End Self-Sabotage! Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind

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Summary: Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind is the new book by , psychologist and author, Dr. Henry Grayson. He's the founder and director of the Institute for Spirituality, Science and Psychotherapy, as well as the co-chairman of Stand Up For Your Troops Foundation. Dr. Grayson's spent years studying traditional, western views on health and well-being alongside a sustained investigation of the the biological, neuro, social and immunological fields. Cojoining years of experience with these studies, Dr. Grayson offers a new paradigm of health and vitality using these cutting-edge lenses.   Experienced therapist and author of several books, including Mindful Loving, Dr. Grayson takes us into the core of sabotage, and shows us how we may use this body knowledge to end the sabotage of trauma, guilt, pain and memory, for a restored life of vibrant health and wellness. Self-sabotage affects us all, it's just a matter of degree. Wouldn't you like to find out how to end the cycle? Join host Jondi Whitis each month for the finest in energy practitioners, authors and innovators, here on TapFest, on EFT Radio Online.  An EFT Trainer and Practitioner in NYC, she welcomes your comments, speaking engagements and private sessions. Jondi@tapfest.com