Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Jesus in Beijing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Despite decades of intense persecution Christianity is growing dramatically at a rate that can't be controlled by the communist government nbsp This is changing the social and political fabric of China nbsp Former Time Magazine Beijing Bureau Chief David Aikman guests When former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill came into office he commissioned two economists to find out if the nation could pay its future liabilities nbsp The resulting study was so shocking the Bush administration spiked it and O'Neill was fired Why There is an impossible trillion abyss between nbsp the government's income and its unfunded liabilities which

 Customary Corruption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

With the much-publicized threat of terrorists penetrating the country's defenses why is it the US can't control its borders Perhaps corruption inside U S Customs is so bad that there is a vested interest in not getting the borders under control Former senior customs inspector John Carman www customscorruption com details the threat to national security that lax border controls represent John's boralogue asks why liberals are whining about the Bush administration's policies on civil rights when liberal policies of the last thirty years laid the groundwork for the current administration to do what it does

 Thanksgiving Potpourri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Thanksgiving week is traditionally one of the slowest news weeks in the year Nevertheless this weekend's program moves rapidly through a series of topics John's boralogue covers a prophetic book written years ago Congress wants drug prescription benefits but everyone ignores the fact that Medicare and Social Security are bankrupt What is the real face of Islam and why did the European Union spike an report on Anti-Semitism in Europe Finally how is the war on terror going and why are more controls being put on American citizens P S Don't forget to queue up to have your chip injected

 Javier Solana and Iraq | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Demoralization sets in among coalition forces in Iraq which can't understand why they aren't permitted to do their jobs but suffer micromanagement undermining their publicly-stated purpose Surprise It's the consensus process in action with a different end-goal than the dedicated men and women of the coalition suspect Meanwhile media blackout Europe's Foreign Minister Javier Solana has announced the US will turn its forces over to an international coalition shortly but nothing was reported in the US media Today we'll go to the cutting edge with SOS regulars Dr Dennis Cuddy and Constance Cumbey John's boralogue looks at the contradictions between

 Who are the Neo-Cons Conning? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Both liberals and conservatives think the quot problem quot is the opposite party What neither side realizes is that the Neo-cons have conned them into fighting each other as the ship of state is steered into their worst nightmare There's an unsuspected third destination on the horizon Dr Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty www radioliberty com joins John for some musing about where this is all going Well horrors there was another scandal on Wall Street yawn Who could have imagined Hint anyone who was watching Steve Selengut Brainwashing of the American Investor -- www sancoservices com does a post

 Does Anyone Remember Communism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

There is a disturbing trend among revisionist historians to deny the evils committed under communism or when undeniable to defend them Harvey Klehr co-author of In Denial Historians Communism and Espionage guests Speaking of trends a November Spectator magazine article says it's becoming trendy to question Darwinism Recently scientists met in Texas to examine the increasing problems with the Darwinist model Dt Steven Meyer of the Discover Institute www discover org in Seattle guests John's boralogue examines the fact versus fantasy in public policy that caused the southern California wildfires

 The US Dollar is Under Attack! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

The US Dollar is facing heavy challenge from four newcomers the Euro the Chinese Yuan a Russian ruble backed by gold and the Islamic gold Dinar all of which threaten to devalue the dollar Our new colored twenty dollar bills brought out early and backed by an unprecedented PR campaign could be a forerunner of a two- tier currency designed to lock old dollars offshore as the value of the dollar falls Craig Smith from Swiss America www swissamerica com guests Security at the national laboratories is a virtual sieve which threatens national security So why did Los Alamos re-hire

 You Are Mentally Ill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Do you believe your religious faith is better than other faiths According to the new definitions of mental health you're mentally ill As a matter of fact anyone who believes anything too much especially if it's not PC is a mentally-ill extremist We're dedicating the program to examining the rapidly changing definitions of mental health This isn't idle speculation The new definitions are flooding through public institutions from politics to schools to the job place and being foisted on those in them Berit Kjos www crossroad to guests

 Eminent Domain An Offer You Cant Refuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Busy today First we examine eminent domain abuse running rampant around the country where governments are seizing property and giving it to other private parties Attorney Bert Gall from the Institute for Justice www ij org is on deck for that The Russians have rejected the Kyoto treaty but does that mean it's dead Dr Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Project www sepp org says no Expect the Son of Kyoto because too many jobs are tied up keeping the myth of global warming alive Finally New York Post reporter examines the life and death of FBI

 Incoming! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

The first prerequisite in warfare is to recognize the fact that you are under attack The second prerequisite is recognizing that the art of warfare is the art of deception Today's churches are generally doing neither Nationally syndicated columnist David Limbaugh author of Persecution joins John for a comprehensive look at the secular attack on Christianity in the West John does an extended boralogue to answer some of the questions listeners have had about the Marxist origins of the church growth movement flooding into churches around the country

 Well Keep It. Well Keep it Not. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Well are we going to keep the U N or get rid of it Many people think the U N is simply a debating society where diplomats can hash out problems Utopians dream of converting it into a socialist world government Will the real U N please stand up Steve Bonta Executive Administrator of Robert Welch University www robertwelchuniversity org guests John's boralogue emphasizes the issue of personal responsibility in feeding and defending one's family in the face of unexpected events Government will most likely not be there to do it Also examined are the issues between Jews and Christians

 Boom! Lets Pass More Laws! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Every time there's a terrorist event lawmakers stampede to pass more draconian laws stomping on the Bill of Rights The problem isn't a lack of laws most of the time it was law enforcement incompetence that allowed the situation to progress Steve Lilienthal from Free Congress Foundation looks at the CAPPS II program to profile airline passengers Then Richard Miniter author of Losing bin Laden talks about the radical failures of the Clinton administration to deal with Usama bin Laden allowing to happen Speaking of the Clintons will she or won't she Mark Davis The Once and Future President http

 Oh Think of the Children! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

quot Hi I'm from the government and I'm here to help you raise your kids quot is the theme of today's show First off don't do stupid things when you have a disagreement with the state as to how your children should be raised Craig Parshall Custody of the State explains how parents can avoid collisions with authorities regarding healthcare and education What will President Bush's quot No Child Left Behind quot education plan do for your child A lot of things you don't want and none of the things you do And why is it the feds don't want

 The Loose Ends of 9/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Here we are two years out from and the survivors of that day aren't happy how investigations are going Paul Sperry from Worldnetdaily www worldnetdaily com details the evacuation of Usama bin Laden's family members from the U S by airplane that took place the day of the attack Reporter Tom Flocco www tomflocco com concludes that someone must have had prior knowledge for certain things to have happened immediately after the attack John does an extended boralogue on the major global trends in interactive play that are determining the course of the immediate future

 The US vs EU Constitutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

As socialism is collapsing economies everywhere just look at California the proposed EU constitution seems to enshrine it in sacred law perhaps the future of global governance William Niskanen of the Cato Institute www cato org guests Closure for the families of seems to be slow in coming but a novel by Karen Kingsbury www karenkingsbury com seems to be helping Finally Professor Lawrence Roberge www lawrenceroberge com is back with a review of the lessons learned from Y K and what that knowledge can do to help prepare sanely for the eventuality of more terrorism


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