Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Saudi Arabia is Our Friend? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:39

Pat Roush has been trying to get her daughters out of Saudi Arabia for years and her greatest opponent has been the U S State Department Today's show shows how State frequently runs policies counter to the best interests of American citizens and the country More on the war against free speech Columnist John Loe www townhall com describes how free speech zones are being used to squelch the right of protestors to demonstrate John's boralogue looks at the short-term goals of the Roadmap to Peace in the Middle East

 Tentmaking with the Dragon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:39

A leading news magazine is slated to expose Christians working in Muslim countries So what work do Christians do in Muslim countries We look at the career of an Australian woman running a hospital in Jordan since the s An interview with Nelson Hultberg details exactly how the Federal Reserve uses the Plunge Protection Team to intervene in the stock market when the news is bad and the trend is down John's boralogue examines intelligence reports that the jig may be up for the West's central banks

 Maybe Hitler Was Right | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

The media constantly spin stem cell reports to favor embryonic stem cell research while hiding the sometimes tragic results What does cloning research mean for what it means to be human Wesley J Smith www wesleyjsmith com from the Discovery Institute www discovery org guests How long will colleges remain non-free speech zones The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education www thefire org is suing to force recognition that college speech codes are repugnant to the constitution and a free society Greg Lukianoff guests John's boralogue is a status assessment of the global terrorist threat

 Relative War Bullets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Today's show is the first of an ongoing series of bulleted items separating myths and realities of the Iraqi war with a mind to portents of the future Dr Dennis Cuddy author of Coverup and The Globalists joins John to sort it all out Of interest is the role the relative morality taught in US schools now plays in foreign policy

 Noahs Ark Anthrax and UFOs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

Now you must admit this sounds like an interesting show Timothy Maier from Insight Magazine www insightmag com has been trying to find out why the CIA won't release pictures the anomaly on Mount Ararat It also seems the Navy did a series of photos which remain classified What did Noah know that the US didn't The conversation continues with an examination of the anthrax mystery Over a year from the anthrax release after we're no closer to knowing who really did it The FBI seems determined to pin the event on one scientist despite some evidence leading to the

 North of the Southern Border | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

Thousands of armed drug traffickers and potential terrorists cross our southern borders every night but law enforcement is arresting property owners instead of the illegals Jack Foote www ranchrescue com describes property owners from San Diego to Brownsville struggling to protect their lives and property Meanwhile the lawsuit against Oklahoma KFOR-TV news reporter Jayna Davis www jaynadavis com has been decided in her favor after an eight-year struggle Ms Davis established hard evidence connecting Iraq with the bombing of the Murrah Office Building and fingered the John Doe seen with Timothy McVeigh the morning of the bombing but the FBI

 Dereliction of Duty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Another rip-snortin' show today happened because the US failed to take out Osama bin Laden when it had the chance Why President Clinton was playing golf It also turns out the Pres lost the nuclear launch codes Lt Col Buzz Patterson USAF ret -- Dereliction of Duty guests By the way how are the new reinforced cockpit doors Awful They can be easily rammed off their hinges using an airline beverage cart and the effort to arm pilots is going slowly John Lott The Bias Against Guns guests The sexual revolution was a product of the mind of Alfred Kinsey

 Kaboom! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Today's show starts with a long boralogue designed to help people prepare for events that may unfold during the war on terror i e what is the difference between a nuclear bomb a dirty bomb and a neutron bomb Moreover what do you do if something goes bang in a neighborhood near you It's not just idle speculation Former military intelligence officer and novelist James Wesley Rawles Patriots - How to Survive the Coming Collapse provides keen analysis of the need for Americans to be thinking in terms of surviving through rough times

 Why Do We Bother? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Today's show is a whirlwind of verbal tapestry Former Israeli ambassador Dore Gold Kingdom of Hated emphasizes the fact that Saudi Arabia is the key supporter of terrorism and somehow we need to acknowledge that The SEC has informed Fortune companies they're under scrutiny for cooking their books but who's watching the biggest book cooker of them all -- the federal government Craig Winn Tea with Terrorists guests Why are North Korean and Chinese ICBMs any issue Because we failed to build a missile defense system This may yet to come back to haunt us Columnist Mona Charen's new book

 Oh Please Mr. President! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Why has President Bush been so reluctant to reveal the real Iraqi terrorism connection Because it would reveal a comedy of fumbling and coverups leading back to the bombing of the Murrah Office Building and the inescapable conclusion we could have prevented This program links the missing connections from Oklahoma City to TWA to Saddam Hussein Jack Cashill co-author of First Strike - TWA and the Attack on America guests Security expert Steve Doran provides an insight to why security problems are difficult to control Mr Doran was hired by Los Alamos Laboratories to investigate their serious security problems He

 What Happened to Conservative Radio? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Remember the great tell-it-like-it-isers of conservative talk radio Now that they don't have President Clinton to bash upon they seem to be parrots for the Republican party Salvando Gonzalez www newswithviews com guests and also discusses life in Cuba from which he escaped Another consensus pronouncement Scientists of the National Cancer Institute NCI announced there is no relation between abortion and breast cancer Was this because of new research No They simply redefined old data to achieve a new outcome Protesting voices include Karen Malec of the Coalition on Breast Cancer www AbortionBreastCancer com who warns that thousands of women

 The Great Co-Opting of America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

It's time for another conference call program with four simultaneous guests Charlotte Iserbyt www deliberatedumbingdown com Sarah Leslie Steve Goss and Dr Robert Klenck The guests provide detailed explanations how consensus is used systematically by governments private corporations churches and schools to con people into going along with hidden agendas They're all being conned out of their senses consensus It's a wild ride

 The Drug amp Terror Combination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

The global drug and terror channels have merged to a close fit complicating the war on terror by mixing conflicting interests Shelly Patricia O'Meara www insightmag com reports on fully-armed mercenaries crossing the US's southern borders running drugs and potential terrorists and not just Mexican workers Dr Joseph Douglass PhD author of Red Cocaine and books on terrorism shows how the drug and terror war mergers will thwart the Bush administration's efforts to stop terrorism John's boralogue examines the non sequiturs of the terror war the unanswered but critical questions

 Unsustainable Developments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Slowly but surely genuine environmentalists are realizing that their dream has been hijacked by a big business big government cartel that cares little about the environment Activist Toni Thayer www spirithelps com guests Cities around the country are discriminating against churches by using zoning and code laws to prevent building or confiscate property Pastor Greg Brock of Calvary Chapel Dixon California www ccdixon org guests John's boralogue looks at the globalist connections between the war on Iraq and the disconnect between the Bush administration's rhetoric and the reality of terror

 Just Because Youre Paranoid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you aren't being followed In the name of making Americans secure they're being watched in every intimate detail of their lives from medical issues to what they read and do but no one has explained how this intrusion makes them safe from terror Bill Jasper www thenewamerican com guests with his recent article on the emerging surveillance state Beverly Eakman www beverlye com author of The Cloning of the American Mind appears in the second hour with an examination of womb-to-tomb surveillance which has been set in place under a conservative administration


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