Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Fourth Generation Warfare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Terrorism expert Morgan Norval The Fifteen Century War details the new type of warfare that will dominate the st Century in which civilians are legitimate targets and national borders are of no significance John's boralogue examines the major paradigm changes world is undergoing looking beyond the coming attack on Iraq

 Breakdown of a Breakdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Bill Gertz from the Washington Times www washtimes com joins John in examining the intelligence failures which led to as detailed in Gertz's new book Breakdown Then SOS regulars Dr Dennis Cuddy author of Waiting for the Next Shoe to Drop and Dr Stan Monteith www radioliberty com join for a conference call to critique Gertz's critique -- there seem to be some breakdowns in Bill Gertz's breakdown John's boralogue examines the nature of Project Bojinka found on a terrorist's laptop in Manila which detailed the plot to fly airplanes into key US targets including CIA headquarters and the World

 Not Guilty But So What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Maj Leon Felkins Ret www fear org provides a report on the degree to which the Patriot Act has affected seizure of property Then John does an interview with a dentist who was accused of Medicaid fraud simply because he used a new technique for doing fillings which already recognized by the dental profession Even after it was proven there was no fraud and criminal charges were dropped his state still insisted on a fine John's boralogue reminds listeners that both domestic and international law is becoming quot fuzzy quot and simply by definition you can be a terrorist

 Theyre Coming to take It Away Ha ha! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Health journalist Bill Sardi www askbillsardi com joins the show today to examine the Codex Alimentarius which when implemented will virtually demolish the food supplement and vitamin industry in the EU and US A short interview with James Sinclair www financialsense com is featured focusing on the looming derivative market collapse John does an extended boralogue on the Middle East situation to date

 The Sawgrass Rebellion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Dr Michael Coffman www discerningtoday org just back from the -year anniversary Earth Summit in South Africa does a post mortem on the shenanigans that went on there Don Lester with the Sawgrass Rebellion www sawgrassrebellion org reports on the storm of mounting protest against the plan to force Americans from their homes in Florida a direct result of Agenda from the Rio Earth Summit John's boralogue addresses the myth that home schoolers lack socialization

 The Cuddly form of Evil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

Jan Lamprecht www africancrisis org rejoins the show from Johannesburg South Africa for a brief update on the latest happenings from southern Africa Zimbabwe and the increasing anti-white hatred manifested by racist black African leaders Jan warns that other English-language countries are all on the same socialist train just a few cars further back Then SOS regular Berit Kjos www crossroad to does a review of the growing trend for film-makers to portray evil entities monsters aliens as benevolent and examine what this is doing to our children Comparing Zimbabwe to the Middle East Crisis John's boralogue shows why promises

 The Murrah Trade Center Bombing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:33

Former intelligence officer Craig Roberts USMC Ret author of The Medusa File craigok tripod com killzone demonstrates that the Clinton administration's campaign to make conservative quot hate groups quot responsible for the Murrah Office building bombing in Oklahoma City scuttled genuine investigation into the real perpetrators mideastern terrorists and resulted directly in the bombing of the Word Trade Center six years later

 Behold the Citizen Criminal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Still opposed to the idea of a national ID card It's already a reality Dr Charlotte Twight PhD author of Dependent on D C www cato org says the Social Security number enables government to build a thorough profile on any American within seconds and to troll through their private lives looking for crimes Dan Smith from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs www jinsa org takes a fascinating look at the new electronic weapons the US will be able to use in the upcoming Middle East war s John's boralogue looks at the consequences of everyone becoming a

 Postmodernism and Politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Dr William Anderson of the Ludwig von Mises Institute www vonmises org is key guest of the month Dr Anderson explains why President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft may be born again but act like so many other valueless bureaucrats -- it's the postmodern philosophy on steroids Also discussed is the dangerous effect postmodernism is having on the administration of law where what you can get away with is the rule

 Big Brothers Pressing Blowout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:29

Joan Veon www womensgroup org is back with a look at the pending global banking bailout and other international finance topics Today John starts a series of interviews about the increasing government surveillance of Americans the databasing is far more extensive and invasive than most people suspect Another longtime guest is Charlotte Iserbyt is back with a look at the womb to tomb databasing of Americans including their health mental health and education records as well as their psychological profiles

 Religious Freedom in the Workplace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

With all the hoopla about eliminating God from the Pledge of Allegiance the real location God is disappearing in is the workplace where more and more Christians Jews and Muslims are meeting discrimination Attorney Alan Reinach guests Pastor Ray Moore www exodusmandate org is interviewed about his book Let My Children Go and the organized movement to remove Christian children from the public school systems

 Whatever Happened to the New Age? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

Warren Smith author of Reinventing Jesus Christ and The Light that was Dark appears on the show after a decade of silence his last appearance was May to chronologue the tremendous strides the New Age belief system has made in capturing the public mind during the last years especially after The program also features excerpts from a -year-old speech by former communist Dr Bella Dodd which provide keen insights to socialist goals then and how they have been realized now

 Shes Gonna Blow! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Robert Prechter www elliottwave com financial guru of the s and author of Conquer the Crash presents out his case for an imminent depression and how people can financially survive through the crash Are vouchers really a good thing for private education SOS regular Charlotte Iserbyte www deliberatedumbingdown com says that vouchers have historically been the death knell for private and home school education John's boralogue examines the crazy precedents the war on terrorism is establishing and asks quot are we at war or not quot The Bush administration seems to want it both ways whenever it's convenient The government's

 Communism is Dead. Long Live Consensus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Contrary to popular thought communism is alive and thriving in China Cuba Zimbabwe and most of southern Africa Moreover the communist collective thought process -- called consensus -- is now thoroughly penetrating western countries Jan Lamprecht www africancrisis org author of Government by Deception -- Psychopolitics in Southern Africa is John's guest

 The Case of MIA Michael Scott Speicher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

Pilot Cmdr Michael Scott Speicher is the only man who was first classified as KIA then MIA and now possibly a POW Nevertheless people in the defense department are still balking at finding out what happened to him Timothy Maier from Insight Magazine www insightmag com joins John The program features an important re-run from program talking about emergency government provisions in the US John's boralogue warns that Enron and Worldcom are just the beginnings of an economic system that's ready to blow due to years of mishandling


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