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 Veterans, EFT, and the Holistic Qigong Approach to EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

In honor of Veterans Day, I’ll be rebroadcasting my interview with Miguel Vasquez, EFT practitioner and Vietnam Veteran.  Miguel tells his powerful story of recovery from his own PTSD using EFT. If you’re only using EFT to feel better you may not be truly benefiting from your tapping sessions.  In the second half I’m going to let you in on how you can have more effective tapping sessions using Qigong, the ancient Chinese healing art. Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong practitioner blending the two healing modalities for deep emotional cleaning. Visit my website, The Genuine Life.com and sign up for my newsletter, so you can start receiving videos; tips and tools for feeling better using EFT and Qigong. I can be reached - lillian@thegenuinelife.com

 Tapping for Miracles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

  Do you need a miracle? You are praying, and you are asking for help, and being patient...but some things just can't wait. You need a miracle and you need it now!   You've heard it said that when you feel good, you will attract good things into your life. But how do you get to that place of feeling good, especially when you are feeling desperate?   Maybe your problem is actually the Miracle in disguise.   Time to do some EFT tapping to improve your luck. Join Success Coach and EFT Expert Marla Tabaka for some tapping and be uplifted by an attitude of gratitude.    Marla Tabaka is a professional life coach and business life coach specializing in helping women entrepreneurs take their business to the next level. She writes for several popular publications including Inc.

 GEO-Specific EFT & How to Use It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

TapFest welcomes Puja Kanth Alfred, India's certified EFT practitioner, to teach us how to use EFT sensitively in this fractured, fast-paced, multi-cultural world.   Puja has extensive experience with many cultures and is also a trauma expert.  She's written an eBook on her work, called GEO-Specific EFT, which we'll talk about with you.   Listen as Puja thoughtfully leads us to a better understanding of culture and languaging in our own EFT practice...which of course leads to a better understanding of ourselves, too! What are cultural differences that impede their progress? What's the difference between a person's culture and their religion? What if English is a barrier?  How can we build bridges of rapport? Puja Kanth is a Counseling Psychologist, Certified EFT Practitioner and Emotional Trauma Expert. She uses a unique approach called Geo-specific EFT, a cross cultural approach, to work with clients around the globe. You can connect with her online at www.emofreetherapy.com Listen as your TapFest host interviews Puja on this perceptive new model of delivering caring, thoughtful EFT. You can join her as a member of TAPFEST, the global community of conscious energy workers, for free!  SIgn up today and make a new friend across the globe, at  www.Tapfest.com Jondi Whitis, a coFounder of TapFest, hosts this evening's show.  She has a private practice in NYC, NY and welcomes all her listeners for private sessions or happily makes group speaking enegagements.  Contact: jondi@eft4Results.com

 Reaching the Break Point in Relationship and How to EFT it | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Join EFT Relationship husband and wife experts Alina Frank and Craig Weiner as they help you understand their Relationship Nexus Point model, how it was created, and how it can help you get unstuck and either move on or transform your relationship.  To find out more about the Relationship Nexus work please visit http://www.tapyourpower.net/SeattleEFT.html 

 Matrix Birth Reimprinting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

  In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel Fisher will be interviewing the originator of Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Sharon King. Many of us do not realize how important our birth process is to the development of our beliefs and perceptions of the world. With Matrix Birth Reimprinting, you can go back to the womb and reimprint your birth experience, which will change your energy levels, mood and well-being in the present. About Sharon: Sharon King has been working in the field of emotional health for 19 years. She has studied with countless leading teachers in the field of emotions, energy and health. She went on to develop the Matrix Birth Reimprinting protocols which became a foundational cornerstone in a self-help technique called Matrix Reimprinting. Sharon's techniques are published in the book Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT.

