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 Relationships and Money Blocks Removed with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

One this episode of Love Tap host Alina Frank makes the connection between your bottom line and your heart line. Listen and learn how to use EFT effectively to remove all barriers to having the love life and abundance you desire. Live demonstration. To find our more about Alina's EFT workshops, sessions, and programs, please visit www.tapyourpower.net or her online EFT for better sex program  www.path2passion.net where you can receive your first introductory video for free

 Energize Yourself with Effective Boundaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel Fisher will be interviewing EFT practitioner Monica Milas about creating effective personal boundaries.   In the absence of boundaries, you may live according to self-imposed rules and obligations. And, you may engage in an array of energy-draining behaviors such as pleasing/placating, avoiding, blaming, or rationalizing...none of which help you live the life you really want.   Monica will share ways to use EFT to let go of unhelpful rules and behaviors, and introduce clear boundaries for yourself.   Monica Milas is an expert on personal energy management for business and professional women. As an EFT practitioner, she loves helping women lighten up their inner experience so that they can create more energy and feel passionate in their lives.   Learn more about Monica at: http://www.monicamilas.ca/ Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT.

 Healing the Inner Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

When we identify and work with childhood memories and hurts there is a part of us that may feel very vulnerable and insecure. In this episode of Million Dollar Mindset Tapping, your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, will share some of her experiences with individuals who have talked about feeling “empty” or “sad” - even after utilizing the Emotional Freedom Techniques on their painful childhood events. Today Marla will teach you her powerful method of resolving this emptiness and sadness. When traumatic events take place during a young age (usually 4-7), a part of us shuts down – as a sort of protective measure.  That part of our being continues to exist within us and is, in essence, frozen in time. We call that being – the inner child. It’s important to integrate all aspects of ourselves, including this inner child and the adult we are today. This process is a healing journey that can result in an emotional freedom that allows us to move past significant barriers, pain and lack of forgiveness of self and others. Today Marla will guide you through a healing process that embraces the child within and allows for greater healing and joy. Call into the show today to experience a transformation of the child within!

 Removing Blocks to Intimacy with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

In this series of shows Alina Frank host of Love Tap and creator of Path2Passion discusses the role of guilt in the bedroom and how EFT easily removes these blocks.  To find out more about Alina's work please visit www.tapyourpower.net 

 Recovering the Teen That Was So Different | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:00

No matter where you’re at in your own personal growth, whether you’re part of the LGBT community or not, we all can benefit from clearing the negative memories brought on from the teen years so we can recover emotionally, spiritually, and physically as adults. Any person reading this who has ever grown up knowing they were “different” from other people understands what I mean when I say the years spent hiding the true you from friends, classmates, teachers, and family for fear they might reject you for your sexuality spent those years in self-imposed exile; isolated, depressed, unloved, confused, and desperate for things to get better.  Join Lillian Fimbres from TheGenuineLife.com as she teaches you how to recognize the signs if your teen years have been holding you back from living fully and what it means to benefit living free from hidden resentment, bitterness, and anger.   Lillian Fimbres is an EFT and Qigong practitioner with well over 12 years experience in the field of energy healing residing in New York City area combining the two modalities EFT and Qigong for a deeper recovery on a cellular level.  Visit her site, TheGenuineLife.com or contact Lillian  at either lillian@thegenuinelife.com or lillian@tapfest.com Your host is Jondi Whitis is a certified EFT practitioner from EFT4Results.com.  Jondi can be reached at either jondi@tapfest.com or jondi@eft4results.com Follow us on Facebook, EFT Radio, before, during, and after the show with your questions and comments.

 Empowering Kids To Deal With Serious Illness: Deborah Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

TappingStar rides again, this time down in Mexico when we re-visit Deborah Miller, our favorite tapping practitioner in Oaxaca!  We've convinced her to take a break from her hospital work in pediatric oncology where she teaches seriously ill children, families and staff to "tap" into a better healing and treatment experience that will last a lifetime. Deborah combines her medical expertise -- she has a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology and extensive experience -- with her deep knowledge of energy work to create a supportive environment where patients even teach their parents about dealing with illness! Since 2007 she's been volunteering in the children’s cancer care unit, showing children, parents, nurses and staff how to reduce stress, fear, anxiety, pain and improve their mental and emotional health while in the hospital setting. What kind of successes has she had with tapping for illnesses like cancer and leukemia?  And what exactly IS a success, in this setting?  And how do we teach and speak to our kids about this, "the hard stuff"? Deborah has found that tapping with the children creates a profound healing on the children, the parents and the medical staff alike. You can find hosts Jondi Whitis & Sue Tarlton at www.TappingStar.com for private/group sessions or speaking engagements. Write Deborah Miller at www.findthelightwithin.com

