Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 If I were Johnny Terrorist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

John does an extended boralogue today examining the effects of the tragic Madrid bombing and its effect on the terror war actually World War III The British have basically told their citizens an attack is probable -- nothing they can do about it just prepare nbsp Spook-speak says there's already a dirty nuke in London nbsp Madrid demonstrated the effectiveness of timed sequential explosions nbsp Now tie that to the constantly-emerging reports of porta-nukes being obtained by Al Qaeda Tie that to the fact these are actual nuclear devices instead of dirty nukes Maybe we don't want to tie it

 Specified Complexity and Darwins Panic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Recently the Ohio State School Board voted to allow discussion of challenges to evolutionary theory in Ohio's schools Despite claims that intelligent design is religion in disguise Darwinists are nervously shuttling around trying to avoid confronting the scientific impediments specified complexity presents to evolutionary theory They won't be able to keep the barbarians out forever Benjamin Wiker of the Discover Institute www discover org in Seattle guests John does an extended boralogue on the GNI - Global Nervousness Index -- especially how environmental issues are raising the index level

 Hubberts Peak and The Coming Oil War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:27

The world is not running out of oil but once we passed Hubbert's Peak a few years ago the age of cheap oil ended forever All the major powers recognize this -- Russia China the European Union Japan and the U S -- and that's why the competition to control the Middle East's remaining sources of flowing oil is becoming fierce Two guests examine this critical issue Matt Savinar www lifeaftertheoilcrash net explains Hubbert's Peak and how this is already affecting life in the West a change which will only increase with time Then Lutz Kleveman author of www newgreatgame

 Scandal at the New York Times | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

With same-sex marriages blipping on the controversy radar another scandal is brewing at the New York Times which apparently collaborated with the chief justice of the Massachussets Supreme Court to navigate gay marriages to a pre-determined outcome in that state nbsp Ed Pawlick guests Well the GNI - global nervousness index -- went up last week when a secret Pentagon report was leaked to the Guardian newspaper in Great Britain claiming global climate change will wreak havoc over the next years nbsp The global warming crowd is exultant but they failed to notice the slight change from global warming to

 When Fines are Not Fine? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

The FCC has had fines for indecency violations for decades but never issues them nbsp Technically the TV stations carrying the Super Bowl halftime show should have been fined but weren't nbsp Why nbsp Bob Peters from Morality in Media guests www moralityinmedia org John does an analysis of Greenspeak by playing clips from Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's testimony before Congress and then interpreting what he said The last part of the show is dedicated to tying up the last four weeks of program subjects running from the Pope's visions the Third Secret of Fatima the DaVinci Code and

 The Mystic Side of Mel Gibson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Mel Gibson's inspiration to produce his controversial Passion movie came from the writings of an th Century mystic stigmatic nun Our guest is Hurd Baruch author of Light on Light Illuminations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the Mystical Visions of the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich In the last part of the first hour we briefly revisit the issue of civil forfeiture by speaking with the president of a non-profit organization for disadvantaged youth who had seized at an airport under the allegation it was involved with drug trafficking Finally another switchback in the proofs of evolution Scientists tell

 An Ice Age Alternative to Global Warming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

There is mounting evidence that the world's drastic weather is the harbinger of an oncoming ice age rather than global warming Robert Felix author of Not by Fire but by Ice www iceagenow com lays out the case for an ice age that has historically appeared every years but takes less than years to set it nbsp After the re-run of Malachi Martin a few weeks ago we've had requests to cover the Third Secret of Fatima nbsp So we've dug into our archive grab bag to run another Malachi Martin clip and an interview with Fr Nicholas Gruener of

 The Cult of the Magdalene | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Did Mary Magdalene and Jesus have a child together and do their descendants exist today It may sound bizarre but the legends of the Magdalene form the basis of everything from the Knights Templar to legends of the Holy Grail to The Last Temptation of Christ to a novel entitled The DaVinci Code There is a resurgence of interest in the cult of the Magdalene Dr Alan Schreck Chairman of the Theology Department at Franciscan University at Stuebenville Ohio guests Then how biased is the BBC regarding Israel Plenty Michael Weinstein from HonestReporting www honestreporting com joins us Finally the

 The Keys of This Blood Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

As people speculate about the longevity of this current pope there is strong reason to believe he has no intention of stepping down or dying To examine why we travel back fifteen years to a December program and air clips from a never re-rerun interview with Malachi Martin author of The Keys of this Blood the Struggle for World Dominion between Pope John Paul II Mikhail Gorbachev and the Capitalist West This isn't just a re-run John frames the entire conversation in the light of today's events and provides running commentary on the things they discussed a decade and a

 Potpourri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

With President Bush being out-Foxed in Mexico and hundreds of drug runners and illegals crossing private property every night along the border why is a group of property owners defending themselves branded as extremist nbsp Jack Foote of Ranch Rescue www ranchrescue com guests nbsp Then Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America is back revealing the IRS's latest effort to muzzle what his organization can tell its members nbsp Shawn Macomber from American Spectator www spectator org analyzes how both conservatives and liberals were badly taken by a Muslim organization which had active ties with terror groups nbsp Finally

 Fighting Extremism and Losing Civility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Some of listeners have been complaining we haven't had enough of debate on the show They're right Recently a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center branded former Alabama Chief Justice Judge Roy Moore an extremist While it's popular to use the term extremist when you don't agree with someone's political beliefs how does one qualify as an extremist Brian Levin of the CSUSB Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism guests

 The Worthless Elderly and Unfunded Liabilities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

The media tell today's youth to worship youth and believe in relative values Will this group be willing to shell out the massive tax money required to fund the unfunded liabilities of the welfare state or will assisted suicide read planned murder look very attractive in the near future DNA testing has disproved the Book of Mormon's claim that native Americans are descendants of semitic races that came from the Middle East Rather they have close ties to asiatic races What will the LDS church do now John's boralogue examines the even split in the political arena as two worldviews

 Revisiting Gulf War Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

US servicemen and women are returning from the battlefield to find pink slips at their jobs and Desert Storm vets continue to die from Gulf War Syndrome Joyce Reilly www thepowerhour com guests Last year when no one was looking Congress tried to pass a bill mandating federal politically correct instruction in America's schools on the Bill of Rights One of contained the falsehood that the right to bear arms is a collective right and not an individually one Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America guests As the new year passes John's boralogue outlines how the lesson of the

 Is It Really that Bad? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Is It Really that Bad The leftist US media are doing their best to paint President Bush's war in Iraq as another Vietnam quagmire although it's getting harder to do so Observers on the ground report a vastly different situation from the media portrayals Dr Anis Shorrosh is our guest As a Nazareth-born Arab fluent in Arabic and a Baptist evangelist Dr Shorrosh is author of the book Islam Revealed www islam-in-focus com He travels the globe debating the Bible vs the Koran with Muslims His life has been threatened on several occasions and at least one assassination attempt occurred

 The Christian History Project | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

A recent poll demonstrated that only of Christians actually understand a Christian worldview Moreover Christians as a group demonstrate woeful ignorance of their own history Dr Ted Byfield of the Christian History Project www christianhistoryproject com seeks to remedy that problem Craig Smith www swissamerica com is alarmed at provisions in House Bill HR that sneaked through Congress and allows widespread snooping on your financial information with no judicial oversight Then we go prophetic with Sal Smario www prophecyofdaniel com and ask whether or not the interpretation of Europe as the -nation confederation is wrong and perhaps there's another possibility


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