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 Déménagez facile avec l'EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Nous sommes en 2012 (oui, je sais, ce n'est plus un scoop...) et les énergies tournent de plus en plus vite. Cela engendre beaucoup de changements, plus ou moins souhaités, plus ou moins bien vécus... En voulant réaliser n'importe quel objectif, il est bon d'explorer deux axes: votre DESIR profond de l'atteindre, et votre croyance quand à sa FAISABILITE. Dans cette émission, nous travaillerons sur le stress lié à un déménagement, selon ces deux axes. Grâce à l'EFT, il est possible de maximiser l'envie, tout en éliminant les éventuelles croyances qui empêchent de penser complètement que le projet est réalisable. Cette séance portera sur un déménagement, mais vous pourrez l'adapter à n'importe quelle peur du changement, d'ailleurs...   Pour écouter en direct, deux options : 1. Appelez le 001 347 215 68 33 (numéro aux Etats-Unis non surtaxé - renseignez-vous avec votre opérateur télécom, tous frais téléphoniques éventuels sont entièrement à votre charge) 2. Ecoutez sur cette page Pour plus de détails, cliquez ici

 An 'Inner Spa' for Everyone, with Jade Barbee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

  This week, join me on a visit to Vermont, as we join EFT practitioner and trainer Jade Barbee.  We'll talk about some new tools for your toolbox, and how to get the confidence to use them right away, in a completely relaxing and creative way!  An "Inner Spa"! We'll discuss how this family of advanced tools work, and how they encourage creative visualization to enhance your results.  Join us for a guided journey to the 'Inner Spa', a live demonstration for all our listeners.  Jade is a wonderfully inventive, funny and completely natural practitioner I know you'll enjoy. You can see Jade on his terrific group website, www.EFTfree.net, offering first-rate insights, articles, and a storehouse of experienced advice.  You should also visit his personal site, www.EmotionalEngine.com   We'll even talk about his EFTworkbook, to support you and your clients in doing this remarkable work.  I'll provide all the details on this during the show. Your host, Jondi Whitis, is a New York City based practitioner and AAMET trainer, with regular groups, training and private sessions.  Contact me for great results with EFT:    Jondi@eft4results.com

 Clearing Sugar Addiction With EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:00

Do you have an insatiable sweet tooth? Would you like to change your relationship with sugar? Sugar is one of the most coveted and one of the most toxic substances you can put in your body. The desire for sugar can sabotage even the most determined diet plans. Join me and my guest, Stacey Vornbrock, to learn why addictive substances, like sugar are so hard to give up, and how to clear the addiction to sugar with EFT. Learn the exact protocol Stacey uses to clear the addiction to sugar once and for all. Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC, is a Psychologist, Master Certified Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. She is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for weight loss. She is the author of How To Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight With EFT, the EFT Tips newsletter, the and the EFT Weight Loss CD. Stacey Vornbrock, M.S., LPC, is pioneering the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with elite and amateur athletes to release mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks on the cellular level.  She is the author of nine EFT Breakthrough Performance Sports Manuals and four e-books – Body Recovery, Injury Recovery, Travel Recovery, and Coming Back to Balance.

 EFT Master Lindsay Kenny Joins Cathryn to End Sabotage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

May is the month we look at how addictions impact our work with our inner child, and I am delighted to kick the month off with, what is sure to be, a lively conversation with my tapping mentor and my friend, EFT Master, Lindsay Kenney. Be sure and join us as Lindsay shares us her newly-developed Reversal Protocol  which brilliantly addresses that subconscious resistance to change so prevalent when our inner addict is in charge. For over 35 years Lindsay has been helping people heal. "Tapping provides an easy way for people to alleviate their emotional and physical pain, gain confidence, eliminate bad habits and get what they want out of life. I know now that people don't have to suffer with whatever has happened in the past. And I want the world to know about it.”  Please feel free to visit http://www.lifecoachingwithlindsay.com/  for more information on Lindsay and her unique tapping techniques. For more information on Cathryn's Interactive Tapping please visit her website at EFTForYourInnerChild.com or call her directly at 612.710.7720 if interested in scheduling an Interactive Tapping Consult.

 Get To The Good Stuff In Life With EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Isn’t it time you “got to the GOOD STUFF?!” In our youth, we hoped and dreamed that life would always be fulfilling, joyful and exciting. As you have probably experienced, life sometimes shows up with plans of its own; relationships end, companies close and people we love pass on. Want to know how to get back up and rekindle your inspiration after experiencing a trauma, loss or change in your life? In today's show, Annabel will be interviewing Jan Luther, EFT Master and Recovery Expert. Jan will teach you how to recognize and tap the hidden layers of grief that may be stealing your sweet life – and get to the GOOD STUFF! About Jan: Jan Luther is one of the nine U.S. EFT® Founding Masters, Co-Author of Mastering the Art of Success with Jack Canfield, Author of Grief is...Mourning Sickness, Creator of The Five Aspects of Grief© and Tools for Taming Your EGO©. Jan creates and teaches practical and effective solutions for your everyday life challenges with lots and lots of TLC! You can learn more about Jan at www.JanLuther.com. Annabel Fisher used EFT to go from being exhausted, in pain, and wheelchair-bound with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), to being vibrant, pain-free, and healthy enough to travel and motor bike regularly with her husband. She has used her EFT and NLP training to help hundreds of people struggling with chronic illnesses to go from managing their symptoms, to enjoying life, to living at their fullest potential. To schedule a private session with Annabel, contact her at annabel@theefthealingcentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 What's Involved In Becoming A Medical Intuitive? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

