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 New Treatments For Addictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Do you struggle with addictions? Can your addictions be cured? Has the 12-step model failed for you? In our last show, we talked about using EFT for food addictions. The truth is - if you are fighting with 1 addiction, you are probably struggling with other addictions too. Join me and my guest, addictions specialist Bill Woods, to discuss new treatments for addictions, and how EFT and coaching can be used to augment addictions treatment. Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC, is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques to help people lose weight without dieting. She is the author of 4 books on Emotional Freedom Techniques, the EFT Tips newsletter, the Binge Eating Teleseminar and the EFT Weight Loss CD. (http://www.EFTTips.com) Contact Dr. Solomon For A Private Consultation.  

 Radiant and Powerful - Sex & Intimacy for the Seasoned Woman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

Many of us have learned to be motivated by fear rather than by pleasure.  We’ve learned to make our decisions based on avoiding judgment rather than on what inspires passion. Tune in to learn how to stay true to your authentic Self, increase your sense of vibrancy and radically enhance your ability to be a radiant, awake and powerful woman- no matter what. During this call, Annabel and Francesca Shrady will discuss why the authentic expression of sexuality is so important for conscious women and how it is a pathway to Embodied Transformation. Experiencing your own sexuality will deepen your relationship with your body, and also bring more vitality to every aspect of your life. About Francesca: Francesca Shrady is a licensed psychotherapist and a sex and intimacy mentor/ coach.  She is also a certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. Her passion is guiding conscious women to negotiate the maze of guilt, shame and confusion around sexuality and intimacy and create passion, pleasure and joy. She lights up when she helps women experience that at the very heart of sexuality lies a profound affirmation of life. Learn more about Francesca at www.francescashrady.com. Annabel Fisher used EFT to go from being exhausted, in pain, and wheelchair-bound with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), to being vibrant, pain-free, and healthy enough to travel and motor bike regularly with her husband. She has used her EFT and NLP training to help hundreds of people struggling with chronic illnesses to go from managing their symptoms, to enjoying life, to living at their fullest potential. To schedule a private session with Annabel, contact her at annabel@theefthealingcentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 Raising Children That Can Change the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Who doesn't want to empower children to be their best? To help them learn how to become all they can be?  To have confidence that they can change the world? TappingStar welcomes Mary Ayers, therapist and results coach, who's taught thousands of parents how to raise kids to be Thinkers & Doers.  And along the way, she even teaches you how to have fun doing it! Over the last two decades Mary has brought her experience as a therapist and ground-breaking coaching tools from being an Anthony Robbins' Results Coach to hundreds of parents,leading them to the winning mental mindsets of success.  You may have heard her speak on the new UnStoppable You In Business Intensive or seen her books and programs.  Here is your chance to hear her live, and call in with questions.  Starting tonight, we can have more fun and success raising children who can change the world. TappingStar host Jondi Whitis welcomes your calls and comments.  She's an EFT Trainer & Practitioner in NYC, and can be reached for sesisons, groups or trainings here: Jondi@TappingStar.com

 The Bliss Experiment! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Bliss!  What is it and why do we want but often fail to attain it? According to my guest, Sean Meshorer, author of The Bliss Experiment: 28 Days to Personal Transformation:  "We have a higher standard of living and more ways to instantaneously fulfill every desire than ever before. So why are we unhappy? Because happiness isn’t what we really want. Happiness alone is fleeting and not deeply transformative. Bliss is complete and constant, a spiritual state where happiness, profound meaning, and enduring truth converge. It makes people more successful, better able to see and seize opportunities, and build or improve relationships." Join Cathryn and Sean to hear all about this amazing experiment which was based on a successful seminar taught by Sean, is backed by over 300 scientific studies, and consists of exercises that have worked, time and again, for people from all walks of life. Then stay tuned for a 15-minute EFT protocol that will help you get ready to take the 28 journey of your life!  To get more direct information about Sean and his program please visit his web site at http://www.theblissexperiment.com/ To contact Cathryn for an Inner Child/EFT Session please call her directly at 612.710.7720.  For more information on Cathryn's prgrams and her approach please visist her web site at www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com 

 Childbirth with Grace: Using EFT for Pregnancy & Childbirth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Pregnancy: It’s wonderful, it’s magical, it’s a uniquely female experience. It’s also a stunningly emotional experience, and not just because of the hormonal spikes. Ask anyone with children and they will tell you how it changed their life. Much of the emotional preparation involves preparing yourself, your environment and the people around you. This is where clearing negative emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, shame or embarrassment could be your first priority. By preparing your inner thoughts first, you are better able to transform your environment and guide the people around you how best to support you. Join Annabel Fisher as she interviews Certified Nurse Midwife, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Ilia Blandina. They’ll be discussing how traumas at an early age form the basis of our core beliefs about the world, and how these can affect the outcome of your birth experience. Ilia will be sharing her experiences as an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner in this specialized area. Ilia Blandina is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. Her vision is to help individuals and couples to grow and heal their relationships. She helps women and couples prepare for childbirth by shedding fear and anxiety regarding pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Ilia has been a Registered Nurse (RN) since 1985 and a Certified Nurse Midwife, Advanced RN Practitioner since 1994. She has been married for over 30 years and if not for EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, she believes that would not be true. You can find the story of her personal journey at www.AwakenYourLifePower.com. To schedule a private session with Annabel, contact her at annabel@theefthealingcentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 Understanding Your Soul with Jennifer Urezzio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

