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 Pick a Disease - we'll tell you what trauma caused it! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

Stress causes disease; we all know that. Did you know there is a method to precisely find what kind of trauma caused a particular disease? In this show you will find out how disease is created, how to diagnose the underlying problem and how to clear the issues - really.  My guest is Forrest Samnik, LCSW, Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, EFT Trainer and Meta-Medicine Master in training. Meta Medicine DVD set discount: www.HowToTap.com/Meta-Matrix  upon checkout, use discount code Meta27 .

 Brainwave Monitoring and EFT with EFT Master Gwyneth Moss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

  How does tapping affect the brain, and why is that important? As we apply EFT our brain responds in a powerful way. We know that by the results that we get, but now we can see evidence of the brain’s response through brainwave monitoring. EFT Master Gwyneth Moss is known for her highly successful EFT work using imagery and metaphor and for her clear down-to-earth teaching style.  Her study of brainwave monitoring taught her a great deal about how we can be most effective in our use of EFT. In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, speaks with Gwyneth to learn how tapping affects the brain and the patterns that develop as we tap. You will also learn to apply this knowledge to use EFT more skillfully to achieve higher performance, deeper personal insight, and increased creativity. 

 EFT pour faire face à la critique | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Comme vous le savez peut-être, j'ai changé beaucoup de choses dans ma vie dernièrement... Les différentes décisions prises m'ont inévitablement exposé à un certain nombre d'avis plus ou moins critiques de la part de mes proches, mais aussi de la part de personnes que je ne connaissais pas ou peu (facebook, newsletter, prospects etc...) Par mon éducation et mon histoire familiale, je me suis rendue compte que je suis une hypersensible à la critique. Et je me dis que je ne suis sûrement pas la seule? Alors si vous aussi vous avez du mal quand [vous pensez que] l'on vous critique, écoutez l'émission radio consacrée à ce sujet! Si le temps permet, je prendrai une ou deux personnes en direct pour tapoter sur votre ressenti personnel en rapport avec la critique. Si vous voulez bénéficier de cette opportunité, il vous faudra participer en direct par téléphone. Vous pouvez aussi me contacter à l'avance par e-mail à l'adresse info [AT] eft pour tous [point] com. Pour en savoir plus, cliquer ici Pas disponible dimanche soir ? Rassurez-vous, toutes les émissions restent en écoute libre dans les archives de EFT à l'Antenne.

 Dogs are Like Buddhas with Paws | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:00

They make the best teachers when we stop to listen and understand what they’re saying to us. Amazing what you’ll find at the end of your dog’s leash.  Did you know that everything in your world is reflected back to you through your pet’s eyes, so you and I can become better humans; more loving, more caring, more responsible? Energetically, our relationship to our animals is like a powerful mirror held up to our behavior as well as theirs.  Our pets are here to teach us important crucial life lessons and it doesn’t matter where the classroom begins; a dog breeder, a dog pound, a no-kill shelter, a litter, or rescued off the street.  Learn some simple techniques to understand why your Fido behaves the way they do using EFT, Qigong, a guided meditation, and pen and paper.    Once you've taken the first steps towards gaining insight into what role you’ve been playing in your pet’s behavior you will find sharing your home with your four footed counterpart  much easier.  Going for walks will be less of a struggle, training and disciplining will be more rewarding, and playtime will be joyful for both you and your pet. Tapfest returns with Jondi Whitis on October 6 with her guest, Russell Cunningham, talking about pre-birth using tapping and Alpha RePatterning. Lillian Fimbres is one of the co-founders of TapFest as well as a trained Qigong and EFT Practitioner living in the New York Metro area working on her ebook for improving you and your pet’s life, Buddha with Paws. Lillian is filling in for Jondi Whitis who is on vacation. Leave your questions on the Lillian Fimbres Facebook page or call in during the live show.

 Tapping Away Limiting Beliefs and Fears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Get what you want and want what you get. Why don't we already have what we need and want? In my experience it boils down to two reasons: Limiting Beliefs and Fears. These are the scourge of attracting. In this live show...and the supplemental recording, I'll show you how to transform limiting beliefs into attracting magnets. Before the show, if you want to play along, write down something simple that you want and don't have. And be specific: Instead of "More money" write down "I want to attract $5000 a month."  And instead of "I want to get rid of my clutter" change that to "I want to have clean, neat, orderly environment."  Instead of “I want to be in a relationship” write “I want to attract my ideal life partner”. Just choose one thing, you want, write a simple, positive statement about it and we'll work on attracting it. Then step by step we'll work on your ability to live your life by design, instead of by default. See you on the 20th! 