If you are interested in helping people or yourself get healthy the natural way, then this show is for you. You can learn how to heighten your intuition, listen to what your body is telling you and get information that will allow your body to heal itself. You can also become a certified Medical Intuitive and learn how to help yourself and others discover the core causes of ailments, diseases and emotional distress so the body can heal itself and your soul can be at peace. You can also learn to intuit nutritional deficiencies, chakra imbalances, efficiency of your organs and much more. When you attend live, you can bring your own symptoms to the call, and Stacey will intuit what is keeping your body from healing itself for 1 person Stacey Mayo is creator of The Sentelligent Solution, founder of The Center for Balanced Living, author of the award-winning book, 'I Can't Believe I Get Paid to Do This!", the first Certified Sentelligent Medical Intuitive who also trains and certified others to become Medical Intuitives via teleconference and skype. She has been featured in Forbes, NewsDay, Woman's Day, the Wall St. Journal and the CBS Evening news. She is also a Certified Career Intuitive, a Master Certified Coach, creator of the C.A.S.H. GRID, and an EFT practitioner. You can  schedule a free consultation with Stacey  to see if she can help you with your own physical symptoms or challenges.  You can sign up for a free consult at www.SentelligentSolution.com Find out more about EFT Practitioner and Trainer, Annabel Fisher here. To schedule a private session, write to annabel@theEFTHealingCentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 Get Motivated with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Motivation is an important part of success. Yet, all too often we find ourselves creating reasons and excuses to NOT achieve the goals that will take us toward our dreams. Why do we self-sabotage in this way? Marla Tabaka is your host here on The Million Dollar Mindset and in this podcast you will learn the most compelling reasons that people choose not to succeed. Marla welcomes you to call into the show today to uncover your compelling reason. What stops you from taking those critical next steps? Are you tired of going to bed each night feeling like you are not even one step closer to your dream? Most importantly, can EFT change all of that? Call the show to tap with Marla and find the internal motivation that you are lacking. 347-215-6833 Marla is an EFT expert and business coach. She has helped people around the world to grow their businesses and discover the life of their dreams. If you would like to know more about working with Marla please contact her at Marla@MarlaTabaka.com

 Dolphins Don't Climb Trees - Your Child and ADD/ADHD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Join TappingStar for an evening with RIck WIlkes, popular EFT practitioner and teacher, as he teaches us how your child with ADD/ADHD can benefit by using EFT.  From the parent to the teacher to the student, everyone wins from the skillful appiication of EFT.   Learn how in this 60-minute conversation with expert tapper, father and author,  Rick WIlkes.   Rick says, "We spend a lot more time labelling kids than co-creating safe environments where they can express themselves authentically.  This system produces emotional distress, pressures, judgements and self-doubts for everyone - kids, parents, and teachers, too!"  We'll cover using EFT to promote better classroom behaviors, as well as how to use EFT for our behaviors, to set the stage for more grounded communications and relationships. Learn how to calm, soothe and grow confidence with Jondi Whitis as she welcomes special guest, Rick Wilkes, on Thursday evening at 8pm EST. More terrific innovators and advice are available from the TappingStar on EFT Radio archive, or by contacting Jondi Whitis:  jondi@TappingStar.com

 EFT Weight Loss - The Inner Saboteur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

Do your good intentions keep getting ambushed by your inner saboteur? Does it feel like you have different parts of you inside that keep pulling you in different directions? Does part of you want to eat ice cream all day long and another part wants health food? Maybe there's a part of you that just doesn't want to be told what to do... Learn why you have parts inside that pull you in different directions and how you can work with them using EFT and imagery. Dr. Carol Solomon is a Psychologist, Master Certified Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. She is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques for weight loss. She is the author of "How To Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight With EFT." Register for her free email newsletter at www.EFTtips.com Contact Dr. Solomon to schedule a private session.

 Spiritual Mastery through EFT and your Akashic Records | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Have you ever wondered how the experiences from another lifetime are interfering with what you can manifest in the here and now? In today's show you can see for yourself the amazing results of the powerful healing which takes place when the Akashic Records are accessed to gain understanding of the context of sabotage. Then, when the wisdom accessed through the Akashic Records is combined with EFT sequences for the inner child and/or the aspect of the soul who is need of healing, the transformation can be quite miraculous. Sharyl's spiritual pursuit had been continually thwarted and sabotaged. Whenever she tried to expand spiritually some part of her would shut down. In this dynamic demonstration session you will witness how the threads of this past life were pulled through a childhood experience and then woven into a healing of her present day self. This is Interactive Tapping at its best. To schedule an EFT Akashic Records consult please contact me directly at 612.710.7720.

