Whistler – Decision. 460304

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Paul is a doctor who wants the best for his patients, even if it's just to give a placebo to a wealthy woman with nothing really wrong with her. When a sultry, dark haired woman enters, his life is about to change. Mrs Carol Cameron has a husband with a serious heart condition. Will Paul make house calls to tend to the man? <br> With his growing intimate feelings with Carol, Paul continues the in home treatments, until one day it happened. Firmly wrapped around her little finger, she convinces Paul that she only wants to end it all, and put her ailing husband out of his misery. Will Paul go along, and offer a medication that is sure to bring on a heart attack? Will Carol do the deed, even if Paul decides not to?<br> Mr Cameron drops dead, and taking the medicine bottle back to his office, Paul tests the contents. It contained poison, but now what shouldPaul do? He covers up on the death certificate, but will his findings hold up? Will there be an investigation? Suspicious family members and house servants put the prewssure on, and secrets about Pauls love affair with Mrs Cameron emerge. Will his part in the poisoning or cover up be found out as well? <br> The Whistler knows, and tells the twist ending that finds justice being carried out. <br> Note: Features Cathy Lewis and Joe Kearn. <br>