Abbott and Costello – Lou Has To Pay Income Tax. 460314.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lou shows up in his pajamas after an allnighter with trying to do his income tax. Bud wants to help him out, and claims to be certified in doing taxes. The guys joke about the complex tax forms and schedules. Topics include family members, federal projects that rely on taxes to operate, and how federal money is spentt. <br> Carl Hoff and The band plays a mellow arrangement of, Who's Sorry Now. Or something. <br> Lou needs money to pay his tax bill, but Bud refuses to loan him any. Mel blanc is the drunken hiccupping man who tries to make a phone call. Maybe Mrs Niles will loan Lou some cash? With insults swapped about beauty, film appearances, and family lineage, it looks like Lou is on his own. Bessy May Mucho, the actress with the unusual vowel pronunciations that always gets Lou off track is on hand. Will she loan Lou any money? No luck for Lou. <br> Later he visits his tight wad Scottish friend. Maybe a phone call to uncle Artie Stebbins will work? No loans for Lou yet. <br> Amy Arnelle sings, Onsie Twosie. <br> The guys are still out beating the streets to raise Lou's tax money. Among the oddball characters they run across, Mellonhead takes offense at anything that Lou tells him. As a last resort, Lou goes to a confidential loan company. He just has to answer a few personal questions first.<br>