Using Astrology to Tap from Addictions to Success

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Summary: When our fears, anxieties and unfinished issues from childhood are not resolved they are often acted out through our addictive and compulsive behaviors. One of the most powerful aspects of Interactive Tapping is that it offers a viable method for neutralizing these vulnerabilities and is an effective way to reinforce our strengths. Astrology can add an even more dynamic perspective to this mix.  Join me for this insightful and inspirational conversation with my friend and colleague, DK Brainard, as we demonstrate the dynamic promise of weaving together the modalities of inner child work, Interactive Tapping meditation and astrology.   This weave creates results.  Tune in to find out how!  DK Brainard, M.A..C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer,and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their healing path.  To schedule an Interactive Tapping consult with Cathryn call her at 612.710.7720.