Targeting Fatigue with EFT

. show

Summary: Fatigue is a mysterious thing. It can set in suddenly; come on gradually; leave after a short nap; hold on for years….. In this Million Dollar Mindset Tapping broadcast your host, EFT Expert Marla Tabaka, invites you to send tapping love to your adrenals and the rest of your endocrine system for all it does to offset your fatigue. We will tap on allowing our bodies to release the toxins, fears and other emotional burdens that contribute to things like chronic fatigue syndrome. Whether you are simply tired much of the time or you suffer from CFS, this show will teach you how to let go so that your body can heal naturally. Do you suffer from fatigue, adrenal stress or chronic fatigue syndrome? Contact me to be scheduled to tap live on this show. Call in live or join us in our FaceBook Chat.