 Slow Down Your Tennis Game and Quick Hands, Light Feet! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:00

Does the speed and pace of the game feel too fast for you sometimes? Do you have trouble seeing the ball because it looks so small and fast? Do you find your body tensing and tightening  when you're not in sync with your opponent's pace?   Are your hands slow? Do you miss the ball or get hit with the ball because your hands aren't quick enough? Are you landing on your heels and playing flat-footed or are you light on your feet? Are you staying down or straightening up?   We'll tap to slow down the pace and speed of the game which will help you see the ball clearly, increase focus, and improve your timing with hitting the ball. Then we'll tap to improve hand quickness and become lighter on your feet.   Let tapping be your secret weapon in your tennis game this summer!   Call in with your questions during the show at (347) 215-6833 and press 1 to raise your hand so I know you want to speak with me!   You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at http://ByeByeBlocks.com

 Improving Self Worth with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

What experiences have you that may have diminished your value and self worth? Do you find yourself rejecting compliments, putting the needs of others ahead of your own, or feeling shy about contributing to conversation? Life Coach and EFT expert, Marla Tabaka is going to reveal the patterns that she’s witnessed in clients who don’t believe in their own value – and what it’s cost them! In this Million Dollar Mindset Tapping podcast you will explore your own beliefs about what you have to contribute, why you and your happiness are critical to the Universe, and how to apply the most effective tapping techniques to find the true value and beauty within.

 Removing Blocks to Intimacy with EFT Part One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:00

In this series of shows Love Tap host Alina Frank will discuss how to remove blocks to true and profound intimacy with your partner. Part 1 focuses on the blocks created by holding onto unresolved issues around your significant other.  Alina Frank and her husband Dr. Craig Weiner are the creators of Path 2 Passion To find more about Alina's work with clients and her workshops please visit www.tapyourpower.net 

 MY BODY IS SAYING WHAT!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel will talk to Aileen Nobles about specific illnesses and their correlation to specific emotions. Aileen works with the idea that each organ that becomes weakened and challenged is communicating with us.  Using kinesiology she tests for all the limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious contributing to the particular challenge.  Using Theta brain waves,  and connecting with Creators energy, she works with  EFT to clear the old programs, and then reinstalls programs of love, joy and healing. With these techniques, she has seen so many illnesses disappear or go into remission; pain is cleared almost immediately in most cases. Aileen has cleared herself of glaucoma and cataracts, and major infections.  She is also re-growing cartilage in her hip and knee, and has healed myself of quite a few other challenges.  She would love other people to start believing that our bodies talk to us, and physical ailments are so often a manifestation of an unheard emotional pain: All part of our Soul’s journey into wholeness. About Aileen: Aileen Nobles is an intuitive energy practitioner.   She has been in practice for 35 years helping people turn their lives around to allow them to become happier, healthier, more productive, creative and spiritual. Aileen was one of the pioneers in the area of spiritual self-help. She is the author of "The Power to Change Now" (The Law of Attraction plus EFT) and "Divine Abundance". Aileen had her own radio show for five years, and a cable TV show for twelve years. Aileen has been a featured guest on many television shows including shows on NBC, CBS, and the Learning Channel, and on national radio including NPR.

