Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Mentally Ill and Loving It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:43

President Bush wants to provide mental health screening for all Americans nbsp Ah but wait until you discover that the definitions of mental illness include people who have fixed religious beliefs Moreover the program has been long under way before President Bush took office and if the elitists get their way this program will be mandatory just as child vaccinations are now nbsp SOS regular Dr Dennis Cuddy PhD joins the conversation When you go to the supermarket and swipe a customer loyalty card to get that neato discount do you ever wonder where information about your purchasing habits goes

 The UNs Food-for-Oil Scandal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

We're shocked to discover that the UN skimmed money destined to provide food and medicine for poor Iraqi children aren't you Somehow the money wound up in the pockets of the UN Saddam Hussein and certain European countries nbsp Maybe that's why they all weren't so thrilled about the Iraq war But sigh this is just one of numerous corruption issues plaguing the organization held by many to be the flag-bearer for global governance nbsp Will Grigg author of America's Engineered Decline www stoptheftaa org joins us Later on we discuss with Will the economic war on America's middle class

 Well Is There a Connection or Not? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:39

It's up it's down Is there or is there not a connection between Saddam Hussein and WMDs and Just as the Bush administration is saying it never really said there was a connection the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs www jinsa org has uncovered some interesting evidence that most of Saddam's WMDs were moved to Syria Shoshana Bryer guests for the first part of the program The Patriot Act is rapidly spreading out to cover non-terrorist related crimes This has implications for the Jose Padilla case before the Supreme Court we discussed last week Lance Gay from Scripps Howard

 Something Evil this Way Comes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

We'll skate out to the edge for the first part of the program today to continue the speculative thread from last week and examine the strange goings-on of late Joel Skousen from the World Affairs Brief www worldaffairsbrief com guests The Jose Padilla case will be a watershed for or against habeas corpus and freedom depending on how the Supreme Court rules later this summer Jacob Hornberger from the Future of Freedom Foundation www fff org guests John's boralogue does a backgrounder on how the country's attitude got to be so bad in the s and s prior to Ronald

 Who Cares Who Shot JFK? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Oh no Another book on the JFK assassination But don't go running for cover No grassy knoll and no secret films this time The latest book ties in the neo-cons in the Bush administration with the JFK post-assassination coverup John Gaetano is our sole guest today John's boralogue examines the plethora of rumors about imminent disasters or terrorist actions and correlates that to the rise in the Global Nervousness Index GNI

 Fannie MAE and Freddie MAC | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

As the world slides toward economic crisis the nation's leading mortgage investment securities are sliding into worthlessness while Congress and the Fed quietly back away from supporting them Catherine Austin Fitts former Undersecretary at HUD under Bush www solari com says they're sucking the wealth of the middle class with them We also run clips of Laurie Mylroie who has been an SOS guest over the years and who now says the U S has badly defined the enemy in the terror war causing a blurry prosecution of the war John's boralogue notes the recent passing of two German women

 Ron Browns Body Lies... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:31

We've promised listeners we'd begin unravelling the developing global trends which the mainline media are ignoring as they jabber about Iraq Well here's a first cut If you think oil at a barrel is high wait until it hits a barrel within the next months on its way to a barrel in this decade At the same time Russia is vying for a seat in the World Trade Organization as it faces an oil catastrophe even though it used to be one of the world's leading producers Bill Powers editor of the Canadian Energy Viewpoint www canadianenergyviewpoint com who correctly

 The Line in the Sand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

After last week's program on dealing with dissenters opposing growth programs in their churches plus religious groups marching in lock step with various political policies we really need to examine how so many Christians can be duped into going along with agendas they know nothing about A nine-year-old interview with Pastor Erwin Lutzer of Moody Church in Chicago about his book Hitler's Cross provides an eye- opening portrait of how Germany's churches were paralyzed or duped into supporting the Nazi Agenda which relates to issues the church deals with today Some of you wanted a young-earth viewpoint on the last

 The Dark Side of Relative Values | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Is there a connection between the mistreatment of detainees in Iraq and punishing church growth movement dissenters in churches today Absolutely Dr Dennis Cuddy author of Coverup Government or Spin or Truth - - backgrounds listeners on how we arrived at the current scandal in Iraq and how this ties directly to the relativistic values being promoted by government and in the schools Berit Kjos www crossroad to then connects the same societal restructuring process to church growth policies which demonize those in churches who object to church growth movements John's boralogue shows how the relative values taught in our

 Manifesto for a New World Order | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Not everyone is happy how the New World Order is shaping up they perceive it as a big boys phenomenon of unelected organizations with no common mandate But they don't see national sovereignty as the answer either So now what George Monbiot author of Manifesto for a New World Order joins the show to explain their thought A bill has passed the Canadian Parliament adding hate speech protection to sexual orientation A test case between the courts and Christianity now seems inevitable Brian Wilkie from Evangelical Fellowship of Canada www evangelicalfellowship ca is on deck for this one John's boralogue

 Who Could Have Imagined? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

We're tired of hearing the plea nbsp Who could possibly have imagined someone would fly airplanes into the World Trade Center FBI agent John O'Neill knew Al-Qaeda intended to do that nbsp Award- winning journalist Murray Waiss is author of the new book The Man Who Warned America the Life and Death of John O'Neill Two months before in a speech in Idaho Avi Lipkin author of Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat www vicmord com predicted that airplanes would be crashed into public buildings as terrorist bombs nbsp His book anticipated all these events years before they happened nbsp

 The 9/11 Warren Commission? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Given the increasingly political nature of the hearings one really wonders whether the outcome will resemble the Warren Commission report on President John F Kennedy's assassination serious questions unanswered doubts unresolved and an official story which doesn't seem to square with the obvious facts nbsp SOS regular Dr Dennis Cuddy PhD author of Cover-Up Government Spin or Truth is the sole guest in this exhaustive examination Listeners ask why we should pay attention to strange beliefs such as those of the Magdalene cult that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child together nbsp John's boralogue addresses how strange beliefs have

 The Law of the Seas Treaty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

The U N Law of the Seas Treaty is up for ratification The Senate originally wanted to run it through on a voice vote with no record of who-voted-how but pressure is growing against it nbsp The treaty has provisions for the transfer of more U S sovereignty and a taxation system contrary to what some congressmen are telling their constituents nbsp Henry Lamb www freedom org returns as a guest Dr Anis Shorrosh is just back from Iraq nbsp We'll take a candid look at how Iraqis view the U S from the perspective of an Arab who is

 The Great Martin/Hunt Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

For Holy Week we're taking time off and re-broadcasting a classic debate which first aired on May and in nbsp This is the only time this classic has ever been rebroadcast so it will be new to most of our listeners The debate topic nbsp Is the Roman Catholic Church a Victim of the New World Order or a Part of It Participants were Protestant end times author Dave Hunt and Catholic author and papal confidant Malachi Martin nbsp There are some great one liners in this one as both men argue passionately for their positions nbsp Once the fur

 Shining You on Silver | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

With a severe worldwide silver shortage looming the scandal threatens to go public because the same silver is being sold over and over again to different buyers nbsp If everyone stands for delivery at the same time surprise surprise the markets won't be able to deliver nbsp Dave Morgan www silver-investor com forecasts the brewing storm CBS recently produced a series of reports associating home schooling with child abuse nbsp We'll check on the fallout reports with guest Paul Chesser of the John Locke Foundation www johnlocke org Finally secularists love attacking the crusades as an example of Christian atrocity


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