 Je ne sais pas me vendre! Décuplez votre activité avec l'EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:00

EFT à l'Antenne - Venez tapoter avec Maria Annell, sophrologue et praticienne-formatrice EFT, pour dépasser vos blocages à la vente, découvrir votre vraie valeur et apprendre à parler avec confiance de vos services avec les personnes qui en ont le plus besoin. Participez en direct par téléphone (attention, la station radio est située aux Etats-Unis!) en appelant (001) puis 347 215 68 33 Plus d'informations sur l'EFT, séance virtuelles, articles - inscrivez-vous sur http://www.EFTpourTous.com  

 EFT at the Movies, Why We Like to Get Scared at the Movies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

Why do we like to go to the movies to get scared? It’s TapScoop at the Movies.  That’s right we’re going to talk about that American pastime; going to the movies for a good fright.  And, what better time to talk about what scares us at the movies then the Friday before Halloween. Is there a movie that still frightens you?  And, what’s the connection between what scared you at the movies and your personal life?   Listen to this show with a particular movie in mind that really scared you.  Maybe you’re a big fan of the horror film genre or maybe you can’t stomach horror movies anymore; your tastes have matured.  Fair enough.  But I bet there's one movie that really scared you when you were a kid. Everyone can remember a movie they saw that really left a big frightening impression on them.  For you it could have been a monster movie, a horror flick, a sci-fi, a slasher movie.  Maybe it was a movie about ghosts, monsters, mutant creatures, a thriller/suspense movie, or a movie with masks and chainsaws. In all good fun recall a movie that scared you.  Call in or email me at lillian@thegenuinelife.com with your scary movie moment to go into a cauldron of scary movie moments to tap away and clear. Let’s tap and put our monsters back in their place.  Let’s tap and lessen what scares us.     And don’t forget tonight I’m announcing the Do Something Scary Club.  It’s not what you think, but very appropriate. Lillian Fimbres an EFT and Qigong practitioner blending the two for deep emotional cleaning. Visit her site The Genuine Life.com and sign up for the newsletter.  

 Take Your Power Back with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

  When you are experiencing emotional weakness, for whatever reason, it is easy to give in; to allow the fear, doubt and worry to become the more powerful energy. In truth, we have many sources of stronger, higher energy to draw upon. You can take your power back, rather than give it away to fear and paralyzing thought. In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, will help you to find the courage and strength to tap into your higher power and your right to a happy, healthy and fulfilled life. Whether you have fallen into a weakened state due to temporary circumstances or old belief systems you can Take Your Power Back with Intuition, Guidance and EFT! Call into this show to share your story and to tap on your fears and doubts….

 The Human Hologram and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

  What’s the Human Hologram? Are we living in it? How does it work with EFT?  Dr. Robin Kelly brings us over 30 years experience working with both “western” and “eastern” modalities, combining modern science and ancient wisdom in his latest book,The Human Hologram. In a warm and casual conversational style, learn how our feelings are crucially important to our overall health, understanding of the world and our place within it. Energy Medicine and Psychology’s effectiveness is daily being revealed by modern Bio-physics and Neuroscience.  Author, lecturer and physician, Dr. Robin Kelly brings us an unusually uplifting and informative look at what it is to be living fully consciously, fully human, in the universal hologram.     NEW!: Each month Jondi is offering 1 lucky person a free private session, so sign up for her newsletter now to qualify: Sign Up!

 EFT and Qigong with Yogananda and Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:38:00

  The Pathways Into Self Using EFT, Qigong, Yogananda, and Jesus Tonight we’re going to talk about self-realization, how awareness and self engagement with the Universe is the way to happiness. My guest is Juanita Diaz, Professor of Sociology in Upstate New York, a follower of Paramahansa Yogananda and Jesus. Think of it like tapping with the gifts of Yogananda and Jesus. We’ll also do some tapping to get to the bottom of a pesky abscess. At the top of the show I’ve got some easy breathing exercises that can help remove the stagnant energy that might be creating blockages and congestion in your lungs. Stay tuned to the end because I’ve got a sweet guided meditation to give you so you’ll be more rested and refreshed for the weekend ahead. Your host, Lillian Fimbres, EFT and Qigong practitioner, has her website, TheGenuineLife.com that you can visit. Sign up for the newsletter and start receiving video tips and tools to begin feeling better.As always, I can be directly reached at lillian@thegenuinelife.com.