 Matrix ReImprinting & EFT: Getting to the Root | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Join us on July 10th when we welcome the incredible Karin Davidson to TapFest; she'll  introduce us to advanced techniques for using Matrix ReImprinting with EFT to more effectively get to the root of the issue or symptom. Even if you know about the Matrix techniques, you won't want to miss Karin, the only U.S. certified Matrix ReImprinting trainer,  leading us through advanced Matrix tapping innovations, using ECHOs, and more. Fascinating work to add to your understanding and toolbox- don't miss it! And of course, we'll tap with Karin, a real treat. for anyone, from 'novice tapper' to seasoned professional.   Join TapFest host Jondi Whitis for a rare conversation on an unusual aspect of Matrix ReImprinting you won't find anywhere else. For those of you not already familiar with Karin's work, her comprehensive site, HowToTap.com,  is a wealth of information for everyone.  You won't want to miss this intimate, content-rich conversation with Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, EFT Level 3 Therapist and Matrix ReImprinting trainer, Karin Davidson, here on EFT Radio. You'll even have a chance to get Karin's duo CD set on Basic & Advanced Matrix ReImprinting at a special TapFest discount! TapFest is the global surrogate tapping site, bringing you the best in experts and innovations of EFT and MTT protocols;  join us on TapFest.com, and make the world the kind of place YOU want to live in. Join now:  www.TapFest.com We'll see you on the radio, Sunday, 1pm EST. Bring a friend, make a friend, live, on Tapfest's EFT Radio Online show.

 TapFest: From Alaska To the World, with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:00

TapFest welcomes tribal leader and EFT practitioner David Kanosh to the show on July 8th.  A favorite voice in EFT that carries his excellence with quiet integrity, David's been working, teaching and healing with energy since 1997 in his home state of Alaska. From rural villages to native peoples, all the way to his beloved Marine brothers in arms, David has learned to share his talents with others, wherever he finds them, and from any background.  TapFest  has the pleasure to share his remarkable EFT expertise with you, and will take your questions and comments about any of his work.  Long known for his ability to help Marines with PTSD, he's trained many more to follow in his path and will travels around the country this summer to share the message of hope and healing to the highest echelons of veterans' PTSD and mental health treatment.  We're very lucky to have David on our show, as he reflects his people's heritage of quiet strength and humility, and rarely has given a radio interview about the work he's performing with the state that provides more armed services candidates than any other state in the nation. We invite you to join us for this very special day as we discuss EFT's fantastic legacy and results with an American treasure.  Write in your questions on our FaceBook fan page (Eft Radio), and be sure to tune in for the live show.  

 Tennis Anyone? Improve Your Serve, Return of Serve, and High | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

  An effective tennis serve is critical. Do you struggle with serve consistency, ball toss, arm extension, swing, follow through, and all the complex moves that make up your serve?    Maybe you have a great serve but your return of serve is a challenge. Do you step into your return of serve? Do you have pace and control on your returns? Are you afraid to attack your opponents serve?   And what about those high forehand volleys! Are you treating those balls like they're an overhead ball? Is it safer and easier to treat these balls as an overhead shot? Is it too much work to use a high forehand volley?   Let's release these challenges and many more through tapping on your serve, return of serve, and high forehand volleys. Tapping will speak directly to your body and allow your mind to relax while letting your body play with freedom.    Let tapping be your secret weapon in your tennis game this summer!   Call in with your questions during the show at (347) 215-6833 and press 1 to raise your hand so I know you want to speak with me!   You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at ByeByeBlocks.com

 Targeting Fatigue with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Fatigue is a mysterious thing. It can set in suddenly; come on gradually; leave after a short nap; hold on for years….. In this Million Dollar Mindset Tapping broadcast your host, EFT Expert Marla Tabaka, invites you to send tapping love to your adrenals and the rest of your endocrine system for all it does to offset your fatigue. We will tap on allowing our bodies to release the toxins, fears and other emotional burdens that contribute to things like chronic fatigue syndrome. Whether you are simply tired much of the time or you suffer from CFS, this show will teach you how to let go so that your body can heal naturally. Do you suffer from fatigue, adrenal stress or chronic fatigue syndrome? Contact me to be scheduled to tap live on this show. Call in live or join us in our FaceBook Chat.  

 EFT Research Developments with Dawson Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Learn what's happening the EFT world in terms of research studies with Dawson Church, Ph.D. Alina Frank host of Love Tap and EFT Universe Trainer will speak with the director of EFTU about the fascinating work that he and others are doing to make EFT evidence based.    Dawson Church, PhD, founded Soul Medicine Institute to research and teach emerging psychological and medical techniques that can yield fast and radical cures. His book, The Genie in Your Genes, (wwwGenieBestseller.com), pioneers the field of Epigenetics, explaining the remarkable self-healing mechanisms now emerging from this science. He has authored several scientific studies of Energy Psychology, and through EFT Power Training (www.EFTPowerTraining.com), teaches groups how to apply these breakthroughs to health and athletic performance.   To learn more about Alina Frank's work and workshops please visit www.tapyourpower.net 


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