Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast show

Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast

Summary: Our goal and pledge for the last twenty-plus years that we've been blasting out into the airwaves, has been to be an early warning service to connect seemingly unrelated dots in the areas of economics, politics and religion. Project seemingly unrelated trends and show you how those trends are all really coming together just over your horizon, where for the most part, the herd doesn't see them because the herd is always running in the wrong direction.

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  • Artist: John Loeffler
  • Copyright: Copyright (C) 1990-2017 by Steel on Steel Radio Broadcast


 Agenda 21 is Changing Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:30

For the last couple of weeks we've been analyzing how various government policies are stripping Americans of property rights Today we'll show how Agenda 's policy from the U N Rio Earth Summit in is actually changing our form of government without the American people even being aware of it Nancy Levant www newswithviews com guests John's boralogue presents the hard facts about Bird Flu which most definitely don't warrant the panic being presented in the mainline media especially in Europe Then he looks at the hurricane forecast for the new season which is almost on our doorstep

 Just What Is the New Economic Order? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:24

John's boralogue attempts to address the consternation of conservatives who just can't comprehend why their allegedly conservative president and congress are doing such non-conservative things One reason is the existence of other agendas notably regionalism and globalism displacing the best interests of America in favor of big international government and business Pat Wood from The August Review www augustreview com guests for a survey of the rise of regionalism and the forces that are driving it

 Americas Breadbasket Has Holes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:32

Where does electricity come from Why an electric socket of course Where does food come from Why the supermarket of course So say the city dwellers who don't want energy or food production near their homes But when they've killed our ability to produce and energy and food what will they do As most Americans ignore their looming energy crisis we're featuring a related issue the plight of America's farmers and food production We feature an extended interview with Joyce Morrison whose op-ed piece on www newswithviews com details how the heartland of America is disappearing along with an independent

 Fiddling While the Constitution Burns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

Judicial Watch which started under the Clinton administration has remained faithful to being a government watchdog regardless of who is in the Oval Office In February JW filed a lawsuit to compel the Justice Department to release video of United Flight flying into the Pentagon Why is this important Chris Farrell www judicialwatch org joins is for the greater implications So what's really going on in Guantanamo Bay It seems like conservative Christians by uncritically accepting everything the Bush administration does have hitched their wagon to something that is blowing up in their faces as they watch Jumana Musa from

 Range War in the West | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:22

Former Congressman Helen Chenowith-Hage is our featured guest today detailing the history of government efforts to seize property from ranchers and farmers in the West and elsewhere Core to this long saga has been the Pine Creek Ranch case Recent news stories said over evangelical leaders had signed onto the Evangelical Climate Initiative to fight global warming One problem the initiative wasn't drafted by Christians or evangelicals it was drafted by radical leftist think tanks among others who then colored it with Christianese to sucker evangelicals into signing it Paul Chesser wrote an op ed piece on this for the

 Empire of Debt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:38

Americans are deeper in debt than ever before both public and private Each American family now owes it will have to pay over the course of the members' lifetimes We'll take a look at what this means and where everything will end up Addison Wiggin from the Daily Reckoning www dailyreckoning com joins us Can a rapidly-growing church be the sign of a sick church Quite often yes because post-moderns see the world differently from the church growth models of today Dave Fitch guests John's boralogue examines the connection between this week's UAE port management uproar and how this connects

 Property Religious and Gun Rights | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:35

Busy show today John's boralogue details Kyoto's last hurrah as peak oil comes over the horizon Then we segue into eminent domain with details of the rapid pace post-Kelo seizure of property has assumed and how -- as predicted -- it affects churches Charles Haynes from the First Amendment Center www firstamendmentcenter org is guest We'll do a post-debate examination of some claims made by guest Stephen Sizer last week also comparing the Oslo Peace process to an argument in a classic comedy Finally South Africa is slipping in the direction of Zimbabwe and removing guns from its citizens is

 The Curse of Christian Zionism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 76:25

It's debate time today The normal program is pushed aside for a debate on the issue of Christian Zionism -- is evangelical Christian support of Israel causing instability and injustice in the Middle East Supporting the quot affirmative quot position is Stephen Sizer author of quot Christian Zionism Road Map to Armageddon quot www siszers org In the quot negative quot position is Dexter van Zile of the David Project www davidproject org As always it's a spirited program and there is no boralogue You can all breathe a sigh of relief

 Thriving in Chaos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:37

Quite a number of the world's geopolitical trends are beginning to interact in both predictable and unpredictable ways An essential skill will be learning to thrive in chaos Peak Oil poked its nose over the horizon during President Bush's State of the Union message with the President's indication that America is addicted to oil Somewhere in the next - months peak oil will become public discussion on the mainline talkies and once the implications become obvious there will be followed a market panic For a short time we'll see a marriage between peak oil and global warming followed by a

 Saving Democracy but Losing Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:23

We clear the decks today for an unusual type of program On January former Vice President Al Gore delivered an important address in New York regarding the erosion of civil rights in the name of preserving freedom His speech was sponsored by a coalition of left and right-wing political groups It was so important the New York Times the so-called newspaper of record ignored it and little has been said in other media but it may well turn out to be one of the most important speeches of the decade John airs clips of the speech along with commentary putting

 Chasing the Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:32

Other than the emerging Iran crisis it's been a slow week The GNI continues to rise but for now things are stable National elections are scheduled for Monday in Canada but the plans for economically uniting Canada the U S and Mexico plug forward with the citizens of those countries unaware of the process in play unless it just comes to wondering why the U S can't control its own borders Carl Teichrib has been monitoring the latest from Manitoba Canada and joins us for the first part of the program Then we've been chewing on progressive Democrat James 's

 Whos Watching the Bourse? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:18

The Global Nervousness Index GNI is now steadily begun rising after the new year It's obvious a short-term showdown -- overt or covert -- is cooking in the Middle East The Iranians are opening up their nuclear reactor and the U S isn't happy But have you heard about the Iranian Oil Bourse scheduled to come on line in March It's the real nuclear bomb which threatens to destabilize the U S dollar worldwide When Saddam Hussein did the same thing in the Food-for-Oil debacle the U S invaded Iraq It's clear something has to give an short order Two

 Worldviews Do Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:40

First show of the New Year and it rotates totally around the importance of understanding worldviews in dealing with the issues of the day John's boralogue reviews the recent court decision on intelligent design using clips of Dr Steven Meyer Ph D www discovery org from the Discovery Institute in Seattle separating the real issues behind ID vs the straw ones which are commonly presented in the media Then we talk with Brannon Howse www worldviewweekend org who organizes worldview weekends for groups around the country training youth in the importance of the Christian worldview and understanding competing ones Finally

 Disinvestment from Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:34

Happy New Year everyone We're taking some time off these few holiday weekends so today's program is a pre-record but hopefully fulfilling as always It is clear that many people in Christian churches are uninformed of the history of the Middle East and why we are in the situation we are in today Moreover major campaigns are running through mainline Protestant denominations to disinvest from companies located in Israel ostensibly to force Israel to take down the security wall which they claim is a form of apartheid However these churches are ignoring the historical reasons for the wall and are

 Recognizing Toxic Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:28

Merry Christmas and Happy Channukah If religion does not influence politics then politics will govern religion Private hospitals are facing increased pressure to conform to secular laws which violate conscience such as providing mandatory abortion drugs In Massachussets Catholic and other private hospitals are in a showdown with the State on moral conscience vs law which is spreading to other states and involving more than just abortion Attorney Jarad Leeland joins us from the Beckett Fund www beckettfund org Jesus came to set the captives free but some Christian sects place their members in more bondage than before they were


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