Abbott and Costello – Drugstore. 460307.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lou has yet another business that he's trying out. Bud jokes with him about the things found in a drugstore: candy, toys, medicines, and the like. Customer service mixups abound. Lou gets confused over inventions, and other word play and misunderstandings pertaining to electricity. <br> Verna Felton enters the drugstore to swap insults with Lou over his poor service. Ken Niles pops in with an ailment, as does Bessy May Mucho. Her upscale accent has Lou making fun of her vowels and pronunciation. A drunken Mel Blanc needs a quick cure for his hiccups. The guys have a new problem, Mrs Niles, their landlady demands to have her rent. <br> Amy Darnele sings, Some Sunday Morning. (I guess this means the end of Connie Haines on the show.)<br> With business in a slump, and worrying about the rent, Lou wants to pack up the drugs and chemicals and close up shop. Bud discovers a way to pay the rent. All Lou has to do is invent an atomic bomb. The great scientist Mellonhead arrives to lend his help. They joke about some of the cutting edge breakthroughs of the time in the world of chemestry and science. <br> Mellonhead uses the bag of uranium that Bud found in the drugstore to build his bomb. Wow, how convenient to just happen to sell uranium in the drugstore. I wonder if I can still pick up a small bag at Walgreens... I've been wanting to make my own improvised nuclear device for some time now. (just kidding.) <br> The next day Bud and Lou joins Mellonhead in the desert to test the nuclear device. Will the bomb work, or will it be a dud? There won't be any danger in testing a homemade nuclear bomb, will there? Nah! <br>