household. Cousin Alma, a house guest, thinks it may look improper having the worker around the house, he is spending too much time in the house and not enough out in the garden and garage where he belongs. People will talk.<br> <a href="" target="_blank"> alt="Thousands of old time radio shows in reach -- click here for today's broadcasts!<br><br> "</a><br> One day the worst happens, Jim, the head of the house is struck down. Did Dick the gardener do it? He doesn't seem the type, even Alma doesn't think so. Then who? With his undue presence in the house it puts him in place to be a prime suspect.<br> Did the gardner do it? Was he just set up? Stay tuned for the surprise ending.<br>