The Whistler – Murder In Haste. 460225

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Helen has been married for 3 years, and though she's thoroughly sick of her husband Elbert she's still fond of the $100 bills he brings home. Violence erupts during a domestic dispute, and Helen is struck dead. Leaving the body to be found by the servants, Elbert flees, and takes a train. Rickets is a plain clothes cop who Elbert meets on the train. Has he been found out? Is Rickets following him with intent to arrest him? A mystery writer named Jameson is on the train as well. Suddenly, the unexpected happens the train is derailed. <br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> The tragic event seems to be a stroke of luck for our escaping murderer. ?He changes identity with the now killed mystery writer as the train wreck burns. Can Elbert pull off the ruse? Who knew the real author who had been living in Buenas Aires for years? What will Mrs Jameson have to say when she visits the imposter at his hotel? Apparently, her marriage was as unsatisfactory as Elberts,and she convinces him to keep up the act. Is it the answer, or just a matter of jumping out of a frying pan into the fire? <br> The murders pile up, but the trapped Elbert has a plot twist waiting for him. It's confession time, but wait, there's still room for wierd plot twists, and the Whistler will be glad to tell you all about them. <br>