Metaphors for Healing: Getting UnStuck with Rue Hass

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Summary: Tired of being a good person, good n stuck? Ever felt 'tied down' or 'stuck in quicksand' or 'on thin ice'?  Metaphors contain insightful information for healing.  Metaphor is the way the subconscious serves up answers to un-stick the stickiest stuff.  Rue Hass has a new program of techniques called Bright Spirit/Bloacked Path, and in it she happily cultivates this spirit that leads us out from our stuck-ness.  This spirit is not from on high, but in us, our very own wisdom. But how to access that? Join us for another great evening of learning with Rue Hass. Your host, Jondi Whitis, is a founder of TapFest, and happy to have your comments.  She is a practicing EFT trainer in NYC, specializing in integrating EFT into your life for wellbeing, health and happiness.