Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 The Great Christian Sellout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:27

Much controversy this week over the approval of judges by the Senate Republicans say it's Democratic judicial activism to promote left-wing causes but has anyone noticed some of the anti- Christian decisions that conservatively-appointed judges are making Colorado talk show host Bob Enyart www kgov com has written an open letter to Dr James Dobson which is now making the rounds in conservative circles Jenny Stokes of Salt Shakers www saltshakers org au in Australia joins us next to look at the effects of Victoria's Racial and Religious Tolerance Act of three years after it was enacted with special emphasis

 Genetic Modification A Second Look | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

It's generally been quiet quot out there quot Iran is insisting on pursuing its nuclear weapons programs China is under pressure to stop pegging the Yuan to the dollar Russia continues testing new missiles while everyone seems to be jockeying for position for the multiple crises to come Menawhile last week biotech companies celebrated planting the billionth acre of genetically modified seed This ignores a steady stream of emerging evidence suggesting GM foods could be causing serious problems to animals and humans Jeffrey Smith www seedsofdeception com returns as a guest If you smell the air and observe the sky

 U.S. Income Tax vs. a Global Tax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

We'll stay largely in the economic realm for the first hour Jim Puplava www financialsense com explains the tale of two economies we are currently experiencing paper and currency markets where a few are becoming fabulously rich and the real economy of every day affecting John and Jane Doe where everyone is becoming poorer Then we'll examine President Bush's plan to revamp the income tax and whether it's really part of a global harmonization of tax laws to prepare the way for a global tax Joan Veon www womensgroup org guests In the second hour we'll examine the growing intolerance

 Global Socialism Benedict XV to Benedict XVI | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

Well everyone's been asking what we think about the new pope Pope Benedict's predecessor Benedict XV warned about the dangers of global socialism almost a century ago As Cardinal Ratzinger Benedict opposed former President George Bush's quot New World Order quot long before he became pope Dr Dennis Cuddy Ph D www newswithviews com guests John's boralogue examines the efforts of activist judges to enforce the U N Convention on the Rights of the Child even though it has never been ratified by the U S Senate We also examine challenges to the papal prophecies of Malachy O'Morgair It seems

 Connecting Iran and Oklahoma City | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

All right already Too much happened this week to cover it all We've had calls from listeners wanting to know what we think about Pope Benedict XVI in the light of Fatima Malachi Martin and Malachy O'Morgair Sorry but we'll have to put that off until next week Things are cooking in the Middle East Syria refuses to get out of Lebanon and to shut down Hizbullah Iran is just months from producing a viable nuclear bomb and with their overt support of global terrorism it doesn't take much imagination to figure out what they might do with such a

 The Truth about Tolerance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:42

Another Fannie Mae scandal broke out last week As it turned out they can't account for quite a large amount of missing money Treasury Secretary John Snow got involved in damage control which means it's really bad just another part of the perfect financial storm waiting to blow and the housing market has to go sooner or later Addison Wiggin from the Daily Reckoning www dailyreckoning com joins us Who stole tolerance Tolerance isn't tolerant and diversity isn't diverse They're both being used to club or silence people with politically incorrect ideas and killing truth in the process Dr Brad

 To Escape a Worldview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:40

The king is dead long live the king The pope is dead now what At the request of listeners John does an extended boralogue on the political and prophetic ramifications of the death of Pope John Paul II following the pontiff's funeral this week As more U S jobs disappear or move offshore and the media decry volunteer quot observers quot on the Arizona Mexico border interviews from the recent meeting between President George Bush President Vicente Fox and Prime Minister Paul Martin indicate they believe economic and political unity between the three countries to be a done deal calling

 Earth Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

The global warming drums have reached the pitch of a Greek tragedy But wait there really are substantial global climate changes in progress only not those the global warming crowd suspects Evelyn Carriss from the Browning Newsletter joins us to examine the interactions of long-term cyclical changes including reversals of major oceanic cycles to increased solar output to lunar alterations and changes in the earth's crust Most likely these are responsible for the weather differences we're experiencing and they'll continue over the next few decades affecting everything from peoples to economies John's boralogue examines the long-term ramifications of the Terri

 Kabbalah and the Rise of Mysticism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Christ is Risen He is risen indeed Happy Easter everyone Slight change of tone this weekend First as players in the Middle East jockey for position in the emerging US-Syrian-Iranian conflict we do a Middle East update with Avi Lipkin www vicmord com author of quot Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat quot Avi began warning about the world of terrorist conflicts long before it was on the mental radar of most persons He also warned that terrorists would be flying airplanes into buildings two months ahead of Then Dr Chuck Missler M S Th D joins us to discuss

 Blinking at the M.E. Corral | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

As Russian and U S military ships head towards Syria John's boralogue examines the building Middle East showdown involving Israel the U S Syria Iran and Lebanon The conflict involves more than just countries it also implicates private armies terrorist groups such as Hesbollah and drug operatives in the Bekaa Valley This threatens a lot of money and quite a few parties will be seriously unhappy about any move the U S makes Then we feature a conversation with government whistleblower Rodney Stich author of quot Defrauding America quot and numerous other books on government corruption finishing the two-part behind-the-scenes

 Economic Hit Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:33

didn't happen in a vacuum Most Americans are unaware of the economic blackmail the U S foists on many third world countries causing global resentment This blackmail is generated by a triangle relationship between U S governmental agencies big business and international banking Follow the money and you'll follow the world's problems John Perkins author of quot Confessions of an Economic Hit Man quot guests for the first hour In the second hour we examine the growing ridiculing of Christianity in the British media Composer Antony Pitts from the BBC guests from Great Britain John's boralogue compares the social security

 Are Prescription Drugs Safe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:32

Time to keep our promise and feature a debate Today the safety of drugs comes under scrutiny in the light of recent recalls Included in the conversation are revolving door connections between the pharmaceutical industry and the Food and Drug Administration Participants are Dr Alan Goldhammer PhD of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America www phrma org and Dr Stan Monteith MD www radioliberty com author of AIDS the Unnecessary Epidemic We follow the debate with a report on the latest effort to ram the U N 's Law of the Seas Treaty through the U S Senate one

 The Last Days of the Late Great Bankrupt State | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

quot As California goes so goes the nation quot may soon prove to be true in economics as the state assembly and senate cannot come to grips with the realities of shoddy fiscal policy It's a microcosm of where the U S is headed If the U S is the titanic California may well be the bow Patrick Mallon www patrickmallon com author of quot California Dictatorship How Liberal Extremism destroyed Gray Davis quot guests in the first hour Then in hour two we continue the Fatima series by looking at the mind of Malachi Martin author of quot Keys

 Fatima Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

The last of three visionaries who saw Mary in at Fatima Sister Lucia dos Santos passed away last Sunday February Since we've been promising our listeners we'd cover this topic in- depth and given that several Fatima stories have emerged over the last month this is time to do it In a break with tradition today's program is one giant boralogue telling the story of the three secrets of Fatima from to the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in to the Vatican's efforts to suppress the Third Secret to what Fatima means in terms of geopolitics the future

 Do You Trust the Trust? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

For just a second there we thought there would be honest discussion about the approaching social security train wreck but fooled us Democrats are virtually lying about it and Republicans are trying to dodge the bullet Bottom line there is no viable social security trust fund It's a myth concocted with accounting magic Jim Puplava www financialsense com joins John to itemize the challenge confronting the nation You might as well know about it because it's going to affect you no matter what the politicans say or promise The we switch to the issue of judicial tyranny from two standpoints


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