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 Love Doesn't Always Feel Good and Why Its OK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

Love can get twisted and distorted sometimes. And, that forever love feeling you once had can lose its sparkle. Can Love damaged be repaired? Tonight we'll take a shot at regaining that feel good love feeling on all levels. Lillian is both an EFT and Qigong Practitioner working with individuals wishing re-unite with their genuine self. Visit The Genuine Life.com or contact Lillian with lillian@thegenuinelife.com

 Liberate Your Heart with the Feast of Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Jondi Whitis, host of TapFest radio, talks about her favorite workshop, The Feast of Forgiveness, and specifically about why Forgiveness is so mis-understood. Jondi talks in detail about her hands-on workshops to liberate your heart and your life, by reminding you how to release that which no longer serves you.  It's an inside job!!  FInd out how that works, and the answer to the question... Why is it so hard to Forgive? Are some things Unforgiveable?  What would happen to us if we did? Will the other person 'get away with it'? Bundle up those hurts, slights, troubling memories and wounds, as we spend some time with the Feast of Forgiveness.  If you weren't able to make the last workshop, this will give you a taste of what's in store for you when you come to one later in the year.  All it takes is the desire to want better - and you DO want better, don't you?  We'll see you this week, on EFTradioOnline, Feb. 9, 8pm EST..   Happiness is your birthright - come, and live the life you were born to live. A feast for the heart and the soul awaits. Sign up for her newsletter on her website, EFT4Results.com or email her at Jondi@eft4results.com so you don't miss her upcoming workshops. Your host tonight is Lillian Fimbres from The Genuine Life.com and her radio show TapScoop; right here on EFT Radio Onine interviewing fellow TapFest co-founder Jondi Whitis.

 EFT For Diabetes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:00

Are you struggling with Diabetes? My research and work with diabetic clients shows promising results using EFT.  My clients have: less medication lower blood sugar levels & better control less neuropathy and pain weight loss So if you are struggling with Diabetes, or pre-diabetic and  you want to avoid the serious long-term complications, then you owe it to yourself to use all of the tools available to you. Dr. Carol Solomon is the author of "How To Stop Food Cravings and Lose Weight With EFT," the EFT Tips newsletter, and the EFT Weight Loss CD. To schedule a private session, Contact Dr. Solomon, visit her website EFTTips.com, or call (847) 680-0272.

 Gregg Braden and Cathryn Taylor talk about Deep Truths! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

My theme for this month is the heart of inner child work and no one has inspired me more to live in a heart-centered way than Gregg Braden. Today, Gregg joins me to speak about his latest work called, Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate which was released late 2011. "New discoveries regarding our origin, our past, and the most deeply held ideas about our existence give us reasons to rethink the traditional beliefs that define our world and our lives-beliefs that stem from the false assumptions of an incomplete and outdated science. When we do, the solutions to life's challenges become obvious, and the choices become clear.  Tune in and hear how you can personally make a difference! And mark your calendars for my next broadcast scheduled for Feb. 22 to see how Interactive Tapping™ can neutralize reactions to these false assumptions and how heart-centered, meditative tapping techniques can be used to bring your heart and brain into the coherence that enables you to attain and sustain heart-centered living. To further explore the work of Gregg Braden please visit his official website at www.greggbraden.com/ Want to experience how EFT combined with the science of compassion can empower you to move beyond your own false assumptions and blocks! Get a Free Copy of my E Book, entitled, Beyond Compassion (dedicated to Gregg Braden) today! Simply go to my website www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com and sign up for the eblasts! Your pdf file will be sent to you immediately upon confirmation! Beyond Compassion shares the heart-felt story of how EFT and Gregg's work empowered me to push beyond my own false assumptions and deal with my mother's end-of-life journey.

 I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Join Annabel Fisher on Tap Into Your Healthy Self as she interviews relationship expert, Alina Frank. I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change: That’s not only the name of a longstanding off-Broadway show but it’s also how many people view romantic relationships. Once the honeymoon stage is over (most experts agree that this happens sometime between 6 months and 2 years into a relationship) it might feel like the boxing gloves go on! Your mate has the potential to become your greatest spiritual teacher or your worst enemy. By addressing the underlying myths, programming and beliefs regarding your romantic partnering with EFT you can step into the relationship you really want to have. Alina Frank, EFT relationship expert, shares the insights and wisdom she has gained after years of her own relationship challenges and assisting students in programs such as Learn to Find Love.com. Alina and her husband Craig Weiner, D.C. lead relationship and EFT workshops. Alina can be listened to weekly on WBLQ in NY on her show Tapping Into Health, Wealth, and Freedom. For more information visit www.tapyourpower.net Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 Easy Qigong - What If You Had Source Available To You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

Qigong's basic premise for health is simple; invite Source energy in; using breath, movement, and intention and you will replenish your body's own life force. Tonight we'll do just that; I'll teach you some simple movement meditations, so, you'll gain a greater connection to Source.  And, a greater connection to Source means you'll have available all the Qi at your disposal. If you had all the energy from Source available; what would you do?  What would you accomplish?  What would you have? Love? Health? Riches? Would life be easy? Freedom from problems? Would you never want? Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong Practitioner.  Her website is The Genuine Life.com and can be contacted for private session with lillian@thegenuinelife.com.