How can you utilize your Soul and the Divine to move through your life with more ease and grace? Indeed, understanding your soul can help you to create a sustainable life and business, according to master intuitive, Jennifer Urezzio. Join your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, as she welcomes Jennifer  to Million Dollar Mindset Tapping. Jennifer’s new paradigm of divine guidance, Know Soul’s Language, teaches you how to access your own intuitive guidance to positively transform and expand every aspect of your life.  Jennifer is with us today to explore the language types and the resistance that may surface when one is introduced to their Soul’s language. Join us as we learn more about Know Soul’s Language and how the Emotional Freedom Techniques can help with resistance around this expansion. Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive, author, teacher and speaker. She founded her own business, Blooming Grove, Know Soul’s Language’s parent company, in 2004 in response to her intuitive senses and ability to help others feel better about themselves both holistically and naturally, working closely with them to generate a feeling of strength and well-being. Please download your free EFT tapping chart so you can join us as we tap during the show. 

 End Self-Sabotage! Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind is the new book by , psychologist and author, Dr. Henry Grayson. He's the founder and director of the Institute for Spirituality, Science and Psychotherapy, as well as the co-chairman of Stand Up For Your Troops Foundation. Dr. Grayson's spent years studying traditional, western views on health and well-being alongside a sustained investigation of the the biological, neuro, social and immunological fields. Cojoining years of experience with these studies, Dr. Grayson offers a new paradigm of health and vitality using these cutting-edge lenses.   Experienced therapist and author of several books, including Mindful Loving, Dr. Grayson takes us into the core of sabotage, and shows us how we may use this body knowledge to end the sabotage of trauma, guilt, pain and memory, for a restored life of vibrant health and wellness. Self-sabotage affects us all, it's just a matter of degree. Wouldn't you like to find out how to end the cycle? Join host Jondi Whitis each month for the finest in energy practitioners, authors and innovators, here on TapFest, on EFT Radio Online.  An EFT Trainer and Practitioner in NYC, she welcomes your comments, speaking engagements and private sessions. Jondi@tapfest.com

 EFT For Food Addiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Do certain foods call your name? Do you feel "addicted" or obsessed with food? Do you prefer to eat alone, so others don't see what you eat? Are you preoccupied with thoughts of food? Do you plan your day around food? These are all symptoms of food addiction. In this show, find out how addictions work and how EFT energy work can help you to interrupt the vicious cycle. Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC, is a Psychologist, Master Certified Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. She is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for weight loss. She is the author of How To Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight With EFT, the EFT Tips newsletter, the and the EFT Weight Loss CD

 Own Your Brilliance - Breaking free of the Imposter Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:00

 http://www.eftradioonline.com   EFT Radio Online

 Native Medicine and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Would it surprise you to hear that there are similarities between EFT and native medicine? Join Annabel Fisher as she speaks with Brenda Holder about Native Medicine and how it relates to EFT. Native Medicine uses energy in many healing ceremonies, including actually using the earth to move stuck energy and emotions. Brenda will also share how EFT fits into her other business: guiding clients on a hiking, snow shoeing or cave trip, and survival programs (in which Brenda goes into the psychology of a survival situation and fight, flight or freeze). About Brenda:  Brenda Holder is a Métis (mixed Native blood) Healer and Hiking Guide from Canmore, Alberta.  As a Native person, Brenda grew up with plant medicine and native healings, and EFT was a natural fit for her with the teachings from her Grandmother and Mother. As a plant person and gifted native healer, Brenda instantly understood the similarities in the energetics between EFT and Native Medicine . Tapping has become a mainstay of Brenda’s healing modality, as well as for her work in the outdoors! You can learn more about Brenda at http://www.nativemedicine.ca and http://www.mahikan.ca Annabel Fisher used EFT to go from being exhausted, in pain, and wheelchair-bound with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), to being vibrant, pain-free, and healthy enough to travel and motor bike regularly with her husband. She has used her EFT and NLP training to help hundreds of people struggling with chronic illnesses. To schedule a private session with Annabel, contact her at annabel@theefthealingcentre.com or call 1-888-206-8426.

