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 Second Annual Washington EFT Tappers Gathering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Join Love Tap host and Washington EFT Tappers Gathering organizer Alina Frank as she talks with a few of the presenters for the 2012 gathering March 10th at Bastyr University near Seattle. Presenters include Sarajane Thomas on EFT and personal sovereignty, Joanna Cummings (aka Nicci Tina)  on Kicking Butts, and Nancy Southern on EFT with abundance.  The Gatherings were started by Gwenyth Moss in the UK as a way to build the EFT regional community. Presenters volunteer their time, the price is kept low to enable all to attend, and the day is filled with scheduled opportunities to network and learn from each other. No EFT enthusiast (whether expert practitioner or novice self-applier) should miss this wonderful annual event. All net proceeds go to EFT research. For more information and registration go to www.washingtonefttappersgathering.com  

 Informatique - un jeu d'enfants avec l'EFT ! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:00

Peur de la technologie? Marre de devoir demander à vos enfants ou vos petits-enfants comment télécharger vos fichiers? Angoisse à l'idée de créer ou faire vivre un site Internet? Blogs? Twitter? Facebook? Et la vie privée avec tout ça?! Maria Annell, Ingénieur de Bien-Etre, combine sa formation d'ingénieur en Technologies de l'Information et sa passion pour le développement personnel et le bien-être... Maria est LA personne pour vous aider à soulager votre stress autour de l'informatique, et en plus elle peut vous expliquer comment utiliser la technologie pour faire évoluer vos pratiques et faire connaître votre activité...   Venez écouter cette émission, où Maria vous donnerai des astuces pour dépasser vos idées reçues au sujet de l'outil informatique et comment naviguer de façon efficace dans la "jungle" du monde d'Internet!   Dimanche 11 décembre à 21h (heure de Paris)   Pour suivre l'émission - deux possibilités :   1) Pour participer en direct : Appelez le 001 347 215 68 33 (numéro aux Etats-Unis non surtaxé - renseignez-vous avec votre opérateur télécom, tous frais téléphoniques éventuels sont entièrement à votre charge) 2) Pour écouter sur Internet pendant ou après l'émission: Rendez-vous sur la page web EFT à l'Antenne (En écoute seulement, interaction possible via "chat")

 Why So Sad for the Holidays? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Holidays can be stressful, but for some young people who are bullied for who they are it can be the most isolating and alienating time of the year.   A statistic from the It Gets Better Project; “Nine out of 10 gay teenagers experience bullying and harassment at school, and gay teens are four times likelier to attempt suicide. Many LGBT kids who do kill themselves live in rural areas, exurbs, and suburban areas, places with no gay organizations or services for queer kids.”   Learn what we can do, learn the signs, how to listen, what to say to a young person who feels they’re on the edge to make this their last holiday.   The lines will be open for you to call in with your stories.  Blessing to you all.   If you know you want to call in with your story, drop me a line at lillian@thegenuinelife.com.  This way I can make room for you and your story on the show.   Of course I’ve got a relaxing rest and get revived guided meditation for you at the end of the show.   Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong Practitioners residing in the New York City area.  Working by phone for private and group sessions.  Visit her site, TheGenuineLife.com to get her free videos so you can use EFT and Qigong for feeling better.

 Happy Healthy Holidays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Would you like to have more time, less stress AND less fat to start off the NEW YEAR?   Today, your Million Dollar Mindset Tapping host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, is going to introduce you to Angela Bell and together we will take a look at holiday eating patterns and the stress that causes them. Angela is here to help you have a fabulous holiday season! As an energy healer Angela has helped hundreds of people to heal from illness and adopt healthy patterns! Learn to avoid holiday weight-gain AND float through family drama!   About Angela - Sitting in her doctor’s office at the age of 28 and hearing that she had the heart function of a 92 year old woman due to the constant emotional stress in her life; Angela began a complete evolution…mind, body and spirit. Leaving behind Fibromyalgia and the painful thoughts and patterns that led to the illness, Angela’s passion became to instill in others the ability to “flow and glow” in their life whatever the present condition is.   

 TapFest & Taking It To The Streets - How? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

EFT is all about emotional freedom and change. But how do we do that?   How do we effectively take EFT into the streets, for real change? Tune in to a frank conversation about how EFT is crossing borders and boundaries, by doing what it does best: removing obstacles from people's past experiences, clearing the way with balance, health and clarity.  Even where political, economic or social barricades and agendas stifle social equality and justice, somehow EFT is reaching out with healing ripples of change we're only beginning to recognize.  If your agenda is to assist people in becoming their best, whole and healthy selves again, this show is for you. Hear unfolding stories,happening right now, that will inform and equip you to talk about EFT at work around the globe, and  first effort to integrate EFT into a whole community - a model for the rest of the world! Celebrated filmmaker Eric Huurre takes us on a 'virtual road trip' of EFT, and how people like YOU are taking it to the streets!  (Check out the first  ITC YouTube clip: http://youtu.be/cohvzYKRrwc) TapFest host Jondi Whitis reserves space each month for our listeners (private work, groups, instruction and sessions). Let's transform YOU for 2012! Go here: Jondi@TapFest.com TapFest has consistently covered the healing use of energy work in areas of natural disaster and societal upheaval. We've been a leader in the conversation about healing through Intention and had conversation with some cutting edge thinkers, movers and shakers.  Get onboard! Join for free, at www.TapFest.com