 Attracting Wealth in Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Entrepreneurs are notorius for their fear of success, as well as fear of failure. But it takes a lot courage to run your own business and it's only natural to encounter fear as you take on the daily challenges.  Today, life and business coach Marla Tabaka, invites transformation expert and founder of The Chaney Institute of Human Potential, Chaney Weiner to give us some insights on how our emotions can block wealth and success. The Emotional Freedom Techniques are an amazing solution! You will see for yourself as we will tap on these limiting beliefs so that you and your business can thrive! What challenges do you encounter in your business and how do you manage them? Does fear get in the way? If so, join the ranks of millions! This is the perfect show for you!  Callers are welcome!

 Manifest the Now by Blending EFT with Qigong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Blending EFT and Qigong to manifest the present moment so all things are possible is the way to happiness. Qigong is about living and accepting the moment and EFT is about clearing the past through acceptance to make that moment more abundant. Blending EFT with Qigong accomplishes two major things; your energetic pathways open up to the wondrous now, and being in the now allows you to clear your issues even faster with longer lasting results. As you listen to tonight’s program think of a particular issue that you would like to clear.  Write it down, give it an intensity number from 0 to 10.  Put what you've written somewhere safe where you can refer to it later. Got questions about tonight's show or would like to volunteer call in if you'e like.  I'd love hearing from you. Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong Practitioner residing in the New York metro area. Visit my website, The Genuine Life.com where I have videos that show you how to explore your own energy system. Sign up for my newsletter and get those videos directly sent to your inbox. The best way to contact me is lillian@thegenuinelife.com or by following me on Facebook Best Qi Regards Lillian

 Talking With Kids About Their Emotions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Gene Monterastelli returns to TappingStar with his signature, energetic, heart-centered style.  Join our conversation ...talking to kids about their emotions.   If you've ever wondered how to start this conversation, or wanted to do a better job of it, you're in the right place. I've asked Gene to bring us terrific strategies, ideas and useful vocabulary that can make all the difference. Gene's travels and work with kids have taken him around the country and the globe numerous times.  Each time he visits, he brings us new perspectives, experiences, insights and encouragement.   He loves working with kids, respects them, learns a lot, and finds them endlessly entertaining.  (That's what makes him such a great teacher and resource!)    Join us for lively, informative, and useful new ways to start or improve your conversations with kids about emotion. Encourage a child to navigate the world of emotions, and just watch how they expand, grow confidence, and heal!  Got a gnarly question on this? You can call in to the show with your questions and comments, or send them in advance via our TappingStar FaceBook fan page.   Gene Monterastelli is the editor of TappingQandA.com, a resource-rich website for energy and meridian tapping excellence.   This TappingStar episode is brought to you by Jondi Whitis, an EFT trainer and practitioner in the NYC area who also works with public school kids in art & literacy.  If you enjoyed this show, why not book a session or group now, and start your 2012 childrens' work off on the right foot!  Schools welcome, too!   jondi@TappingStar.com Check out our other fine TappingStar episodes right here, on EFT Radio Online.com and TappingStar.com  (And pass them on to a friend!)

 EFT Weight Loss - What's Your Biggest Challenge? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

Most people get stuck in some type of limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are a subtle form of self sabotage ... an objection to healing. They prevent you from healing and changing now. The more we hold these beliefs, the more we stay stuck. And yes, there are advantages to staying stuck! We get to stay in our comfort zones, and don't have to take any action to move out of them. But if you would prefer to change this pattern, you may want to attend this event. Thursday, January 26th at 12 noon ET The call-in number is (347) 215-6833 Press 1 on your phone to ask a question. Join me in today's show as we tap directly to reduce your biggest challenge and limiting beliefs. More Resources: Free EFT Weight Loss tips EFT Weight Loss Book EFT Weight Loss CD Dr. Solomon specializes in using Emotional Freedom Techniques to help people: Lose weight Stop binge eating Reduce the intensity of emotions, anxiety and stress that lead to the urge to eat. Author of: 4 books on Emotional Freedom Techniques the EFT Tips newsletter the Binge Eating Teleseminar the EFT Weight Loss CD. Learn more: Stop Stress Eating EFT Weight Loss Tips She enjoys a thriving coaching practice and is passionate about helping others succeed. To schedule a private session, Contact Dr. Solomon

 Manage Sabotage and Soothe Shame with Interactive Tapping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

How are your New Year's resolutions going? Do you have a part of you who is sabotaging your every move with shame, fear, rebellion or disdain? Don't be alarmed.  It is just that younger, more vuneralbe part of you who is scared.  He or she has been moved out of its comfort zone with your goal and is seeking a way to remain safe. In today's show witness Cathryn's signature method of healing called Interactive Tapping as she helps Melanie address her shame and create a new pathway for success. Tune in and learn more about Cathryn's 7-Layer Healing Process that supports you in developing a relationship with this part of you so you can respond instead of collapse - succeed instead of fail. To get more information about Cathryn's unique model of tapping which combines her expertise on the inner child with the tapping techniques of  EFT visit her website at www.EFTForYourInnerchild.com Check out her 30-day, 40-day and 90-day programs - also accessible through the internet - each program empowers you to build that relationship with your wounded ones so you can attract all you deserve. Or call 612.710.7720.

