Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Blood and Oil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

Happy Labor Day with September marking the beginning of Steel on Steel's th year of broadcasting Since it's Labor Day weekend we're taking the time off and presenting two perspective pieces on global geopolitics First Professor Michael Klare author of quot Blood and Oil quot guests in the first hour The Professor warns that the U S 's dependency on imported oil places it in a precarious position and that the geopolitics of oil is radically changing global politics and increasing the war on terror as we watch Then in the second hour we're joined by Joel Rosenburg author of

 The Emerging Insurance Scandal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:14

Busy show today that's what makes radio fun Attorney Chris Klicka joins us from Home School Legal Defense www hslda org for a brief overview of the direction home school is following and the challenges that face it from the educratic establishment When you take out an insurance policy do you have peace of mind like the companies promote Think again Insurance companies are deliberately denying claims they know to be valid to save themselves a lot of money leaving the policy-holders out in the cold They even write clauses into their policies making it impossible to sue them for

 Why Cant They Communicate? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

John's boralogue lays bare the three-legged crises simultaneously confronting the world in the next decade energy water scarcity the perfect financial storm and the morphing of the War on Terror into a larger conflict all overlaid with a patina of transforming sovereignty into global governance Then we'll hear clips from an off-air interview with Matthew Simmons author of quot Twilight in the Desert quot saying that Arab oil field output is on the decline which will destabilize the Islamic geopolitical position and cause competition for limited energy resources to increase Then we speak with Pat Murphy www howthewestwaslost info author

 Something Big is Brewing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

As promised we're taking time off making today's program a quot perspective piece quot on the Middle East To many of us who do advance news work the world quot out there quot has the same quot feel quot it did just prior to We can't avoid the premonition that big things are brewing which will ratchet the war on Terror into the next stage of World War III You've heard Avi Lipkin on the program before Today we interview Rachael Lipkin who grew up in Cairo Egypt and who now monitors Arabic-language chatter on cable satellite and broadcast to

 So Thats Why We Dont Guard Borders! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

Phyllis Schlafley www eagleforum org is our first guest today She is calling attention to a Council on Foreign Relations report about an agreement between President Bush President Fox and Prime Minister Martin at Waco Texas to unify Canada the U S and Mexico quot Why isn't anyone else reporting on this quot she asks and perhaps this is the reason we're not stemming the flow of illegals across the U S Mexico border Then we look at the negative fallout from the Supreme Court's recent eminent domain decision Paul Chesser www johnlocke org from the John Locke Foundation joins

 Will It be Nuclear? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:31

Intelligence sources are warning that terrorists are planning the next attack on the U S Former FBI consultant Paul Williams author of quot The Al-Qaida Connection International Terrorism Organized Crime and the Come Apocalypse quot says Osama bin Laden is planning to simultaneously detonate portable nuclear devices in key U S cities in an operation called the quot American Hiroshima quot He also says we're doing very little to stop it especially by not controlling border access to the country where hundreds of OTMs Other-Than-Mexicans come across every night Think you can't do anything about the war on terror We

 The Next U.S. Terror Targets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Lots of action on the program today What do the British think about the bombings in London especially about the causes Well judging from quot ring-ins quot to talk radio there it's this whole quot Iraq thing quot or it's all Israel's fault and if the Israeli problem would go away the Islamic problem would go away as well Chris Munday reports from London Then Congressman Curt Weldon R-FL guests to discuss his book quot Countdown to Terror quot documenting the fact that the CIA and other agencies are not taking the steps required to prevent further terrorism virtually guaranteeing

 The Long Emergency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

Well it's summertime and we're following a time-honored Steel on Steel tradition by taking some weekends off But we try to keep our pledge that if you're going to take the time to listen we're not going to waste your time So we'll aggressively pursue a thread we began a while back analyzing converging economic geopolitical and war-on-terror trends that are converging into outcomes that most Americans will find surprising if not devastating This includes our Year prediction that we would start to see a lot of crossovers on issues Today's guest is liberal Democrat James Kunstler author of a

 The Hate Police Have Been Frothy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:21

The Southern Poverty Law Center has accused the religious right Dobson Schlafley et al of spreading hatred because of their opposition to the homosexual political and education agenda However the SPLC's own track record of correctly identifying hate groups has been a bit shaky and radical leftist in outlook We talk to Stewart Best www truinsight com whose organization Best amp Best Video was declared a hate organization ten years ago even though it wasn't Later he was dropped from their list without apology but a lot of damage had been done by then Then we flip to the U

 The Great Collision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Happy Fourth of July Everyone If you're not in the U S you're welcome to celebrate with us anyway John's boralogue kicks off with a comedy montage about global warming and narration about the great emerging collision between advocates of global climate change and those who are advocates of protecting ourselves from peak oil Then we do an analysis of the disastrous Supreme Court decision on eminent domain seizure of private property for private instead of public usage Finally we're back to peak oil with clips from expert Andrew McKillop and an interview with Jan Lundberg www culturechange org author

 Disinvesting Israel with Liberation Theology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Today John does an extended boralogue summing up the issues relating to human rights and the war on terror running clips from Congressional hearings this week as well as other sources Then we look at the move by a number of mainline churches to disinvest from doing business in quot oppressive quot Israel in reality a repackaged form of the same Liberation Theology that failed in Latin America a decade ago Dexter Van Zile www judeo-christianalliance org is our guest

 There is No Plan B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Everything in the Middle East is on a parallel course to a future not-so-distant conflict The U S is establishing bases everywhere in the region Things are slowly coming to a boil regarding Iran The Saudis are running out of oil and in the Palestinian Authority it's back to terrorism as usual as daily attacks on Israel have resumed Mr Abbas is Arafat in a suit -- lose the beard Dr Rachael Ehrenfeld Ph D author of Funding Evil How Terrorism is Financed and director of the American Center for Democracy www public-integrity org is our first guest Then we

 A Light or a Blight for Freedom? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:32

We've got a potpourri show today First John examines the philosophical contradictions of the latest Star Wars movie along with other relativist silliness Then we examine an exorcism abuse case in England that has reached all the way to Parliament Chris Munday is on the line from London In Segment John examines parts of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's testimony before Congress this week and Segment takes up two current issues which made current headlines the Supreme Court's decision rejecting of medical marijuana and Amnesty International's report on a network of secret U S detention centers around the world Finally

 Business as Usual in Europe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:51

The Chinese and the United States have been involved in a quiet currency war which may harbinger things to come in the global economy as paper struggle to stay alive Chris Mayer www dailyreckoning com joins us The French voted non to ratify the incredibly complex European Union constitution Does this mean the death of the EU No It's business as usual just as if the constitution were in full force Long time friend of the show Constance Cumbey author of Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow joins us for a look at what the EU and Javier Solana are up

 Mental Self Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:27

It's Memorial Day weekend so in fine Steel on Steel tradition we're kicking back from news in order to do a conference call focusing on mental self-defense attitudes physical mental legal financially et al As the proverb says a fool sees danger coming but keeps right on going whereas a wise man takes appropriate action We distinguish between being paranoid about the world's dangers vs being stupid about it There's a healthy comfortable balance between the two which can become a way of life We're joined by three specialists in the area Darren Turney www the-reality-check com John Peterson www


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