Fibber McGee and Molly – The McGees Throw A Dinner Party 410304

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Last week everyone in town thought Fibber and Molly were broke. To prove their prosperity, they put on a banquet. Harlowe Wilcox, and Billy Mills drop in, joined by Nick Depopollus. Next Abigail Uppington brings her punch bowl full of... guppies? Don't ask, just listen and figure it out. Old Timer talks about his ailments. Billy Mills plays a tune. <br> Fibber calls to see why Gildersleeve hasn't shown up and chats with Myrt. After Harlow delivers the commercial, Gale Gordon, as the town doctor chats with Fibber. Boomer tosses in a word or two. Gildersleeve finally shows up with extra chairs. Fibber and Molly check on Old Timer's progress in making the ice cream. "Rumba Seat McGee" brags on his dancing prowess. The Kingsmen sing, Ezekiel Saw the Wheel. <br> Back at the party, the guests are getting their fill. Boomer does his trick to make a $20 bill disappear. Hmm... I feel a scam coming on. Teeny slips in to look for her missing dolly. She tells a poem. When the doc declares that she has the measles, the gang all end up quarentined.<br>