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 News #111 - Sound like a native Chinese speaker with the New & Updated Voice Recorder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:52

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Video Culture Class: Chinese Holidays #5 - Labor Day | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:32

Learn more about Chinese culture with ChineseClass101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Chinese holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in China. In this video, you'll learn all about Labor Day in China and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Chinese vocabulary. Join Chen for a dose of Chinese culture! Visit us at ChineseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Chinese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Absolute Beginner S4 #17 - Wishing You a Happy Chinese Birthday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:34

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A: 祝你生日快乐! B: 今天不是我的生日。 A: 那,怎么有蛋糕? B: 啊,这个?这是披萨。 ----English---- A: Wishing you a happy birthday! B: Today is not my birthday. A: Then, why is there a cake? B: Ar? This? This is pizza. ----Pinyin---- A: Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè ! B: Jīntiān bùshì wǒde shēngrì. A: Nà, zěnme yǒu dàngāo? B: Ā, zhège? Zhè shì pīsà. ----Traditional ---- A: 祝你生日快樂! B: 今天不是我的生日。 A: 那,怎麼有蛋糕? B: 啊,這個?這是披薩。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate S2 #9 - Protecting Your Lungs in Beijing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:58

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A:北京的雾怎么这么大啊? B:你外行了吧?这不是雾,是雾霾。 A:雾霾是什么? B:雾霾里面全是污染物,吸进肺里就出不来了。 A:能见度真低啊,我觉得我们好像在恐怖片里。北京怎么污染这么厉害呢? B:我猜是汽车尾气加上冬天供暖的废气。 A:这个味道真刺鼻。 B:我们还是赶紧回家吧。 ----English---- A: How can Beijing have so much fog? B: You are not from around here, huh? This isn't fog. It's smog. A: What's smog? B: Smog is made of particles of pollution. Once you breathe them in, they don't come out. A: Visibility is really low. I feel like we are in a horror film. How can Beijing's pollution be so bad? B: I'm guessing it's car exhaust coupled with winter coal burning. A: This smell really burns your nostrils. B: We'd better get home quickly. ----Pinyin---- A: Běijīng de wù zěnme zhème dà a? B: Nǐ wàihángle ba? Zhè bùshì wù, shì wù mái. A: Wù mái shì shénme? B: Wù mái lǐmiàn quán shì wūrǎn wù, xī jìn fèi li jiù chū bù láile. A: Néngjiàndù zhēn dī a, wǒ juéde wǒmen hǎoxiàng zài kǒngbù piàn li. Běijīng zěnme wūrǎn zhème lìhài ne? B: Wǒ cāi shì qìchē wěiqì jiā shàng dōngtiān gōngnuǎn de fèiqì. A: Zhège wèidào zhēn cì bí. B: Wǒmen háishì gǎnjǐn huí jiā ba. ----Traditional ---- A:北京的霧怎麼這麼大啊? B:你外行了吧?這不是霧,是霧霾。 A:霧霾是什麼? B:霧霾裡面全是污染物,吸進肺裡就出不來了。 A:能見度真低啊,我覺得我們好像在恐怖片裡。北京怎麼污染這麼厲害呢? B:我猜是汽車尾氣加上冬天供暖的廢氣。 A:這個味道真刺鼻。 B:我們還是趕緊回家吧。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 All About #8 - Chinese Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:55

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate S2 #8 - Do You Trust Chinese Milk Powder? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:11