 Workplace Bullying and the Power of EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Do you hate going to work? Dread Sundays because that means you are one step closer to Monday? Have you been bullied in the workplace? In today’s show, Annabel’s guest, Karen Learmonth, believes when you feel safe enough, you can find a way to leave the workplace and thrive. Karen says that the ability to see workplace bullying as a gift – and to get the healing, learning and growth you may not have wanted unless it was this bad – is the way to a silver lining only a few work towards. Annabel and Karen will be discussing the benefits of EFT, the ability to see what you really need to let go of, and how to release the past to work towards a better future – whether you stay with the bullying situation or leave. Annabel will also be tapping with a volunteer so you will be able to borrow benefits. About Karen: A few years ago, Karen experienced workplace bullying. She joined forces with Stephen Hill to create No Bully For Me to get an ugly workplace secret into the open in 2004. Their work has been featured in many magazines, radio shows and newspapers. When she and Stephen Hill began their work, little was known about workplace bullying. Through their efforts to educate and provide support to targets of workplace bullying, they began the first Canadian response to this serious and growing problem. Karen offers advocacy, support, individual counseling and therapeutic art classes to help targets of bullying recover. She balances this with her creative work as a professional photographic Artist. You can find her current work at www.amberlightphoto.com To schedule a private session with Annabel Fisher, contact Annabel at annabel@theefthealingcentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 Dr. Robert Scaer: Latest Trauma Release & Transformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Reknowned traumatologist and author, Dr. Robert Scaer, joins TapFest for an evening of latest research and developments in the successful treatment of Trauma.  His new book, for the lay person, is coming out this summer, but you'll have the jump on the newest and latest on TapFest. This is not only about encapsulating a lifetime of focused research on Trauma, but new information NOT covered in his best-selling books,  Don't miss a rare opportunity to hear him speak in advance of this new work and theory; youmay even get the chance to ask a question, by calling in to the show. Robert Scaer, M.D. received his B.A. in Psychology, and his M.D. degree at the University of Rochester. He is Board Certified in Neurology, and in practice for 33 years - twenty of those as Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services at the Mapleton Center in Boulder, CO. His primary areas of interest and expertise have been in the fields of brain injury and chronic pain, and recently in the study of traumatic stress' role in physical symptoms and disease. He is the author of the books The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation and Disease, presenting a new theory of dissociation and its role in disease, and The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency, which explores the insidious spectrum of culturally-based trauma that shapes our lives, yet how transformation and healing may still take place. Your host is Jondi Whitis, an EFT Trainer and Practitioner in Brooklyn, NY.  She's one of the founders of TapFest.com, the global tapping site of intentional community , and TappingStar, the site for tapping with kids and education. She also teaches literacy through Art in New York City public schools, daily seeing first-hand the opportunities for tapping to help children take charge of their feelings, choices, and perform better, too. Contact her for private or group training: Jondi@Tapfest.com

 Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss With EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

Are you sabotaging your weight loss over and over again? How often does what you do align with what you say you want? There seems to be no limit to the ways that we can undo our good intentions. In today’s show, you will learn what causes self-sabotage and what you can do to stop it, why it feels like different parts are pulling us in different directions and how to bridge the knowing – doing gap. We’ll be using imagery to access the subconscious mind (the seat of habits) to help you lose weight without getting in your own way. Dr. Carol Solomon is a Psychologist, Master Certified Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. She is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques for weight loss. She is the author of "How To Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight With EFT." Register for her free email newsletter at www.EFTtips.com   CONTACT Dr. Solomon for a private session.

 Childhood Pain Seen Through the Lens of the Akashic Records | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Have you ever wondered what the higher purpose of your childhood pain may be? Could this spiritual perspective perhaps hold the key to the success of your mastery?  Join me to learn more about the power which awaits you when you dare to look at your childhood issues through the eyes of your soul.  This month I highlight the fourth, and final, component of inner child work - the ingredient of spirituality. My featured conversation is with my dear friend and colleague, Dahna Fox who is a certified instructor in teaching others how to access the sacred wisdom of the Akashic Records.  Dahna and I will discuss the history of this ancient wisdom, the story of how this particular method of accessing the Akshic Records came to America and the many beneifts that can be attained from integrating this perspective into your healing.  I was personally trained by Dahna and have been weaving this information into my inner child healings since 2001. After our conversation, and throughout this month's broadcasts, I will demonstrate with Interactive Tapping, why this approach has become one of the most important seasonings to my work and how, when accessed, the process never fails to inspire, expand and heal. 

 Engaging Your Body's Wisdom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Your body talks to you. When you listen to your body, you begin to find information. Yet, we often ignore these important messages, which are there to help us through the times in which we struggle.  In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping, transformational speaker and author, Eileen Dunn joins Marla Tabaka to teach us how to access our emotional and physical healing within. We will talk about the obstacles that we face during difficult times and how to use our body wisdom, combined with EFT tapping, to remove obstacles and find joy and healing.


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