 EFT Tapping For Self Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Do you suffer from a Vitamin D (as in Deservingness) deficiency? Your weight loss goal requires a genuine feeling of confidence, self love and self worth to fuel it. What if you had unlimited self love and confidence to be able to achieve any goal? What would be possible then? Join me, Dr. Carol Solomon, as we discuss and tap for this issue of increasing self love and acceptance on Thursday, September 20, at 12 Eastern Time. Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC, is a Psychologist, Master Certified Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. She is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for weight loss. She is the author of How To Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight With EFT, the EFT Tips newsletter, the and the EFT Weight Loss CD. Get the FREE EFT Tips Newsletter - http://www.EFTTips.com

 What Do I Do When My Pain Just Does Not Go Away? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Does this sound familiar? You have done your inner child work, but the old habits still remain? No matter how diligent you are with your follow-up, you keep sliding back into that one, old behavior? You have invested thousands of dollars into techniques and procedures that took you to the next step, but didn't’ complete the process? Your authentic self is struggling to emerge, but it keeps getting high-jacked by the subconscious patterns dedicated to keep you safe? You have moments of success, but you can’t sustain them? You have glimpses of magnificence that do not endure?   Leading inner child expert, Cathryn Taylor, began responding to questions such as these over two decades ago with the publication of her bestselling Inner Child Workbook.  Over the course of her career she has discovered if your pain does not go away there is still a purpose to it. In this week’s show Cathryn will not only share with you the five questions you need to ask to determine what that higher purpose is, but will also demonstrate simple tapping sequences that empower you to identify, respond and resolve that purpose so your authentic self can emerge and you can successfully live your life beyond fear.  www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com

 Sound Healing: A bridge to Inner Peace and Deep Presence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

What is sound healing and how do our mind and body heal? What are the stumbling blocks to better health and a happier life?  Can we be free of worries, fears and resentments that cripple the mind and body and feel connected with our core essence? By using the power of your voice you can find peace, acceptance and self-love. Every cell of the body reacts to sound and its vibrations. When we harness the power of sound for healing purposes we can enter a profound healing state that allows the mind to calm down and our cells to regenerate and grow. Please join Annabel and Gudrun Eichhorst as they discuss the ancient power of sound, and how you can use it to heal yourself. Follow along simple sounding exercises and have fun experimenting with your voice. Feel the healing vibrations embracing your body and mind. Gudrun Eichhorst has extensively studied a variety of healing modalities since 1998. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher; sound healer and EFT & Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. She specializes in helping people to heal from the effects of trauma caused by abuse, neglect, accidents, divorce, grief and complicated child birth. She is passionate about empowering people by reconnecting them with their inner wisdom and thus with Spirit. Learn more about Gudrun at her website. Annabel Fisher has used her EFT and NLP training to help people struggling with chronic illnesses to go from managing symptoms to living at their fullest potential. Learn more about Annabel at www.TheEFTHealingCentre.com. To schedule private sessions with Annabel, contact her at annabel@theefthealingcentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 The Real Reasons and Costs Behind Multi-tasking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Do you pride yourself in being a skilled multi-tasker? Isn’t it amazing to juggle ten things at a time and feel as though you are conquering the world! But have you ever taken an objective look at how much you don’t get done? Or, the real reason behind your need to stay on the edge of your seat, catching every ball that comes your way?   Join your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, as she shares her years of observations and experiences with clients who have transformed themselves from award-winning multi-taskers to higher profits and lowered stress levels. You may be surprised at what your multi-tasking tendencies are costing you and your business!   Marla will help you to examine the reasons you multi-task, the costs associated with chronic multi-tasking, and help you to tap your way through the solutions!   HOST: Marla Tabaka believes that with the right mindset anything is possible! As a highly sought after Life & Business Coach, Marla works with entrepreneurs to grow their companies AND rediscover themselves in the process. Marla’s clients learn how to achieve life/work balance and to believe in themselves and their dreams. Many have reached a million dollars in annual revenues – and beyond! To schedule a private session, contact Marla Tabaka at marla@quicktaps.com or call 630-544-6445  

 Transform Your Life With Alpha RePatterning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

TapFest is so pleased to welcome Russell Cunningham to the show for an in-depth conversation about Alpha RePatterning, a practical and powerful model of energy therapy that marries exceptionally well with EFT.  Learn how this remarkably effective technique can benefit you or your own practice, straight from its creator. DownUnder's Cunningham normally teaches this class in a four-day format, a very comprehensive course.  But lucky you, TapFest, you're getting an evening with a masterful practitioner who'll spend an hour with us discussing Alpha RePatterning in detail; I'll take questions from the ChatRoom, or you may email them in advance: Jondi@TapFest.com Russell is a remarkable Trainer & Practitioner of EFT, NLP Master, TImeLine Therapist and Alpha RePatterning, among other things. His background in training and personal development span more than two decades. A member of the AAMET training team, President of EFTAP, and Director for the Australian Institute for Self-Development,  he uses this knowledge and experience to deliver outstanding results.  His modelling of Awareness, Presence and Intuition is exceptional.  Don't miss this opportunity to meet and ask questions of this gifted teacher, trainer and innovator. TapFest Host Jondi Whitis is a NYC-based EFT Trainer & Practitioner, where she welcomes private and group work, as well as EFT Training for Mastery.  Contact her here to further your journey with energy transformation and mastery, in person or by SKYPE: Jondi@Tapfest.com    

