You Are There – The Rise Of Alexander The Great – Peace Offer, 331BC. ep66, 490306.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Alexander the Great decides whether to accept terms of peace with Persia. if he does, the war will be over between the Greeks and the Persians, if not, The Greeks will still have some fierce battles on their ands. <br> CBS reporter, John Daily, is on hand at the site where the Greek and Persian armies have met. He offers commentary as he interviews the key players. The meeting between Alexander and the Persian Ambassador is about to take place to go over terms. In interviewing Alexander, he seems to believe the Persians should offer him the power of the throne. Words get heated as the head of state debates with Alexander, and some of the history of the long standing hostilities are drawn out. Alexander is offered peace for the return of the captives tht the Greeks stole away, the queen mother, and the daughter of the Persian king. The offer also includes marriage to the daughter of the Persian king, and power over half the realm. Impressive, but will it be acceptable? <br> Further interviews with Greek officers reveal that Alexander already holds half the kingdom after all his conquests, and the money and marriage is a non-issueIf Alexander wanted the daughter, he could have taken her as wife at any time. . a CBS Reporter interviews the captive Queen and daughter. The queen mother has some insights to what Alexander really wantsand how his plans have changed over time. <br> Back in Athens, what does the man on the street want? Let's find out as we recieve commentary from a reporter who talks with a local official or two. As you might expect, the attitudes and opinions vary. Back at the peace conference, it appears a decision is about to be announced. It looks like... well, just listen in for the dramatic decision. Here's a hint though. The radio announcer mentioned early on that this is the first part of a trilogy in this saga, so no matter the decision, stay tuned. <br>