 Metaphors for Healing: Getting UnStuck with Rue Hass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:00

Tired of being a good person, good n stuck? Ever felt 'tied down' or 'stuck in quicksand' or 'on thin ice'?  Metaphors contain insightful information for healing.  Metaphor is the way the subconscious serves up answers to un-stick the stickiest stuff.  Rue Hass has a new program of techniques called Bright Spirit/Bloacked Path, and in it she happily cultivates this spirit that leads us out from our stuck-ness.  This spirit is not from on high, but in us, our very own wisdom. But how to access that? Join us for another great evening of learning with Rue Hass. Your host, Jondi Whitis, is a founder of TapFest, and happy to have your comments.  Jondi@Tapfest.com  She is a practicing EFT trainer in NYC, specializing in integrating EFT into your life for wellbeing, health and happiness.

 Change Your Money Story Now! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Isn't it time that you burst through your money blocks so that you can create the life and business of your dreams? Everyone has a money story. The question is, “how healthy is it?” and “are you allowing money to have the power to stand between you and your dreams?”   Having conducted over 20,000 soul purpose sessions over the years, North America's Soul Purpose Expert and best-selling author, Jennifer Longmore, has seen a consistent pattern that holds people back from their dreams – their money beliefs!   Join your host, EFT expert and business coach, Marla Tabaka as she speaks with Jennifer Longmore about how you can tap into the divine truth of what’s really holding you back to see instant shifts in your money story.   You will learn    - The 5 main reasons your money story may be holding you back   - The 4 main root causes of your unhealthy money story and how to clear them in the Akashic records and with EFT   - And, three quick and easy ways that you can begin shifting your money story right away    Jennifer Longmore is the internationally acclaimed host of "Soul Purpose Central," bestselling author, and  founder of the Soul Journeys School for Akashic Studies.To learn more about Jennifer, visit www.souljourneys.ca.

 Stuck to UnStuck: The Power of Metaphor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:00

Tired of being a good person, stuck in old ways of being? Ever felt like you were 'tied down' or 'stuck in quicksand' or 'skating on thin ice'?  Metaphor contains healing, insightful information.  When we're stuck, we need to know there are actions we can take from the information our body and intuitive selves happily provide.  Our subconcious readily serves up metaphor to help us attune to the issues at hand. And Rue Hass has developed just the thing for uncovering the power of metaphor:  It's called Bright Spirit/Blocked Path, and she happily teaches us to cultivate this 'spirit' that leads us out from our desert, our black hole, our stuck-ness, back to our authentic self.  And this is no spirit from "on high", it's deep within us, our very own guide and wisdom. Join Rue and host Jondi Whitis for a loving learning experience, where EFT and NLP techniques are creatively weilded in a partnership, to effectively change the structure and nature of our problem into effortless flow and deep resourcefulness. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about this powerful combination from Rue Hass.  Join us for Bright Spirit, May 17th.  And bring your "stuck" with you! ***** Host Jondi Whitis is an EFT Trainer & Practitioner in NYC. She believes that the power of tapping can be enlisted for every problem or dilemma, using EFT as a foundation for her creative, compassionate and intutitve style of working. An artist at heart, she frequently uses PTT, Picture Tapping Technique in addition to robust EFT.  Jondi welcomes speaking engagements, group work and private sessions, in person and on SKYPE.  Contact her now: jondi@eft4Results.com

 Using Astrology to Tap from Addictions to Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

When our fears, anxieties and unfinished issues from childhood are not resolved they are often acted out through our addictive and compulsive behaviors. One of the most powerful aspects of Interactive Tapping is that it offers a viable method for neutralizing these vulnerabilities and is an effective way to reinforce our strengths. Astrology can add an even more dynamic perspective to this mix.  Join me for this insightful and inspirational conversation with my friend and colleague, DK Brainard, as we demonstrate the dynamic promise of weaving together the modalities of inner child work, Interactive Tapping meditation and astrology.   This weave creates results.  Tune in to find out how!  DK Brainard, M.A..C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer,and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their healing path. www.wordsforthepeople.com  To schedule an Interactive Tapping consult with Cathryn call her at 612.710.7720. 

 Do You Have What It Takes To Be an Entrepreneur? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Entrepreneurs are inherently creative, smart and driven human beings with a determined spirit and a love of freedom. No doubt, you must have many unique qualities to succeed in business and many people simply don’t have what it takes.    But what if you do have what it takes and you never give yourself the opportunity to bring your entrepreneurial spirit to the world because you live in doubt and fear? Do you stifle that spirit because you believe you’re not smart enough, creative enough or that you don’t have anything “special” to offer?   In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping EFT expert, Marla Tabaka invites you to call & tap on thebeliefs like, “I can’t” and transform them to “I AM”. Become the business owner that you were meant to be!   Dial into the show - 347-215-6833   Questions? Email Marla at Marla@QuickTaps.com   Marla is an EFT expert  who has helped people around the world grow their businesses & discover the life of their dreams. If you would like to know more about working with Marla contact her at Marla@QuickTaps.com.    Try QuickTaps! Using these customizable recordings is like having an EFT expert at your beckon call at all times!


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