Easy Qigong - What If You Had Source Available To You?

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Summary: Qigong's basic premise for health is simple; invite Source energy in; using breath, movement, and intention and you will replenish your body's own life force. Tonight we'll do just that; I'll teach you some simple movement meditations, so, you'll gain a greater connection to Source.  And, a greater connection to Source means you'll have available all the Qi at your disposal. If you had all the energy from Source available; what would you do?  What would you accomplish?  What would you have? Love? Health? Riches? Would life be easy? Freedom from problems? Would you never want? Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong Practitioner.  Her website is The Genuine Life.com and can be contacted for private session with lillian@thegenuinelife.com.