 EFT pour les Enfants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

Peur, colère, jalousie, injustice, incompréhension... Etre un enfant n'est pas toujours facile !   Heureusement, l'EFT peut apporter l'harmonie à partir du plus jeune âge ! Notre invitée cette semaine, Françoise Vaché, nous présente quelques différentes façons d'approcher les enfants avec cet outil, que ce soit les nôtres ou ceux que nous rencontrons dans notre pratique professionnelle d'EFT.   Une façon pour présenter l'EFT aux enfants est de demander l'aide d'un nounours pas comme les autres: Tappy Bear! Françoise nous explique comment utiliser Tappy pour établir le contact avec l'enfant et aussi le rendre autonome - et ça marche tout aussi bien avec les adultes, d'ailleurs...   Ecoutez-nous dimanche soir à 21h en appelant au 001 347 215 68 33 (attention, numéro fixe, non surtaxé, mais aux Etats-Unis...) ou bien sur cette page   Comment participer   Le site de Françoise Vaché, praticienne EFT à Nantes (France)

 Your EFT Tapping Can Be Transformational Using Qigong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Qigong is the practice of moving and cultivating your own energy using breath, gentle movements, and intention for maintaining health, elevating your connection to spirit, and reconnecting to Source energy. Part two of a series of TapScoop shows dedicated to the practice of Qigong to help you increase the flow of energy available from Source.   I'm here to make something as powerful as the practice of Qigong simple to understand and available for everyone.   Tonight, I’ll guide you through what is called, “Self-applied massage”.  These series of techniques and movements are excellent for opening your meridians, stimulating and activating your body’s own healing abilities by becoming more receptive to what Source energy freely gives to you.   I’ll also teach you how to stir your own Qi; your own elixir, and how and where to store it in your body.   Learn why simple Qigong techniques like the ones I’ll be teaching and guided Qigong meditations can make a tremendous positive difference in your life, your health practices, how you respond to the world, and approach life.   Call in with your questions and comments.  Find me on Facebook and go to my YouTube channel, elilster to see my videos. And don’t forget to go to my website, The Genuine Life.com and sign up for my newsletter to start receiving videos straight to your inbox that will get you started cultivating your own energy.  Contact me at, lillian@thegenuinelife.com Best Qi wishes Lillian Fimbres  

 Council of 13 Grandmothers Celebrates with TapFest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:00

Meet Grandmother Margaret Behan, one of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Join us on our anniversary show as we are graced with the presence of GrandMother Margaret, Cheyenne "Red Spider Woman" from the celebrated International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.  Convened in 2004, the Grandmothers Council created a global alliance to follow a vision for the new millenium.  In doing this, they extend their vision to all of us: that we may all remember, support, enlighten and guide one another towards ancestral paths and the prayer of unity that leads to peace, harmony and healing. Grandmother Margaret will speak to us, offer insights, and prayer to guide us on our mutual mission for the new year 2012:  to bring healing to the people and the planet. TapFest, the Intentional global community, continues its mission to bring you the innovators, authors and movement leaders around the world that support the spread of energy healing to a planet in need. Come celebrate our fourth year as TapFest.  Join forces with the TapFest movement and create healing for your self, the community around us, and in the world at large.   'Like a prayer, walking towards us, we are following the guidance of our hearts and souls.' -  from the original invitation to council, 2003 The CoFounders of TapFest invite you to contribute your events, videos and comments to our entire healing community.  You may also contact any of us at TapFest.com for personal feedback, private sessions or speaking engagements.   Happy Birthday to us all! Jondi@TapFest.com; Lillian@TapFest.com and Sue@TapFest.com

 Radio EFT en Español: La Frase Ideal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

  ¿Cómo construir la Frase Ideal?   En respuesta a los muchos mensajes pidiendo consejo sobre cuál es la mejor frase para tal o cual tema, en este programa, Vera Malbaski y David McKay hablarán sobre cómo construir la Frase de Preparación que mejor refleja el tema presentado. Les darán consejos sobre cómo pueden crear la frase apropiada basada en las respuestas a preguntas que se pueden hacer para obtener la información adecuada.   También haremos ejercicios de tapping para cuando uno se encuentra estancado o abrumado y no sabe por donde empezar, así como una meditación para conectar con nuestra sabiduría interior.    Visita el sitio web de Vera: www.veraeft.com Visita el sitio web de David: www.eftmx.com


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