 I Wouldn't Be Without EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Join Alina Frank on Love Tap today when she speaks with Sherrie Lee Creech about her experiences with EFT. EFT has been a major player in the healing of Sherrie Lee Creech's life. It was true in her divorce and continues to be true in her second marriage. EFT has assisted her be able to  shift her focus from teaching to writing and living in the belief that she is a successful children’s author.  EFT is an essential tool in her life, helping her to live in the now every day in serenity, happiness, joy, and excitement. You can see Sherrie's work at www.montytalesofavegetariancrocodile.com

 Integrating Chinese Medicine and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel will be interviewing acupuncturist Stephen Hunter.   Chinese Five Elements theory is a wonderful and accessible tool for working out the root causes of various emotional symptoms and issues that a person may present with.  Working with the elements alongside EFT can more quickly move a person to a place of balance and harmony. Stephen will talk about the emotions associated with the Five Elements and how they work together in a dynamic yet perfectly balanced system. He and Annabel will also discuss how life trauma affects the balance of the elements within a person and how this can lead to a variety of different symptoms and responses. About Stephen: Stephen started training in healing work in the early 90’s, first with body work and then acupuncture.  After qualifying in acupuncture at the Northern College of Acupuncture he was immediately invited back to teach both points and bodywork. He also began working with Dr Arthur Bailey of the Bailey Flower Essences and together they developed the Acupuncture Essences, based on the Five Elements. More recently, Stephen worked with Gwyneth Moss (EFT Master) and attended her EFT workshops.  Together, they collaborated on a way to help EFT practitioners gain some insight into the workings of EFT from a Chinese Medicine perspective and how to use Flower Essences to support and further empower their clients. Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 Gagnez du temps grâce à l'EFT ! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Dimanche 27 novembre à 21h (heure de Paris) : Tant de choses à faire, et si peu de temps... Qui n'a pas l'impression de manquer de temps? Le rythme semble s'accélérer, tiens, voilà déjà encore une année qui est pratiquement finie! Bientôt les bonnes résolutions du nouvel an... Comme : prendre le temps pour MOI, passer plus de temps avec ma famille, m'organiser mieux pour arriver à tout faire...   L'EFT peut être un outil précieux pour sortir de ce cercle vicieux de stress et de pressions... Nous parlerons de fuites de temps, de procrastination et de comment faire de votre montre une alliée, plutôt que votre pire ennemi!   Et si jamais vous n'avez pas le TEMPS dimanche soir... Vous pouvez écouter dans les archives à votre convenance! ;)   Contactez-moi via mon site www.EFTPourTous.com et inscrivez-vous pour des séances virtuelles offertes : stress, sommeil, confiance en soi...   Pour des instructions en français pour participer à l'émission: http://www.eftpourtous.com/eftalantenne.html

 Occupy Wall Street and the Healing of America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Occupy Wall Street isn’t about the poor vs. the rich.  As movements go the OWS movement has the power to radically alter how we view each other and how we take responsibility as human beings.  Do we continue to not care about each other or do we return to the belief where it is a joy to be responsible with one another. If you have a vision for what America can be then this show will be of interest to you.  Healing done on an individual level becomes the backbone for healing on a more massive scale. The growing swell of interest and participation across the country suggests something greater is happening beyond parks and tents. We're once again at a crossroad for self-determination and tonight you'll get to meet just one of the many involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Meet Jackie Dandelion, one of the committed to a positive outcome from the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  Jackie will tell us what it means to be part of OWS; her observations and heartfelt responses to what's really happening. We'll also do some tapping and I'll finish with a guided meditation for providing relaxation and building Qi. Lillian Fimbres is a EFT and Qigong Practitioner.  Her website is The Genuine Life.com and you can reach her with lillian@thegenuinelife.com

 Relieve Holiday Stress with My Guest Jessica Ortner! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

  It’s that time of year when the rush starts for the holidays – parties, shopping for gifts, baking treats, travel, seeing relatives, the list is endless! Do you go into holiday overwhelm? Is it your favorite time of year or your most dreaded time?   There’s someone who can help us releive our holiday stress and she’s my guest this episode - the amazing Jessica Ortner! She is the producer of the movie The Tapping Solution, the host of the Tapping World Summits, and the force behind the Tapping Insiders Club.   I adore Jessica! She is wise beyond her years, brilliant, compassionate, and she has a contagious enthusiasm for life. Her forward thinking and innovations have made tapping available to people worldwide who otherwise may not have been exposed to it. Because of her vision and courage, our entire planet has benefited.   Please join us as Jessica leads us through tapping to relieve stress and prepare for a joyous holiday filled with gratitude and the true spirit of the season.    To see Stacey's tapping books for non-athletes visit her website Breakthrough EFT.   To find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes, visit her website Bye Bye Blocks.