 Healthy Self, Healthy Business! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:00

Do you love helping others? Is that enough to create a healthy EFT business? If you are eager to establish an EFT Practice which brings you joy AND profits, you really need to become a master in: how to authentically market yourself and the service you offer; how to attract your ideal client; how to easily and comfortably receive a payment which feels right for you, and your client, and above all, how to have fun as you do all of those things! Growing a successful business starts from the inside out.   During today’s show, Annabel Fisher and Alina Frank will be discussing the mindset, as well as the skill set, required to create a thriving EFT Practice – they’ll be tapping on potential blocks to success; fears around charging for your services, and resistance to marketing yourself.   They’ll also be sharing their own experiences of building wait-list EFT Practices, the highs and lows, what stood in their way and how they overcame the hurdles. www.JumpStartYourEFTPractice.com About Alina Frank:  Alina has a successful private practice,  having worked with over 2000 clients from around the world on the phone, in person and Skype. She is a certified trainer with the EFT Universe and has been mentoring practitioners since 2006. www.tapyourpower.net About Annabel Fisher:  Annabel works primarily over the phone, or via Skype, with clients around the world who are struggling with their health. Besides working privately with clients, she has been an authorized Practitioner Trainer with the AAMET since 2005. www.theEFTHealingCentre.com

 Sex in the Matrix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

What are your feelings about hiding the salami, churning the butter, diving for pearls, getting your oil changed, doing the horizontal hula, parking the Plymouth in the love garage, putting the bee in the hive, putting the candle in the pumpkin, rolling in the hay, visiting the Netherlands, windsurfing on Mt. Baldy, or taking "old one-eye" to the optometrist? Yes, sex can be fun(ny)! The humor you find inherent in it (or not) is likely to reflect what pictures you hold in the Matrix regarding your own sexual history. I know I was uncomfortable with some of those euphemisms... Join me as I interview Sex in the Matrix specialist Alina Frank. Please join in chat or live on the phone and ask YOUR questions. 10am PST, 1pm EST

 10 Key Performance Concepts for Mental Mastery Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

  In this Breakthrough Sports Performance episode, your EFT tapping host, Stacey Vornbrock will continue her discussion with visionary peak performance coach, Tim Kremer from Spirit of Golf.    Tim has identified 10 Key Performance Concepts for mental and emotional mastery, and in this second interview, we'll have an in-depth discussion of concepts 6-10. You will learn how to access peak performance through the power of your mind.   Tim is the president and founder of Spirit of Golf, a program utilizing and pioneering mind/body and psychological techniques, which help both athletes and non-athletes, learn to achieve greater success and joy in both golf and life.     We'll also talk about Tim's CD, "Practice" which helps golfers access the mind-states of focus, commitment, acceptance, and letting go.    Stacey Vornbrock, M.S., Sports Performance Pioneer, works with professional and amateur athletes and has developed 9 Breakthrough Sports Performance Manuals for athletes and 4 ebooks for non-athletes. To schedule private performance sessions with Stacey, contact her at stacey@breakthroughperformance.net or call her at 480-945-9750.

 What's in a Name? A Lot! Find Out & Succeed! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Turns out there's a LOT in our names, and ways to easily learn who you're dealing with, and how you'll succeed together with less struggle, mystery and wasted energy.   Sharón Lynn Wyeth's discovery, detailed in the book, Know the Name, Know the Person, is a watershed moment in inter-personal relationship building.  Whether you're interested for your customer, client, mate, your child (or even your child's teacher!), this TapFest show will aid you and amaze you. I've even asked Sharón to spend extra time revealing how to use this for children, where rapport building is crucial. As citizens of the world, especially energy workers that seek to connect and empower one another, having this vital, revealing information about one another is key to rapid connection and collaboration.  This is perfect for every practitioner! You'll hear more about Sharón's fascinating book, and even how to pre-order her new one for Fall, Know The Name, Know the Spirit.  She makes things easy and interesting, too.  NEW!  I'm inviting the person who writes in with the best question to present it LIVE to Sharón, on the show! I'll select this person from the ones who write in BEFORE the show, to Jondi@TapFest.com TapFest host Jondi Whitis is a NYC-based Trainer and Practitioner, offering meridian energy tapping excelllence and mastery through her workshops, training classes and private sessions.  Contact: Jondi@eft4Results.com

 Tap into what you want - If I can do it anyone can! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

Join host, Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master, as she lays the foundation for her new EFT Radio series; "Get What You Want- Leveraging the Law of Attraction". Lindsay's trajectory of growing up in poverty and adversity, to living the life of her dreams, puts her in a unique position to teach abundance factors. In this program you'll hear Lindsay's amazing story about how she learned about the "magic" of the Law of Attraction when she was only 6 years old. More importantly, as this series unfolds you'll learn how to experience the power and thrill of knowing you ca live your life by design. Listen in on this first show for a sampling of what's to come.


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