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A:又去香港背奶粉了? B:别提了,这次只背回来两罐,老婆直骂我没能耐。 A:现在不是法律限制从香港出境最多只能带两罐奶粉吗? B:对呀,可是自从断奶以后,我家宝宝实在不够吃呀,国产奶粉又太不放心。 A:其实我听说后来行业整顿得还不错。 B:我们是一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳啊,再说谁敢拿自己的孩子做实验呢。 ----English---- A: You went to Hong Kong to buy milk powder again? B: Don't mention it. I was only able to buy two cans this time. My wife said I was so incapable. A: Isn't there a legal restriction against people who leave Hong Kong taking more than two tins of powder? B: That's right. But my baby really doesn't have enough to eat since weaning. And we are so worried about the milk powder in China. A: Actually, I heard the industry is much better now. B: Once bitten, twice shy. And who does experiments on their own children? ----Pinyin---- A: Yòu qù xiānggǎng bèi nǎifěn le? B: Biétí le, zhè cì zhǐ bèi huí lái liǎngguàn, lǎopó zhí mà wǒ méi néngnài. A: Xiànzài bùshì fǎlǜ xiànzhì cóng xiānggǎng chūjìng zuìduō zhǐ néng dài liǎngguàn nǎifěn ma? B: Duì ya, kěshì zìcóng duànnǎi yǐhòu, wǒjiā bǎobǎo shízài bùgòu chī ya, guóchǎn nǎifěn yòu tài bù fàngxīn. A: Qíshí wǒ tīngshuō hòulái hángyè zhěngdùn de hái bùcuò. B: Wǒmen shì yīzhāobèishéyǎo, shíniánpàjǐngshéng a, zàishuō shuí gǎn ná zìjǐ de háizi zuò shíyàn ne. ----Traditional ---- A:又去香港背奶粉了? B:別提了,這次只背回來兩罐,老婆直罵我沒能耐。 A:現在不是法律限制從香港出境最多只能帶兩罐奶粉嗎? B:對呀,可是自從斷奶以後,我家寶寶實在不夠吃呀,國產奶粉又太不放心。 A:其實我聽說後來行業整頓得還不錯。 B:我們是一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩啊,再說誰敢拿自己的孩子做實驗呢。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 News #110 - Your Chinese Class Starts Today! Start learning real life Chinese conversation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:35

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Video Culture Class: Chinese Holidays #4 - National Day | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:01

Learn more about Chinese culture with ChineseClass101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Chinese holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in China. In this video, you'll learn all about National Day in China and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Chinese vocabulary. Join Chen for a dose of Chinese culture! Visit us at ChineseClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Chinese audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

 Absolute Beginner S4 #4 - Calling for an Ambulance in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:41

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 你受伤了? 我们去医院。 叫救护车,快! 救护车今天没空。 什么? 今天放假,全国救护车日。 ----English---- A: Are you injured? B: Let's go to the hospital. A: Call for an ambulance, quickly! B: The ambulances aren't running today. A: What? B: They're off today. It's National Ambulance Day. ----Pinyin---- Nǐ shòushāng le? Wǒmen qù yīyuàn. Jiào jiùhùchē, kuài! Jiùhùchē jīntiān méikòng. Shénme? Jīntiān fàngjià, quánguójiùhùchērì. ----Traditional ---- 你受傷了? 我們去醫院。 叫救護車,快! 救護車今天沒空。 什麼? 今天放假,全國救護車日。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate S2 #7 - Men Behaving Badly in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:52

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A : 最近网上都是关于富二代官二代的负面新闻啊。 B:可不是,什么聚众打人、醉驾逃逸、强奸少女... A:这些少爷们怎么净不干正事啊,简直是无恶不作。 B:其实也有一些好的,只不过正面的报道不多。 A:我真看不上这些“二代”们,就会拼爹比出身,真是败类。 B:你也别太极端了... A:唉,要是我爸也能有钱有权就好了,我一定能把这些人都比下去! ----English---- A: Right now negative news about the children of the rich and the children of the officials is all over the Internet. B: Ain't that the case? Beating people in groups, avoiding drunk-driving or taking advantage of young women... A: How can it be that these young kids aren't doing anything proper at all? Is there any crime they are not capable of? B: Well, actually there are some good ones. It's just there's not much reporting about it. A: I really don't care for these second generation kids. All they do is compete about their family backgrounds. They are really not worth anything. B: You shouldn't get too extreme. A: Ah...if only my dad was rich and powerful, I definitely would be much better than these people. ----Pinyin---- A: Zuìjìn wǎng shàng dū shì guānyú fù èr dàiguān èr dài de fùmiàn xīnwén a. B: Kě bùshì, shénme jùzhòng dǎ rén, zuì jià táoyì, qiángjiān shàonǚ... A: Zhèxiē shào yémen zěnme jìng bù gān zhèngshì a, jiǎnzhí shì wú'èbùzuò. B: Qíshí yěyǒu yīxiē hǎo de, zhǐ bùguò zhèngmiàn de bàodǎo bù duō. A: Wǒ zhēn kàn bù shàng zhèxiē “èr dài”men, jiù huì pīn diē bǐ chūshēn, zhēnshi bàilèi. B: Nǐ yě bié tài jíduānle... A: Āi, yàoshi wǒ bà yě néng yǒu qián yǒu quán jiù hǎole, wǒ yīdìng néng bǎ zhèxiē rén dōu bǐ xiàqù! ----Traditional ---- A:最近網上都是關於富二代官二代的負面新聞啊。 B:可不是,什麼聚眾打人、醉駕逃逸、強姦少女... A:這些少爺們怎麼淨不干正事啊,簡直是無惡不作。 B:其實也有一些好的,只不過正面的報導不多。 A:我真看不上這些“二代”們,就會拼爹比出身,真是敗類。 B:你也別太極端了... A:唉,要是我爸也能有錢有權就好了,我一定能把這些人都比下去! --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog #5 - Being a Smart Kid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:54