 Facing Debt Fearlessly with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Being over your head in debt is difficult. Being over your head in debt over the holiday season is downright awful! It's not easy to face your debt and take empowering steps to resolve financial issues. In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, will help you to gain a different perspective on your financial life so that you can face your debt fearlessly and learn to thrive once again! You may wish to call into the show - anonymously if you like - so that you can benefit from one-to-one tapping with Marla. Or, send your questions in advance and we will address them on the air.  Come tap with Marla and take a giant step into a better future.  

 11-11 & BEYOND: Where we Go From Here | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

Join us for a Veterans' Day wrap-up as we look towards the future.   Recapping and celebrating events around the world on 11-11, we applaud the highways and by-ways  where energy medicine and energy psychology, like EFT, is being heard, embraced and used to great effect - healing and restoration!  And we spotlight in particular the awesome work sweeping the state of Alaska,  and worldwide events that took place this 11-11-11.   Then we look ahead to other places in the world, where trauma has caused deep, abiding wounds and scars. How do the tools we offer figure into that kind of trauma?  How is it being received and who exactly is receiving it?  To what result?   TapFest gives you commentary and veteran testimonials on how & why this latest global effort came to be, and what's next.   Life just changes when EFT and energy medicine is used.   It unwraps who you AREN'T, so you can return to being who you ARE,  and were meant to be.     Join the conversation, comment, ask questions and vision-cast with us to transform trauma in 2012 & Beyond.  EFT IS the people's tool -- maybe we should just call it, "EVERYBODY's Freedom Techniques" ! TapFest welcomes all tappers and energy workers into their global community of consciousness.  You can join us for FREE, at www.TapFest.com, and even have your own page, listing of events, and resources for all.  Your host today, JONDI WHITIS, is a founding member of TapFest and can be reached for private work, training and sessions here: Jondi@eft4Results.com Archived shows are available free on EFT Radio Online.com

 EFT and Enneagram | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Join EFTU and Matrix Reimprinting trainer and practitioner Alina Frank as she shares her insights on the Enneagram. The Enneagram can be taken at face value as a personality system used by corporations, such as Boeing and Microsoft,  to assist employers find their employees strengths and weakness. A person with an ability to connect people but hates being a number cruncher would do better in sales and marketing than in accounting for example. On a deeper level however this ancient mystical teaching is the key to understanding your ego, your default operating system, and how you view the world. Alina uses the Enneagram in her client work finding those core events that solidified that personality type. Once cleared a person is much freer to live a life of balance and equalibrium. Alina will be working with a volunteer to demonstrate her process. For more information and to receive the original publisher article Alina wrote in 2006 please visit www.tapyourpower.net For those that know the lingo - Alina is a 3 with a 2 wing!

 Conscious Self-Empowerment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel Fisher will be interviewing energy therapist Deborah Fox.   To feel empowered is to be in energetic alignment with your passion and your purpose. So, how does one achieve this state of being when we are often burdened by feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness? Limiting beliefs and negative energetic patterns acquired throughout our lifetime are what stand in the way of empowerment. Deborah will share some of the research conducted by David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD, who determined the vibrational values of different emotions and the contrast between power and force. Tapping can support the unraveling and re-patterning of these energies and you can weave a new life tapestry.   About Deborah: Deborah Fox is an energy therapist and an empowerment catalyst. She skillfully blends EFT with her innate intuitive wisdom and serves as a facilitator of quantum energy shifts. Deborah has dedicated her life to being of service to those seeking resolution of their personal wounds and inner distress and from energetic traces of ancestral and familial grief. You can learn more about her at: http://freedomtoheal.com Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 EFT et tambour chamanique pour dépasser deuil et tristesse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

"Drum Circle Tapping" est une combinaison puissante de cercle de tambours chamaniques et de tapping méridien (EFT). Cette technique a été créée par Mark Robertson, qui la présente le 13 novembre à la Conférence Annuelle 2011 de l'AMT ( Association for Meridian & Energy Techniques) Puisque nous serons tous les deux présents à cette conférence, Mark a accepté d'expliquer son approche pendant l'émission d'EFT à l'Antenne dimanche! D'origine américaine, Mark a trouvé un moyen plutôt original de financer ses formations en soins alternatifs en France - je vous laisse découvrir pendant l'émission... Depuis 17 ans, Mark pratique l'acupuncture, le shiatsu, la réflexologie, la reconnexion et l'EFT. Avec Renée, sa femme, il anime des stages et ateliers en soins énergétiques, dans leur maison en Normandie et ailleurs. Selon la médecine traditionnelle chinoise, le début de l'hiver est une saison qui peut favoriser la tristesse. C'est pourquoi il propose de faire une démonstration de "EFT et Tambour" pour transcender le deuil et la séparation... ----------------------------------------------------------- Ecoutez l'émission dimanche soir sur cette page même ! 


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