Intermediate S2 #9 - Protecting Your Lungs in Beijing

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Summary: Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A:北京的雾怎么这么大啊? B:你外行了吧?这不是雾,是雾霾。 A:雾霾是什么? B:雾霾里面全是污染物,吸进肺里就出不来了。 A:能见度真低啊,我觉得我们好像在恐怖片里。北京怎么污染这么厉害呢? B:我猜是汽车尾气加上冬天供暖的废气。 A:这个味道真刺鼻。 B:我们还是赶紧回家吧。 ----English---- A: How can Beijing have so much fog? B: You are not from around here, huh? This isn't fog. It's smog. A: What's smog? B: Smog is made of particles of pollution. Once you breathe them in, they don't come out. A: Visibility is really low. I feel like we are in a horror film. How can Beijing's pollution be so bad? B: I'm guessing it's car exhaust coupled with winter coal burning. A: This smell really burns your nostrils. B: We'd better get home quickly. ----Pinyin---- A: Běijīng de wù zěnme zhème dà a? B: Nǐ wàihángle ba? Zhè bùshì wù, shì wù mái. A: Wù mái shì shénme? B: Wù mái lǐmiàn quán shì wūrǎn wù, xī jìn fèi li jiù chū bù láile. A: Néngjiàndù zhēn dī a, wǒ juéde wǒmen hǎoxiàng zài kǒngbù piàn li. Běijīng zěnme wūrǎn zhème lìhài ne? B: Wǒ cāi shì qìchē wěiqì jiā shàng dōngtiān gōngnuǎn de fèiqì. A: Zhège wèidào zhēn cì bí. B: Wǒmen háishì gǎnjǐn huí jiā ba. ----Traditional ---- A:北京的霧怎麼這麼大啊? B:你外行了吧?這不是霧,是霧霾。 A:霧霾是什麼? B:霧霾裡面全是污染物,吸進肺裡就出不來了。 A:能見度真低啊,我覺得我們好像在恐怖片裡。北京怎麼污染這麼厲害呢? B:我猜是汽車尾氣加上冬天供暖的廢氣。 A:這個味道真刺鼻。 B:我們還是趕緊回家吧。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!