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 走在排练场的走廊里,经过一间屋子,门没有关,窗户也没有关,一缕阳光照进来,亮得有些刺眼,我清楚地看到了一缕阳光射进来,能够看到漂浮在空气中的灰尘,我顿时感觉到久违了的温暖,它仿佛像在照在我的身上,我突然想哭出来,因为那阳光实在是太美了。 夜晚,天空中突然下起了小雨,我想好好地感受一下,我以为会下雪的,往年的这个时候应该下雪的。其实我们永远无法预料下一秒还会发生什么。 有些人无法再遇见,但还会有人来补充,依然会看见停在我家门口红色的小轿车,出门时会看见,回家时会看见,但从来没有看见过这个车的主人,依然会看到那个一直都穿着灰色裙子的女孩,依然会看到那位年轻的爸爸,一条浅蓝色的牛仔裤,白色的运动鞋,习惯性的动作,倒数第三站,他们会上车,习惯地抱起女儿,放在离近的位置,然后去投币,再坐到女儿身边,直到下车,我只是看一眼,便不会在他们身上再多停留一秒钟,把头转过去,看外面的风景。 我说,以前的我,很傻很天真,其实,每个人每天都在成长,回头看看以前的自己,都会觉得好傻! 我们一直努力,做干净透明的孩子。现实的世界有时太脏了,根本不愿意去。 我说,我爱的人走了,他们都走了,我突然预见到不久的将来,也许有一天我也会离开爱我的人,离开现在所有的一切。但是,现在,我已开始想念。 收拾思绪,继续在现实的摸爬滚打中慢慢摸索。 ----English---- As I walked down the corridor in the rehearsal hall, I passed a room whose door had been left open, and whose window had also been left open. A ray of sun shone in, so bright it was a little painful to look at; I clearly saw a ray of sunlight shoot in, and all the dust drifting on the air. Instantly I felt a warmth I hadn't felt for a long time, as if the sun were shining upon me. Suddenly I wanted to cry, because the sunlight was so beautiful. That evening it suddenly started drizzling, and I decided to enjoy it. I thought it would snow - in other years, it snowed around this time - but really we never can tell what's going to happen the very next second. There are some people you'll never meet again, but there'll be other people who'll take their place; I'll still see the small red sedan parked in front of my house, whenever I go out and whenever I come back, but I've never seen the owner of the car. I'll still see that girl who's always wearing the grey skirt, and that young father in his light blue jeans and his white sneakers, doing what they do from habit. At the third stop from the last, they'll get on the bus, and out of habit pick up their daughter in a hug and hold her until they get off. I just glance at them - I never let my gaze linger on them an extra second - and then turn my head and look outside. I said, the old me was silly and naive -- but really, we're all growing, day by day, and if we look back at our old selves, we'd all think we used to be awfully silly! We always do our best to be clean, transparent girls. The real world's a dirty place at times, one you just wouldn't want to go to. I said, the people I love have left, all of them, and suddenly I had a premonition of the near future; maybe some day I'll leave the people who love me, leave everything that's here right now. But now I'm already starting to miss it. I'll gather up my thoughts and go on trying to fumble my way through the school of hard knocks that is reality. ----Pinyin---- Zǒu zài páiliàn chǎng de zǒuláng lǐ,jīngguò yī jiān wūzi,mén méiyǒu guān,chuānghu yě méiyǒu guān,yī lǚ yángguāng zhào jìnlai,liàng de yǒuxiē cìyǎn,wǒ qīngchu de kàn dào le yī lǚ yángguāng shè jìnlai,nénggòu kàn dào piāofú zài kōngqì zhōng de huīchén,wǒ dùnshí gǎnjué dào jiǔwéi le de wēnnuǎn,tā fǎngfú xiàng zài zhào zài wǒ de shēnshang,wǒ tūrán xiǎng kū chūlai,yīnwèi nà yángguāng shízài shì tài měi le。 Yèwǎn,tiānkōng zhōng tūrán xià qǐ le xiǎoyǔ,wǒ xiǎng hǎohāo de gǎnshòu yīxià,yǐwéi huì xiàxuě de,wǎngnián de zhège shíhou yīnggāi xià xuě de。Qíshí wǒmen yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ yùliào xià yī miǎo hái huì fāshēng shénme。 Yǒuxiē rén wúfǎ zài yùjiàn,dàn hái huì yǒu rén lái bǔchōng,yīrán huì kàn jiàn tíng zài wǒ jiā ménkǒu hóngsè de xiǎo jiàochē,chūmén shí huì kàn jiàn,huíjiā shí huì kàn jiàn,dàn cónglái méiyǒu kàn jiàn guò zhège chē de zhǔrén,yīrán huì kàn dào nàge yīzhí dōu chuān zhe huīsè qúnzi de nǚhái,yīrán huì kàn dào nà wèi niánqīng de bàba,yī tiáo jiānlán sè de niúzǎikù,báisè de yùndòng xié,xíguàn xìng de dòngzuò,dǎoshǔ dì sān z [...]

