Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Whatever Happened to the Peace Process? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

While the world's media have largely focused on Iraq and the elections of late Yassir Arafat remains holed up in Ramallah abandoned by the world having lost credibility even among allies Meanwhile the Palestinian people suffer as a result of the Intifada their economy is in shambles and assassinations of moderate Palestinians who want peace by other palestinian groups is common So where does the peace process go from here Clarence Wagner from Bridges for Peace guests from his home in Jerusalem John's boralogue features Mad Mad World clips of the two candidates for president and President Bush's gaff about

 A Powerful Potpourri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:33

Too much going on to limit the show to one or two topics That's why it's exciting to be in news work Robert Ortung from the Russia Regional Report brings us up to date on current changes inside Russia especially President Vladimir Putin's reconsolidation of power back toward Moscow reminiscent of the days of the Soviet Union Then Brian Rushfeld of Canada Family Action Coalition www familyaction org reports on the Royal Bank of Canada's coercion of employees to accept its policies on homosexuality as well as the Canadian public's reaction Finally Larry Pratt from Gunowners of America www gunowners

 So Something Goes Boom! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

So something goes boom in your neighborhood nbsp What is it exactly you are going to do We asked former Soviet Army doctor Igor Shafid www globalstrategicresources com to return and provide listeners with a detailed explanation of how to deal with WMD contamination in your neighborhood which we really didn't address adequately during his visit a few weeks ago John's extended boralogue covers an ongoing series of issues The surge in the price of oil past barrel earlier than we predicted Another red mercury deal on the black market was scuttled For something that doesn't exist a lot of

 What Price Oil? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:31

Well the price of oil crashed through barrel this week nine months ahead of the deadline SOS set earlier in the year to achieve that record level nbsp The great oil crunch is upon us and a barrel will probably be the new benchmark despite previous assurances from experts that oil would float back into the thirties nbsp As part of our ongoing coverage of this issue we should note that some dissenters maintain the shortage is contrived Larry Williams author of The Energy Non-Crisis www survivalcenter com joins us for the first part of the program today The second

 Spitting in the Face of Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Today's program rotates around the issue of worldviews and how a faulty worldview undermines one's faith in a time of trial or even daily life Rule in battle nbsp Don't allow your enemy to determine the terms of the fight and that is precisely what the Christian church has done in the West by allowing the secular world to divide reality into issues of fact vs issues of value nbsp The secularists are now employing this dichotomy to expel Christianity from the public marketplace of ideas nbsp Nancy Pearcey Francis A Schaeffer scholar at the World Journalism Institute and author

 Inside the Red Zone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:33

Today's show begins a program thread of preparing for WMD attacks in your neighborhood nbsp Ex-Soviet Army doctor Dr Igor Shafid MD www globalstrategicresources com formerly with the Soviet Strategic Rocket Force says Americans are woefully unprepared to meet a WMD attack and governments aren't training them nbsp As a matter of fact government won't be the answer because there won't be enough government to go around This will be the first of two shows with Dr Shafid Everyone is grousing about U S jobs flooding overseas but few pin the lion's share of responsibility on trade agreements such as

 The 9/11 Mega-Fix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

On the third anniversary of we spend most of the program with an overview of s political events that led directly to that tragic September day in nbsp The key issue is how political spin -- largely from the Clinton administration -- enabled to happen by diverting attention from the real source of terror and blaming the wrong parties all to gain political advantage Jack Cashill www cashill com author of MegaFix and First Strike joins us John's boralogue looks at acute persecution issues around the world

 Why the Rest Hates the West | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

As we approach the anniversary of despite the necessity of defending ourselves it's wise to remember that didn't happen without reason nbsp The West's efforts to impose its consensus-based morality on the Islamic world is causing massive resentment Few Americans see the blackmail and extortion the U S exerts to force predominantly Catholic and Muslim countries into accepting abortion and other international programs which the residents of those countries view as immoral nbsp Dr Meic Pearse Ph D author of Why the Rest hates the West joins us Whites Out is the growing cry over much of Africa including South

 The Piranha Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

As Saudi Arabia's government slides towards a fall and Yasser Arafat's grip on the Palestinian government gradually fails terrorist groups such as Hamas and Al Qaeda bide their time with anticipation of an opportune moment to act nbsp Avi Lipkin takes a brief look at changes underway in the Middle East Then half way around the world why is the Mossad snooping around New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is awfully upset but perhaps it's tied to the fact that New Zealand's passports provide easy entry to numerous countries in the West a fact which makes them desirable for terrorists

 Myths amp Realities of the Middle East 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

This week's program is a continuation of our conversation with Middle East history professor Dr Steve Carol PhD Today's conversation revolves around the history of the June Arab Israeli war and the issue of who started it This is important because most of the issues being disputed today revolve around this one question But first John's extended boralogue examines the economic promises of Socialist Party D and Socialist Party R and the fact neither is dealing in the world of reality They are both making promises that are impossible to keep and Professor Larry Kotlikoff co-author of The Coming Generational

 Myths amp Realities of the Middle East 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

We're taking our customary August time off so we're doing a special series of in-depth examinations of modern middle eastern history John's extended boralogue details the history of relations between the Vatican and the early Zionist movement as well as the State of Israel itself nbsp Then Dr Steve Carol PhD professor of Middle East history joins the show to examine the claims various groups make about their rights to land in Israel Palestine and other middle east countries It's a fascinating journey and explains much of what we see happening today

 Breast Cancer and Economic Terrorism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:25

We've assembled a fast-moving potpourri program for you today First a new study in the British Journal of Cancer confirms that abortion before a full-term pregnancy is a leading indicator of future breast cancer but the medical establishment doesn't want to admit it nbsp Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion Breast Cancer www abortionbreastcancer com guests Then economic terrorism comes under examination nbsp There are rogue speculators who can wreak havoc on the currencies of nations and one of them is a close friend of Senator Hillary Clinton D-NY Newsmax com editor Richard Poe author of Hillary's Secret War

 Al Qaedas Connection to Oklahoma City | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

As the War on Terror's gun sights shift rapidly towards Iran and the who-knew-what-about-whichever intelligence debate continues few seem to notice evidence surfacing about Iran's complicity with Islamic terrorism would have been great in supporting the Bush administration's claims about Iraq's involvement with terrorism So why wasn't it used Because it would have opened too many closets with skeletons in Washington going all the way back through the Clinton administration This one implicates both administrations Oklahoma City's award-winning television reporter Jayna Davis www jaynadavis com author of The Third Terrorist nbsp The Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing

 Unending Wars for Unknown Objectives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:39

The first part of today's program features another vignette on the history of the modern Middle East with a look at the record of relations between Israel and Europe nbsp Howard Sachar professor emeritus from George Washington University and author of Israel and Europe guests The War on Drugs has numerous lessons to teach about the problems of ongoing blurry wars which have confusing objectives and never achieve their goals nbsp The drug war has left a trail of constitutional wreckage in its wake with thousands filling jails for possession and no noticeable curtailment of the flow of drugs Joel

 Emerging Cracks within Islam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:33

The government of Saudi Arabia may be teetering on collapse as Al-Qaeda plans its downfall with a number of Saudi princes joining in This has implications for the world's oil supply nbsp Simultaneously Islamic radio in the Middle East crackles with hostility toward Israel the U S and each other as Sunnis and Shiites prepare to take each other on nbsp Avi Lipkin www vicmord com returns for another appearance in studio John's boralogue examines the emerging oil crisis and asks international analyst Dr Marc Faber of the Boom Doom and Gloom Report in Switzerland whether he thinks the world


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