What Do I Do When My Pain Just Does Not Go Away?

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Summary: Does this sound familiar? You have done your inner child work, but the old habits still remain? No matter how diligent you are with your follow-up, you keep sliding back into that one, old behavior? You have invested thousands of dollars into techniques and procedures that took you to the next step, but didn't’ complete the process? Your authentic self is struggling to emerge, but it keeps getting high-jacked by the subconscious patterns dedicated to keep you safe? You have moments of success, but you can’t sustain them? You have glimpses of magnificence that do not endure?   Leading inner child expert, Cathryn Taylor, began responding to questions such as these over two decades ago with the publication of her bestselling Inner Child Workbook.  Over the course of her career she has discovered if your pain does not go away there is still a purpose to it. In this week’s show Cathryn will not only share with you the five questions you need to ask to determine what that higher purpose is, but will also demonstrate simple tapping sequences that empower you to identify, respond and resolve that purpose so your authentic self can emerge and you can successfully live your life beyond fear.  www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com