 Intermediate S2 #6 - Don’t Be a ‘Leftover Lady’ in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:02

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A:你都老大不小了,再不结婚就嫁不出去了。 B:我还没有男朋友呢,再说,我才二十五着什么急。 A:二十五就是“剩女”了!再往上你就成“剩斗士”了!上回给你介绍的那个公务员怎么不见面了? B:没感觉。 A:什么是感觉?感觉能当饭吃吗?那个小伙儿有房有车,工作稳定...... B:要嫁你嫁吧,反正我看不上。 ----English---- A: You are no spring chicken anymore. If you don't get married now, you won't be able to at all. B: I don't have a boyfriend yet. I'm just twenty-five. What's the hurry? A: Twenty-five is already a leftover woman. And you will be even more leftover if you get much older. Why don't you see this civil servant I introduced to you to last time? B: I don't have any feeling for him. A: What are feelings? Can they feed you? That young man has an apartment and a car and also a stable job. B: Go marry him yourself if you want. Anyway, I don't like him. ----Pinyin---- A: Nǐ dōu lǎodàbùxiǎo le, zàibu jiéhūn jiù jià bù chūqù le. B: Wǒ hái méiyǒu nánpéngyǒu ne, zàishuō, wǒ cái èrshíwǔ zháo shénme jí. A: Èrshíwǔ jiùshì “shèngnǚ”le! Zài wǎng shàng nǐ jiù chéng “shèng dòushì” le! Shànghuí gěi nǐ jièshào de nàgè gōngwùyuán zěnme bù jiànmiàn le? B: Méi gǎnjué. A: Shénme shì gǎnjué? Gǎnjué néng dāng fàn chī ma? Nàgè xiǎohuǒer yǒufángyǒuchē, gōngzuò wěndìng...... B: Yào jià nǐ jià ba, fǎnzhèng wǒ kànbùshàng. ----Traditional ---- A:你都老大不小了,再不結婚就嫁不出去了。 B:我還沒有男朋友呢,再說,我才二十五著什麼急。 A:二十五就是“剩女”了!再往上你就成“剩鬥士”了!上回給你介紹的那個公務員怎麼不見面了? B:沒感覺。 A:什麼是感覺?感覺能當飯吃嗎?那個小伙兒有房有車,工作穩定...... B:要嫁你嫁吧,反正我看不上。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 News #109 - Learn just the Chinese vocabulary… or get all 30 languages with Visual Dictionary Pro for iPhone and iPad! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:23