 The BeliefCloset Process on Love Tap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Beliefs operate in the background, from the subconscious, and create all of our experiences, good or bad especially when it comes to relationships. They function as a colored lens in front of our eyes, filtering the world, and also like tiny reality-creating machines, drawing experiences to us. You can learn to change your beliefs, and therefore your experience of reality. The BeliefCloset Process is an easy, fun, creative and effective way to change your beliefs at the CORE, below the conscious mind, in the subconscious, where they live. Join Alina on Love Tap as she interviews the BeliefCloset Process creator Lion Goodman. Lion will be working his magic with a volunteer in the second half of the show. To learn more about Lion's work and to receive a free e-book about his process please visit www.TransformYourBeliefs.com For more information about Alina Frank please visit www.tapyourpower.net

 How to Get Unstuck From a Bad Relationship with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

Have you ever felt stuck in a bad relationship? Feeling like this person you are dating, sleeping with, calling your partner isn't who you should spending all this time and energy on? Join host of Love Tap and EFT relationship coach Alina Frank and learn how working on your insecurities and low self-esteem with EFT can be the key to moving on. In the first part of the show Alina interviews Award-winning author & journalist, Ethlie Ann Vare, the author of LOVE ADDICT: Sex, Romance and Other Dangerous Drugs. Fascinating and enlightening conversation about the science behind love addiction.  In the second part of the show Alina does some tapping to clear unhealthy relationship addiction with a tapping volunteer.

 EFT for Night Eating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

  Join Dr. Carol Solomon - EFT for Wight Loss Expert, for this helpful show on compulsive night eating. Join in with the EFT tapping session. Do you struggle with night eating? Do you skip breakfast and consume at least half of your calories after dinner? Do you have to ward off urges to eat after a full dinner? In this interview, you can “listen in” as I team up with Dr. Judy Krings to do a real EFT session for Night Eating. You’ll hear how the core issue emerges naturally when EFT is used as a tool. You’ll also learn: Why the urges to overeat are so strong and hard to manage at night Why you can’t “talk yourself out of it” at night Why logic doesn’t work How to “extinguish” the craving How to decrease the emotional charge and get from craving to “neutral” How childhood experiences influence your behavior today How your subconscious brings up issues you are ready to work on How special foods become associated with emotionally-charged childhood events

 Why Are You Sick? Meta Medicine and EFT with Richard Flook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:00

  TapFest welcomes Richard Flook, author of Why Am I Sick? - What’s Really Wrong and How You Can Solve It Using META-Medicine®. A pioneer of accelerated and advanced learning techniques, he's one of the world's most skilled practitioners of META-Medicine and NLP. Richard felt a deep compulsion to find an answers to why disease strikes people down after his mother died from cancer. Since a chance meeting in 2004 with Johannes Fisslinger, the president of the International META-Medicine® Association, he has studied and later taught this material internationally along with a skilled team of medical doctors and experts. Richard is a respected teacher of practitioners at the deepest levels. Now he brings his expertise to TapFest, where he discusses EFT and META-Medicine, and how excellence with these remarkable techniques transform lives and health. Find new perspectives on both health and disease, and ask your most pressing health questions.

 Fight, Flight or Freeze Response | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel Fisher will be interviewing EFT practitioner Susan Bushell about how to deal effectively with a client's fight, flight or freeze response. Using an arm energy test (also known as Muscle Testing) for Fight, Flight or Freeze, or to test beliefs and feelings right at the body level, provides valuable information about how to proceed when a session has stalled.  Despite its elegant ability to circumvent the conscious mind and clarify an issue quickly, muscle testing is often a misunderstood tool. Learn how to energy test with ease. Free your client from Fight, Flight or Freeze by choosing wording in alignment with the neurology of this amazing survival strategy built into every human being.  By helping them feel safe again in the world you provide your client or tapping buddy with their window of opportunity for clearing those remaining SUDs levels. About Susan: Susan Bushell has been in private practice since 2004, in Guelph, Ontario, practicing Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. As one of only three AAMET trainers in Canada, she offers one-on-one session work, group seminars, teleconferences and AAMET EFT training. Susan uses cutting-edge energetic techniques to help her students and clients release their emotional baggage.  With specialties in anxiety, depression, trauma and abuse she’s passionate about helping people remove the sting in their life.


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