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate Lesson #7 - Getting Married in China | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:33

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 甲:亲爱的,根据中国传统,娶我得送彩礼。 乙:没问题。送什么? 甲:根据我们老家的传统,得先送一辆摩托车。 乙:没问题。 甲:根据我们村子里的传统,还得送一辆汽车。 乙:嗯...好吧。 甲:根据我们家的传统,还得送一套房子。 乙:我们分手吧。 ----English---- A: Honey, according to Chinese traditions, you have to give me a present when you marry me. B: No problem. What? A: According to the tradition in this part of the country, you have to give me a motorcycle first. B: No problem. A: According to our village traditions, you also have to give me a car. B: Uh...okay. A: And according to our family traditions, you also have to give me a house. B: Let's break up. ----Pinyin---- jiǎ: qīn'ài de, gēnjù Zhōngguó chuántǒng, qǔ wǒ děi sòng cǎilǐ. yǐ: méi wèntí. sòng shénme? jiǎ: gēnjù wǒmen lǎojiā de chuántǒng, děi xiān sòng yī liàng mótuōchē. yǐ: méi wèntí. jiǎ: gēnjù wǒmen cūnzi lǐ de chuántǒng, hái děi sòng yī liàng qìchē. yǐ: en ...hǎo ba. jiǎ: gēnjù wǒmen jiā de chuántǒng, hái děi sòng yī tào fángzi. yǐ: wǒmen fēnshǒu ba. ----Traditional ---- 甲:親愛的,根據中國傳統,娶我得送彩禮。 乙:沒問題。送甚麼? 甲:根據我們老家的傳統,得先送一輛摩托車。 乙:沒問題。 甲:根據我們村子裏的傳統,還得送一輛汽車。 乙:嗯...好吧。 甲:根據我們家的傳統,還得送一套房子。 乙:我們分手吧。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate S2 #5 - How Can the Common Man Find Love in China? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:41

Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A:又去相亲了?这次看对眼儿没有? B:嘿,这次还真来了个白富美! A:那不正好,你快展开攻势啊? B:别提了,人家嫌我不是高富帅,只是个穷屌丝。 A:唉,我们屌丝的春天什么时候才能来呀? B:哎,你不是跟你的初恋复合了吗? A:哪儿啊,她说我太幼稚,一心只想嫁大叔。 ----English---- A: Went on another blind date? See anyone you like? B: You know what? This time, there was actually a white, rich and beautiful girl. A: Isn't that great? Why don't you go on and attack? B: Don't mention it. She dislikes that I'm not a tall, wealthy and handsome guy, but just a poor loser. A: Ai. When will spring come for us poor losers. B: Hey, didn't you say you are going back with your first girlfriend? A: Don't mention it. She said that I'm too childish and she only want to marry someone older. ----Pinyin---- A: Yòu qù xiāngqīn le? Zhè cì kànduìyǎnr méiyǒu? B: Hēi, zhè cì hái zhēn lái le gè báifùměi! A: Nà bù zhènghǎo, nǐ kuài zhǎnkāi ​​gōngshì a? B: Biétíle, rénjiā xián wǒ bù shì gāofùshuài, zhǐ shì gè qióngdiǎosī. A: Āi, wǒmen diǎosī de chūntiān shénme shíhou cái néng lái ya? B: Āi, nǐ bù shì gēn nǐ de chūliàn fùhé le ma? A: Nǎr a, tā shuō wǒ tài yòuzhì, yīxīn zhǐ xiǎng jià dàshū. ----Traditional ---- A:又去相親了?這次看對眼兒沒有? B:嘿,這次還真來了個白富美! A:那不正好,你快展開​​攻勢啊? B:別提了,人家嫌我不是高富帥,只是個窮屌絲。 A:唉,我們屌絲的春天什麼時候才能來呀? B:哎,你不是跟你的初戀複合了嗎? A:哪兒啊,她說我太幼稚,一心只想嫁大叔。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!


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